Forecasters predict temperatures to drop below FREEZING on Sunday

The east coast has shivered through a cold snap but the worst is yet to come as forecasters predict temperatures to drop below freezing on Sunday. 

Sydney-siders suffered chilly 9C temperatures on Saturday, with figures in Bankstown, in the city’s west, dropping to -3C. 

Weather forecasters said Sunday would be more unbearable, with strong winds pairing with below zero-degree temperatures to make the conditions feel frosty.


The rain and wind that’s been battering New South Wales looks set to continue, while Victoria is expected to receive a full month’s worth of rain within the week to come

Bureau of Meteorology’s Sarah Fitton said Sunday was going to be one of the coldest days to date on the Sydney calendar, with temperatures dropping below zero in Canberra and the country’s centre. 

‘It’s going to be windy, and it’s going to feel very cold because of that wind-chill factor,’ she said. 

‘We have a deep low pressure system to the south of Tasmania, and that’s what’s pushing up this cold air.’  

Winter has officially started with heavy snow fall turning parts of the country into a white wonderland.

Wild blizzards, strong winds and freezing temperatures will batter the highlands this weekend, setting up great skiing conditions for the season.

About 34 centimetres of snow fell over Perisher, New South Wales, in the past two days, with forecasters predicting more to come. 

A snow storm dumped another 10 centimetres at Thredbo on Saturday night and 24 centimetres at Perisher.


Winter has officially begun with heavy snow falls turning parts of the country into a white wonderland (Perisher pictured)

Winter has officially begun with heavy snow falls turning parts of the country into a white wonderland (Perisher pictured)

About 34 centimetres of snow fell over Perisher, New South Wales (pictured), in the past two days with more expected across the weekend

About 34 centimetres of snow fell over Perisher, New South Wales (pictured), in the past two days with more expected across the weekend

Incredible photos show the popular ski resorts completely hidden in blankets of white (pictured)

Incredible photos show the popular ski resorts completely hidden in blankets of white (pictured)

The frosty storm will bring up to 70 centimetres of snow with it by Monday with temperatures dropping to -2.4C

The frosty storm will bring up to 70 centimetres of snow with it by Monday with temperatures dropping to -2.4C

The frosty storm will bring up to 70 centimetres of snow with it by Monday with temperatures dropping to -2.4C.

Incredible photos show the popular ski resorts completely hidden in blankets of white snow.

Snow falls and icy drizzle did not stop keen snow lovers from braving the freezing temperatures to enjoy a turn on the slopes.

Snow boarders were seen testing the fresh snow falls while small SUV cars were buried under.  

Wild blizzards, strong winds and freezing temperatures will batter the highlands across the weekend, setting up great skiing conditions for the season (pictured) 

Wild blizzards, strong winds and freezing temperatures will batter the highlands across the weekend, setting up great skiing conditions for the season (pictured) 

Snow boarders were seen testing the fresh snow falls

Snow boarders were seen testing the fresh snow falls for one of the first times this season

Snow falls and icy drizzle did not stop keen snow lovers from braving the freezing temperatures to enjoy a turn on the slopes

Snow falls and icy drizzle did not stop keen snow lovers from braving the freezing temperatures to enjoy a turn on the slopes

While cars were buried in snow, others attempted to clear the paths free of the icy covering

While cars were buried in snow, others attempted to clear the paths free of the icy covering

Meteorologists warned the rest of Australia to expect the worst weather over the next week as a series of cold fronts sweeping across the south-eastern states promises to bring freezing temperatures and heavy rainfall.

The rain and wind that’s been battering the southern regions of NSW over the past few days looks set to continue, while Victorians can expect a full month’s worth of rain within the week to come.

Weatherzone meteorologist Ben Domensino has pointed to a low pressure system off the east of Tasmania that threatens to blast a wave of polar air across NSW over the weekend.  

Meteorologists are warning the rest of Australia to expect the worst in the way of weather over the next week

Meteorologists are warning the rest of Australia to expect the worst in the way of weather over the next week

A low pressure system off the east of Tasmania threatens to blast a wave of polar air across NSW over the weekend

A low pressure system off the east of Tasmania threatens to blast a wave of polar air across NSW over the weekend

 While the NSW coast will remain mostly sunny and dry, Sydney is likely to see its coldest day since last winter - with temperatures predicted to dip to lows of 8 degrees by Sunday

 While the NSW coast will remain mostly sunny and dry, Sydney is likely to see its coldest day since last winter – with temperatures predicted to dip to lows of 8 degrees by Sunday

‘This system may cause parts of central NSW to have their coldest day in a couple of years,’ he told Nine News.

‘For example, Orange may only reach about four degrees on Sunday, which would be its lowest maximum temperature since 3.1 degrees on June 25th, 2016.’ 

While the NSW coast will remain mostly sunny and dry, Sydney is likely to see its coldest day since last winter – with temperatures predicted to fall further on Sunday.

Meanwhile, Victoria’s otherwise sunny and stable conditions are about to come to an end, warns Bureau of Meteorology senior meteorologist Richard Carlyon.

Meanwhile, 'A series of cold fronts will hit Victoria,' warns Bureau of Meteorology senior meteorologist Richard Carlyon - bringing showers, cloudy conditions and fresh winds

Meanwhile, ‘A series of cold fronts will hit Victoria,’ warns Bureau of Meteorology senior meteorologist Richard Carlyon – bringing showers, cloudy conditions and fresh winds

Adelaide is likely to see similarly frigid conditions until Sunday, with lows of seven and highs of 16, as well as a spate of showers persisting until Monday

Adelaide is likely to see similarly frigid conditions until Sunday, with lows of seven and highs of 16, as well as a spate of showers persisting until Monday

Mr Carlyon predicted ‘a series of cold fronts will hit Victoria over the next week,’ bringing showers, cloudy conditions and fresh winds to the southern state.

‘Daytime temperatures will slowly slip over the next week,’ he added.

While these cold fronts stand to bring about 20-50cm of snowfall to the state’s alpine regions, some areas in the northwest ranges and southwest districts can expect up to 50mm of rain across the weekend. 

Temperatures in Melbourne are predicted to plummet to lows of just seven degrees for the rest of the week.

Adelaide is likely to see similarly frigid conditions until Sunday, with lows of seven and highs of 16, as well as a spate of showers persisting until Monday. 



SUNDAY: Min 8, Max 14, mostly sunny

MONDAY: Min 8, Max 17, partly cloudy

TUESDAY: Min 10, Max 17, showers

WEDNESDAY: Min 11, Max 18, partly cloudy


SUNDAY: Min -1, Max 7, shower or two

MONDAY: Min 0, Max 13, partly cloudy

TUESDAY: Min 2, Max 13, partly cloudy

WEDNESDAY: Min 2, Max 13, partly cloudy



SUNDAY: Min 9, Max 23,sunny day, late shower or two

MONDAY: Min 10, Max 18, showers

TUESDAY: Min 7, Max 18, showers

WEDNESDAY: Min 10, Max 19, shower or two



SUNDAY: Min 10, Max 20, sunny

MONDAY: Min 7, Max 19, sunny

TUESDAY: Min 7, Max 21, sunny

WEDNESDAY: Min 9, Max 22, mostly sunny



SUNDAY: Min 7, Max 13, showers

MONDAY: Min 7, Max 14, morning shower or two

TUESDAY: Min 5, Max 15, partly cloudy

WEDNESDAY: Min 7, Max 15, partly cloudy



SUNDAY: Min 8, Max 14, shower or two

MONDAY: Min 9, Max 16, partly cloudy

TUESDAY: Min 6, Max 16, partly cloudy

WEDNESDAY: Min 10, Max 17, partly cloudy



SUNDAY: Min 6, Max 10, showers

MONDAY: Min 6, Max 11, showers easing

TUESDAY: Min 4, Max 13, partly cloudy

WEDNESDAY: Min 4, Max 14, mostly sunny



SUNDAY: Min 19, Max 31, sunny

MONDAY: Min 19, Max 31, sunny

TUESDAY: Min 19, Max 31, sunny

WEDNESDAY: Min 19, Max 32, mostly sunny

 Source: Bureau of Meterology