Foreign news agency boss claims the Palace is no longer a ‘trusted source’ after Kate Middleton photoshopped Mother’s Day portrait – as he makes extraordinary comparison to North Korea

The boss of one of the world’s largest foreign news agencies today made the extraordinary decision to compare Kensington Palace to North Korea and Iran.

Phil Chetwynd, the global news director of Agence France-Presse (AFP), said Kate Middleton’s decision to edit her Mother’s Day portrait meant she and her team are no longer a trusted source of news.

He said: ‘The previous kills have been from the North Korean news agency or the Iranian news agency, just to give you some background and context.’ 

Insisting that Kensington Palace is not a trust source, he said pulling a pictures is ‘rare’ and ‘a big deal’ because ‘to kill something on the basis of manipulation’ happens once per year.

Asked if Kensington Palace is still one of AFP’s ‘trusted sources’ by the BBC, Chetwynd replied: ‘No, absolutely not’.

Today a Washington Post cartoon depicting the Princess of Wales as a cutout with Prince William as her puppetmaster was published. The sketch in the left-wing newspaper, owned by Amazon billionaire Jeff Bezos, has been branded insulting and further fuels wild and unsubstantiated conspiracy theories about the Princess of Wales’ health and whereabouts.

William is shown by Canadian artist Pia Guerra using cardboard, string and a wooden pole to create a marionette on wheels of his wife that he can manipulate to wave out of a palace window. It has gone viral on social media.

Hours before its release British talk show host John Oliver, presenter of Last Week Tonight in the US, sparked outrage after making a sick joke about the Princess of Wales, saying she ‘could have died 18 months ago’.

On one of Mexican TV’s most-watched daytime shows yesterday, on national broadcaster Imagen Televisión, the five hosts laughed as they discussed the scandal including enjoying totally unfounded and untrue claims about Kate and William’s marriage being in trouble.

Former BBC royal correspondent Michael Cole told MailOnline: ‘Attacks on her [Kate] at a time when she is at her most vulnerable, following what was clearly major abdominal surgery in January, are despicable. They simply lend credence to the rumour- mongers and trolls whose delight in the agony of others can be rightly compared with those people who flocked to see public executions’.

The Princess of Wales’ series of Photoshop edits of those photo led to an apology and led to her becoming a butt of jokes around the world

Global News Director AFP, Phil Chetwynd, compared Kensington Palace to North Korea and Iran's discredited news agencies

Global News Director AFP, Phil Chetwynd, compared Kensington Palace to North Korea and Iran’s discredited news agencies

British talk show host John Oliver has prompted outrage after making a sick joke about the Princess of Wales , saying she 'could have died 18 months ago'

British talk show host John Oliver has prompted outrage after making a sick joke about the Princess of Wales , saying she ‘could have died 18 months ago’ 

Mexican TV all laugh as they discussed the Princess of Wales' Photoshop scandal. They also discussed unfounded claims about Kate and William

Mexican TV all laugh as they discussed the Princess of Wales’ Photoshop scandal. They also discussed unfounded claims about Kate and William

The Australian media has been hard on Kate - with this news website claiming she has 'hit rock bottom'.  said Kate has 'humiliated' King Charles ahead of the first anniversary of his coronation

The Australian media has been hard on Kate – with this news website claiming she has ‘hit rock bottom’.  said Kate has ‘humiliated’ King Charles ahead of the first anniversary of his coronation

Bild referred to the Princess of Wales as 'Fake-Kate'

Bild referred to the Princess of Wales as ‘Fake-Kate’

The German tabloid has also accused William of throwing his wife 'to the wolves' when she apologised

The German tabloid has also accused William of throwing his wife ‘to the wolves’ when she apologised

William was all smiles on royal duties in west London today as his wife recuperates at home

William was all smiles on royal duties in west London today as his wife recuperates at home

German tabloid Bild has branded the Princess of Wales ‘Fake-Kate’ because she admitted using Photoshop on her Mother’s Day photo where she posed with George, Charlotte and Louis. said that the Princess of Wales has ‘humiliated’ Charles III. ‘As we approach the first anniversary of Charles’ coronation, his reign has been overtaken and by first the Sussexes’ and their truth-telling urges and now by the Waleses’ and their ham-handed, havoc-creating ways’, an opinion piece said.

Another headline said: Kate Middleton hits rock bottom’ while the Irish Times accused Kate of seeing herself as more celebrity that royal.

The Australian has also been accused of trolling by using the same word in headlines – calling it a ‘PR disaster the UK Royal Family can ill afford’ ahead of Charles’ first anniversary as King in May and a visit Down Under in the Autumn in one of the most crucial foreign visits in many decades.

And across Europe, there have also been similarly snarky coverage. In France the scandal and the extraordinary theories about her break from royal duties has seen the phrase ‘Katespiracy’ used in headlines. 

El Pais in Spain said that some innocent editing by Kate had sparked a full-blown ‘credibility crisis’ for the Royal Family.

In recent days the future Queen has been the butt of jokes across the American press with pro-Sussex publications such as the New York Times weighing in. In one piece criticising Kate and William the newspaper praised Meghan Markle as ‘astute’. 

One big name TV host sipped a cup of tea delivered by a butler in a sarcastic section of his show where he lampooned Kate’s Photoshop scandal before jokingly slurring Prince William. 

Whoopi Goldberg has been a near-lone voice of support and yesterday slammed her co-hosts on The View and accused them of buying into the various conspiracy theories surrounding the Princess of Wales. 

 Michael Cole told MailOnline: ‘Presenters indulging their nasty natures by holding the Princess of Wales up to public ridicule should ask themselves this question: would they say what they are saying were the Princess standing in front of them in the studio or at a royal reception? If the answer is ‘No’ or ‘Perhaps not’, then their heartless criticism can be seen for what it is: a coward’s attack, made in the knowledge that their victim is not there in person and cannot answer back.

‘These attacks all have one thing in common: ignorance. With the exception of her husband, closest family members and doctors, no one knows what the Princess of Wales is going through at the moment’.

He added: ‘Not all the trolls hide behind assumed names and anonymity. Some are out there working for hitherto respectable media outfits that don’t now seem to mind putting out snide and unsubstantiated remarks’.

One bizarre report in Central America showed a reporter in front of a picture of someone having abdominal surgery

One bizarre report in Central America showed a reporter in front of a picture of someone having abdominal surgery

Italian TV discussed Kate's appearance with William earlier this week but focussed on not seeing her face -

Italian TV discussed Kate’s appearance with William earlier this week but focussed on not seeing her face – 

The Australian uses the phrase Katespiracy in its headline

The Australian uses the phrase Katespiracy in its headline

France24 has also used the same phrase as supporters urged people to lay off Kate

France24 has also used the same phrase as supporters urged people to lay off Kate 

Royal experts believe that Kate Middleton released her edited Mother’s Day family portrait having felt forced to ‘bow to pressure’ from internet ghouls pumping out wild conspiracy theories about her health.

Buckingham Palace has been accused of handling the scandal ‘appallingly’ and failing to protect the Princess of Wales when she should have her ‘feet up’ while she recovers from major surgery.

Critics believe her PR team was ‘asleep at the wheel’ and this has led to extraordinary and groundless conspiracy theories ramping up about Kate, her health and whereabouts.

Today the new MP for Rochdale, firebrand left-winger George Galloway, asked: ‘Princess Kate has been missing for almost 80 days. There’ve been three faked photos and millions of rumours. What are the royals covering up? Is she dead or has she downed tools?’

Other outlandish claims include Kate using a body double with the support of William and that she swapped her face with a Vogue cover shot from eight years ago for the ill-fated family photo released on Mothering Sunday.

Royal commentator Phil Dampier told MailOnline that the chaos of the last few weeks has meant conspiracy theories about Kate are now out of control.

He said: ‘Sadly Kate’s mistake in altering William’s picture has given conspiracy theorists a field day. Instead of closing down speculation about her health it has boosted it tenfold. People think if they can’t trust the royals to release a simple family photo then what else are they hiding?

‘I know of no evidence that Kate’s absence from royal duties is anything other than she is recovering from her surgery. But that won’t stop the wild rumours online, which can’t be controlled’.

Prince William has also been accused of causing problems for his wife after he pulled out of the memorial service for his godfather King Constantine of Greece but refused to say why.

Mr Dampier said: ‘William did not help. He said it was a ‘Personal matter’ but it’s hard to believe he couldn’t spare the time to go to Windsor Castle for a couple of hours when he lives nearby’.

He went on: ‘It all adds to a sense of mystery and at the moment honesty would probably be the best policy to quell the rumour mill’.

Bellingcat's Elliot Higgins shared close-ups of the Vogue cover from 2016 (left) and Mother's Day (right) to show the differences in the two images including Kate's eyes, mouth, hair and eyebrows

Bellingcat’s Elliot Higgins shared close-ups of the Vogue cover from 2016 (left) and Mother’s Day (right) to show the differences in the two images including Kate’s eyes, mouth, hair and eyebrows

One of the wild theories floating around is that Kate is using a body double - or her sister Pippa - here on Monday with William and last week with Carole Middleton

One of the wild theories floating around is that Kate is using a body double – or her sister Pippa – here on Monday with William and last week with Carole Middleton

Some of Kate's editing caused glitches in the image. This has again has been seized upon by those who claim it is a body double in the Mother's day snap. Experts say that that they are sure Kate is in the picture but admit it has been poorly Photoshopped

Some of Kate’s editing caused glitches in the image. This has again has been seized upon by those who claim it is a body double in the Mother’s day snap. Experts say that that they are sure Kate is in the picture but admit it has been poorly Photoshopped

Photos published in the US last week - but not in the UK media - have been seized upon by conspiracy theorists too

Photos published in the US last week – but not in the UK media – have been seized upon by conspiracy theorists too 

Prince William took Kate’s Mother’s Day photograph in just a 40-minute window on Friday before the Princess edited it twice in Photoshop to ‘make it the best it can be’, it was later claimed.

The Prince of Wales took the picture of his smiling family on a £2,900 Canon camera before Kate made edits to improve the photo ahead of its public release on Instagram on Sunday.

Kensington Palace aides are said to have spent weeks planning to release a photo of the Princess of Wales to quell vicious social media speculation about the nature of Kate’s condition since her surgery in January, which has deeply upset and angered the couple.

Instead, the rare royal blunder resulted in another public explosion of conspiracy theories.

Royal biographer Tom Bower slammed Palace aides for the chaos of the last 48 hours.

He said of Kate: ‘She’s very ill, she’s had a very serious operation and the Palace handled it appallingly.

‘When they said she would not be seen until after Easter – they should have said firmly, and regularly, ‘we’re not telling you any more’,’ he said, adding: ‘Unfortunately [she] bowed to the pressure of social media ghouls and troublemakers and speculators’ by releasing a photo on Mother’s Day.

Mr Bower told TalkTV: ‘Instead of being protected by the Palace and her husband and told ‘Just sit back and don’t worry’, she thought she’d do the best thing possible and release a lovely photograph’.

It came as a facial recognition expert who outed Vladimir Putin’s Salisbury poisoners stepped in to dismiss one of the many wild and unfounded conspiracy theories about the Princess of Wales and her health.

Others said the greenery behind meant it was taken last year - not Friday as claimed. But gardeners and horticulturists have backed up claims it was recent

Others said the greenery behind meant it was taken last year – not Friday as claimed. But gardeners and horticulturists have backed up claims it was recent

The Briton shared this exasperated tweet to debunk the conspiracy theory about the time of year

The Briton shared this exasperated tweet to debunk the conspiracy theory about the time of year

Eliot Higgins, the journalist and founder of Bellingcat, has laughed off claims that Kate Middleton’s light editing of a family photo for Mother’s Day included swapping her face with a Vogue cover shot from eight years ago.

AI and Photoshop experts have also brushed off the bizarre allegations, insisting that that the amateur photographer and future queen did ‘a five minute job’ to try to make the ‘perfect family picture’.

But the scandal of Kate’s edit and a shock appearance with William on Monday ramped up already out of control conspiracy theories about her health and whereabouts since she had major surgery at the end of January. 

Some more ridiculous claims include Kate using a body double – or sister Pippa – as a stand-in when the Princess of Wales was seen with her mother last week and with William. Others have insisted the photo of Kate and her children is from at least four months ago or even earlier in 2023 due to a plant in leaf behind them.

One video claiming to show how the Princess of Wales moved her face from the June 2016 cover of Vogue and put it on her 2024 Mother’s Day portrait has been viewed almost 35million times on Twitter.

It appears Charlotte's hand was copied over from another picture as there is an empty space where her sleeve should be

Kate's zip appears to be misaligned on the photo as the top of it is further left and appears significantly lighter than the rest of the zip

It appears Charlotte’s hand was copied over from another picture as there is an empty space where her sleeve should be (left). Kate’s zip appears to be misaligned on the photo as the top of it is further left and appears significantly lighter than the rest of the zip (right)

Charlotte's hair seems to end abruptly on her shoulder on her right despite her hair on the left going on for a few inches

The corner of Charlotte's skirt was pointed out as another 'editing error' by social media sleuths

Charlotte’s hair seems to end abruptly on her shoulder (left) on her right despite her hair on the left going on for a few inches. The corner of Charlotte’s skirt (right) was pointed out as another ‘editing error’ by social media sleuths

The animation also came to the attention of world leading internet super-sleuth Mr Higgins, who described how he thought it was a ‘parody’ until he realised social media users were taking it so seriously.

The Belingcat boss, whose forensic analysis of images, CCTV, Russian passport records and open source documents unmasked the men sent by Putin to poison Sergei Skripal with Novichok, said of the conspiracy theorists: ‘These people are playing spot the difference and losing’.

Tearing the comparison apart he went on: ‘There’s so many minor differences, like the reflection of the light in her pupils, the light and shadow on her face, the teeth visible, wrinkles, etc etc, that it’s clearly just a photo of the same woman from about the same angle, not the same exact photo. It hurts my brain that I even have to point this out’.

Sharing like-for-like matches to prove the Vogue cover theory is false, he said: ‘It’s not pixel perfect, if you actually look closely at the details you’ll see numerous small differences’. 

Mr Higgins then said to one Twitter user pushing the claim to thousands of followers: ‘Great way to get clicks, if you don’t care about your credibility’.

Photographers and Photoshop experts have also laughed off the claims.

Texas-based photo-journalist  Jonas Peterson said: ‘So many people here who have no idea what you can do with AI and photoshop today. This was a 5 minute job on a low res file’.

Lee Walton, Imaging Technician at DMG Newspapers said: ‘Whatever the online conspiracy theorists would have you believe, however, I can categorically say no one’s head or hands have been entirely replaced’.

The charming picture of a smiling Kate with George, Charlotte and Louis was released on Mothering Sunday to stifle smouldering rumours about her health following abdominal surgery in January.

Instead, the rare royal blunder resulted in another public explosion of conspiracy theories.

It all began when six of the world’s top picture agencies including the Press Association then sensationally pulled the photo from their wires and libraries amid concern that the ‘source has manipulated the image’, pouring petrol on the online flames.

Hours later she was photographed next to the Prince of Wales as he left Windsor Castle for the Commonwealth Service at Westminster Abbey yesterday.

But there were only two photographers there who didn’t realise she was in the Range Rover with her husband until they looked at the photographs of William looking at his phone.

While the silhouette was clearly Kate’s, the fact there were no pictures of Kate’s face only sent social media into further meltdown.

Kate was going to a private appointment – not the Abbey – meaning William arrived for the service alone.

PR experts have claimed that the Princess of Wales’ decision to travel with William was a deliberate decision to show she was up and about and well. 

But the brief appearance in public with her husband when she was meant to be recuperating at home until after Easter caused more hysteria on Twitter and Facebook.
