Former CIA director is slammed for comparing Trump’s immigration policy to Nazi Germany

The former head of the CIA posted a series of ominous tweets on Saturday, likening Trump’s immigration policy to Nazi Germany.

General Michael Hayden, 73, shared a black and white picture of the train tracks leading to Birkenau, and wrote: ‘Other governments have separated mothers and children’.

Birkenau, also known as Auschwitz II, was the largest camp in the Auschwitz complex, and is the place where about 90 per cent of roughly 1.3million people transported to Auschwitz died.

Former CIA director General Michael Hayden caused outrage on Twitter on Saturday when he compared the US’ immigration policy to Nazi Germany

Hayden's own position on the policy was not entirely clear, but he appeared dismissive of anyone who tried to tell him off for his actions

Hayden’s own position on the policy was not entirely clear, but he appeared dismissive of anyone who tried to tell him off for his actions

People reacted angrily to the General’s comparison – finding it in poor taste and insulting to those who went through the German concentration camps. 

When he was asked by one follower if he was on drugs he responded: 'No. Voignier'

When he was asked by one follower if he was on drugs he responded: ‘No. Voignier’

‘There’s no other way to say it… What an ignorant f***. How can anyone compare the genocidal atrocities of Nazi Germany to what’s happening now,’ Twitter user Topher Carlton wrote.

‘Utterly disgusting, and deeply insulting to those who perished & to the survivors.’

Keeping his words brief, the General responded: ‘Wasn’t hard. Really. No effort at all’.

When one social media user told Hayden their mother-in-law was in the Holocaust, he responded within minutes. 

Continuing as ominously as he started, he wrote: ‘Civilization is a thin veneer that must be protected’.

Another simply asked: ‘Are you on drugs?’ to which he responded: ‘No. Voignier’ – a type of wine.

A new 'zero-tolerance' policy has seen undocumented immigrants face mass trials (pictured) with most not knowing where their children are

A new ‘zero-tolerance’ policy has seen undocumented immigrants face mass trials (pictured) with most not knowing where their children are

From his tweets, it is not entirely clear where the General stands on Trump’s immigration policy, which has seen thousands of children separated from their parents. 

The administration has brought in a ‘zero tolerance’ policy, that sees everyone who tries to enter the US illegally prosecuted. Because the children are not charged with a crime, they are not able to be detained with their parents.

In just six weeks, Homeland Security reported nearly 2,000 children had been separated from their families.

Halfway through his discussion, Hayden was distracted by a conversation about wine his ‘voignier’ comment appeared to have sparked.

Hayden (pictured right with former President George Bush) said it took 'no effort at all' to make the shocking comparison 

Hayden (pictured right with former President George Bush) said it took ‘no effort at all’ to make the shocking comparison