Former GOP congressman says Trump is ‘psychologically, morally unfit for office’

Retired Republican Congressman Dave Trott has unloaded on President Donald Trump, calling him ‘psychologically, morally, intellectually, and emotionally unfit for office’.

Trott also said that he will likely have to turn to the Democratic field of candidates when it comes to voting in the 2020 presidential election.

And Trott added he was open to former New York mayor Michael Bloomberg’s candidacy.

Retired Republican Congressman Dave Trott unloaded on President Donald Trump in a letter to the Atlantic and similarly in an interview with the New York Times

Trott said to both news outlets that Trump was 'psychologically, morally, intellectually, and emotionally unfit for office'. The president and first lady Melania Trump are pictured arriving for Christmas Eve dinner at Mar-a-lago in Palm Beach, Florida on Tuesday

Trott said to both news outlets that Trump was ‘psychologically, morally, intellectually, and emotionally unfit for office’. The president and first lady Melania Trump are pictured arriving for Christmas Eve dinner at Mar-a-lago in Palm Beach, Florida on Tuesday

Trot said that he will likely have to turn to the Democratic field of candidates when it comes to voting in the 2020 presidential election

Trot said that he will likely have to turn to the Democratic field of candidates when it comes to voting in the 2020 presidential election

Retired Republican Congressman Dave Trott unloaded on President Donald Trump in a letter to the Atlantic and similarly in an interview with the New York Times

Trott said to both news outlets that Trump was ‘psychologically, morally, intellectually, and emotionally unfit for office’. The president and first lady Melania Trump are pictured arriving for Christmas Eve dinner at Mar-a-lago in Palm Beach, Florida on Tuesday.

Trot said that he will likely have to turn to the Democratic field of candidates when it comes to voting in the 2020 presidential election

Trott made his comments in both a letter responding to a November article in the Atlantic, as well as in a recent interview with the New York Times .

He is among former Republican congressional officer-holders to not seek re-election this year, while being openly critical of the president.

The others include Will Hurd of Texas, Francis Rooney of Florida and John Shimkus of Illinois.

Others from the party who have stayed in office have voiced their undivided support for the president, mostly evidenced by their rejection of the House’s articles of impeachment, approved last week along party lines.

Trott, in comments he wrote in a letter responding to an article by Mark Bowden that ran in the Atlantic, said the criticism military officials had in interviews with the news outlet regarding what it’s like to work for the president, was ‘frightening’ and that it was the only word he had to describe the piece,

‘President Trump’s inability or unwillingness to follow normal decision-making protocols has created chaos in our foreign policy and put our country at risk,’ Trott wrote in response to interviews with commanders who had common criticisms of the commander-in-chief’s leadership of the armed forces.

He added that the article had helped him concerning the 2020 presidential election, and that he had been ‘flummoxed’.

‘I will now have to consider voting for a Democrat,’ the Republican confesses.

‘High unemployment, a stagnating economy, and massive debt for a few years are better than alienating the rest of our allies, getting into a nuclear war with Iran, or allowing 10,000 Islamist soldiers to be set free in Syria, wrote Trott, in a comparison of what he expects from the White House under a Democrat, against the fears he has of possible consequences from Trump administration policy.

‘Trump is psychologically, morally, intellectually, and emotionally unfit for office’, Trott adds.

‘We can only hope Congress impeaches and removes him so we have a choice between two adults in 2020’.

In an interview with the Times, published Sunday, Trott is said to have learned that anyone who defied the president faced Trump’s fury, ostracism within the GOP and a premature end to their political career as a Republican.

Trott said that if had stayed in congress, and spoken out against the president, he would have expected the president to have lashed out at him and pressured his Republican colleagues in the house to punish him.

The former congressman said he did not want to seek re-election to a third term this year ‘as a Trumper’ and told the Times that he knew was left with little future in the GOP as an opponent of the president.

He again says, ‘Trump is emotionally, intellectually and psychologically unfit for office, and he adds, ‘I’m sure a lot of Republicans feel the same way’.

‘But if they say that, the social media barrage will be overwhelming’. And he mentions to the Times that’s where he’s open to Bloomberg’s candidacy.

'But if they say that, the social media barrage will be overwhelming'. And he mentions to the Times that's where he's open to Bloomberg's candidacy.

‘But if they say that, the social media barrage will be overwhelming’. And he mentions to the Times that’s where he’s open to Bloomberg’s candidacy.

As for impeachment, many of the Republicans who would have supported such an effort no longer serve in congress, the Times reports, and as Trott points out, there are now more people at Republican events ‘than ever before’, due to the president’s rising influence.

‘Every single one of them to a person will be all in for President Trump’ Trott says. ‘They’ll all have ‘Make America Great Again’ hats on and they’ll be saying what a tremendous president he is’.

To prove how dissenters within the GOP don’t have a chance, Trott recalled when the House voted to repeal the Affordable Care Act in 2017, and how he noticed after a Rose Garden celebration, the president pulled out a sheet of paper from his desk.

‘He already had a list of 20 people who had voted against him two hours earlier,’ Trott remembered, the Times reports.