Fox News host sorry for calling Trump, Kim ‘two dictators’

A Fox News has apologized for calling the summit between President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un as a meeting of ‘two dictators.’

Fox & Friends co-host Abby Huntsman made the comment on Sunday as TV footage showed the Republican president landing in Singapore for a summit with Kim on Tuesday. 

Guest and former White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci didn’t catch it.

But the daughter of U.S. Ambassador to Russia Jon Huntsman later apologized on air for what she had said. 

Fox & Friends co-host Abby Huntsman called President Donald Trump ‘a dictator’ as TV footage showed the Republican landing in Singapore for a summit with Kim Jong-un on Tuesday

Huntsman (seen above in 2017) apologized for the remark, saying it was a mistake

Huntsman (seen left and during Sunday’s show right) apologized for the remark, saying it was a mistake

North Korean ruler Kim (left) is seen in Singapore on Sunday with Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong

North Korean ruler Kim (left) is seen in Singapore on Sunday with Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong

Her gaffe still took off on Twitter.

‘Freudian or not, I’m glad they’re finally acknowledging what’s up,’ said one Twitter user.

‘Mooch doesn’t miss a beat and apparently finds the description totally normal,’ tweeted another Twitter user.

‘That moment when a Fox & Friends host accidentally calls Trump a dictator and no one bats an eye,’ another Twitter user said on Sunday. 

The two leaders arrived in Singapore on Sunday for their talks, which initially were billed as an effort to rid North Korea of its nuclear weapons. 

Abby Huntsman is the daughter of Jon Huntsman, Trump's ambassador to Russia. Huntsman is seen above in St. Petersburg last month

Abby Huntsman is the daughter of Jon Huntsman, Trump’s ambassador to Russia. Huntsman is seen above in St. Petersburg last month

The meeting has been downplayed by Trump in recent days.

Trump has been criticized for what some people say are authoritarian tendencies.

He is highly critical of the news media while also being full of praise for strongmen like Russian President Vladimir Putin, China’s President Xi Jinping, and Filipino leader Rodrigo Duterte, among others.

Trump has also shocked observers for the cold shoulder he has shown America’s traditional allies in the West.

During the recent G7 summit in Canada, Trump angered the heads of the democratic industrialized nations, including Germany, France, Japan, and others for his trade policies.

Trump on Saturday blasted Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau as ‘weak’ and ‘dishonest’ over comments that the latter made about plans to impose tariffs on Canadian exports.

What is just as surprising is the fact that the errant comment about Trump being a ‘dictator’ was made by a host on Fox News, a channel that has largely been supportive of the president.

Trump flew into Singapore’s Paya Lebar Air Base aboard Air Force One, looking to strike a deal that will lead to the denuclearization of one of America’s bitterest foes.

He came from a divisive G7 meeting in Canada with some of Washington’s closest allies that further strained global trade ties.

After stepping down from Air Force One on a steamy tropical night, Trump was greeted by Singapore Foreign Minister Vivian Balakrishnan.

'It's all coming together,' comedian Kathy Griffin tweeted about Huntsman's comment on Fox News

‘It’s all coming together,’ comedian Kathy Griffin tweeted about Huntsman’s comment on Fox News

Asked by a reporter how he felt about the summit, Trump said: “Very good”.

North Korea’s Kim landed in Singapore earlier on Sunday.

When Trump and Kim meet on Tuesday at Sentosa, a resort island off Singapore’s port with a Universal Studios theme park and man-made beaches, they will be making history.

Enemies since the 1950-53 Korean War, leaders of North Korea and the United States have never met previously – or even spoken on the telephone.

Kim arrived at Singapore’s Changi Airport after his longest trip overseas as head of state, wearing his trademark dark ‘Mao suit’ and distinctive high-cut hairstyle. 

He has not left his country since taking office in 2011 other than to visit China and the South Korean side of the border Demilitarized Zone.

Arriving on a plane loaned by China, which for decades has been North Korea’s only major ally, Kim was also greeted by Balakrishnan.