Freak accident kills woman as 20m tree BRANCH smashes her car in Burrawang NSW

Freak accident kills woman as 20m tree BRANCH smashes into her car

  • A driver has died after a massive 20metre branch fell onto her car
  • The woman in her 50s was travelling west on the Illawarra Highway
  • Emergency services were called to the Burrawang area after crash reports

A woman in her 50s has died after a huge 20metre tree branch crashed onto her vehicle as she was driving on a rural highway. 

The motorist was driving a station wagon west along Illawarra Road near Burrawang in the NSW southern highlands on Saturday afternoon when the branch hit her windscreen, a witness said. 

The driver who is yet to be formally identified died at the scene in the freak tragic accident.

The woman in her 50s was driving a station wagon west along Illawarra Road near Burrawang in the NSW southern highlands on Saturday afternoon when the branch hit her windscreen

Officers from The Hume Police District established a crime scene and commenced an investigation into the circumstances surrounding the crash.

A report will be prepared for the information of the Coroner. 

Anyone with information about this incident is urged to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.

Officers from The Hume Police District established a crime scene and commenced an investigation into the circumstances surrounding the crash

Officers from The Hume Police District established a crime scene and commenced an investigation into the circumstances surrounding the crash
