French author writes about having an incestuous relationship with her abusive father at 26

A controversial French author has published a book which relates how she had an incestuous relationship with her father aged 26 after he raped her as a child.

Author and journalist Christine Angot, now 62, has written extensively about the fact her estranged father Pierre Angot repeatedly raped her from age 13 to 16, in three fictionalised autobiographies. 

Before then, she had had no relations with her father, who had refused to recognise her as one of his children when she was born. 

Her latest work, Le Voyage Dans L’Est (Journey in the East), published by Flammarion, reveals that aged 26, she contacted her father after ten years, and began a sexual relationship with him that lasted a few months, before definitely cutting ties with him age 28. 

In the book, Angot described bluntly and in excruciating details how her father groomed her, from kissing her on the lips at the end of their first ever meeting and then going one step further in his demands each time they met. 

She also revealed that people close to her and to her father all knew about their sexual relationship, from her ex-husband to her step-sister, and even her mother.  

She explained that she has drawn the conclusion that her father had ‘enslaved her’ through the pretense of loving, that he had ‘felt something and hadn’t forbidden himself to act on it’ and that he had treated her as a ‘second-class daughter.’  

 French author and journalist Christine Angot, now 62, has written extensively about the fact her estranged father Pierre Angot repeatedly raped her from age 13 to 16, in three fictionalised autobiographies

The abuse started shortly after Christine met her father when she was 13, pictured, during a trip to the East of France with her mother, where he lived

The abuse started shortly after Christine met her father when she was 13, pictured, during a trip to the East of France with her mother, where he lived

Angot has written four books about the incestuous relationship she had with her father so far, with Le Voyage Dans L’Est being the latest and the most critically acclaimed.  

After meeting her for the first time with her mother in Strasbourg, Angot’s father kissed her on the lips to tell her goodbye when the mother was not looking. 

Angot explained she immediately thought it was incest and thought to herself ‘oh, that thing is happening to me.’ 

During a phone call a few weeks following their meeting, her father told her he had an erection and that it showed he loved her ‘more than is possible.’ 

Angot's new book reveals she had sex with her father age 26 after he abused her as a child

Angot’s new book reveals she had sex with her father age 26 after he abused her as a child 

In the fictionalised autobiography, she recounted how she felt one of the first times her father had an inappropriate physical contact with her. 

The pair were in his car during a weekend away, and he put his hand high on her thigh, stroking it as he drove. 

Angot wrote the gesture made her feel uneasy, but she couldn’t admit something was abnormal.   

‘There was something wrong. I knew it. It wasn’t alright. I would have rather he didn’t touch me. I preferred to think it was not off limit, that it was okay. If I hadn’t, I wouldn’t have known how to act,’ she wrote. 

The grooming escalated further each time Angot would see her father, and she would blame herself for it. 

She revealed in the book he went from kissing and touching her to touching her vagina, teaching her how to perform fellatio on him and would subject her to more perverted acts, sometimes in public. 

The only thing she managed to get out of him was that he would not penetrate her.    

Angot revealed she thought about telling her mother, but could not form the words to say her father and her had an incestuous relationship. 

As Angot grew older, she started to confront her father about what he was putting her through, worried he’d take her virginity and saying their relationship was ‘dangerous.’

To this, her father replied: ‘To the contrary, you don’t risk anything with a man that loves you. 

He went on to say that thanks to him she would have experience when she would meet a boyfriend and that in some cultures, incest was a mark of distinction. 

She asked him to have real father-daughter relations, but even though he agreed, he would end up making passes at her, or pretending that she was deliberately trying to arouse him.

The author, pictured in the early 2000s, explained her father used sex to 'enslave' her and that he considered her like a 'second class child'

 The author, pictured in the early 2000s, explained her father used sex to ‘enslave’ her and that he considered her like a ‘second class child’

She explained she stayed in touch with her father in spite of the incest because she had hoped to one day have a normal relationship with him. 

She also revealed that her father would force her to have anal relations with him. 

At 16, Angot began dating a man named Marc, who was one of her mother’s coworkers and was 31. Her mother was aware of the relationship.

To him, she admitted she had incestuous relationship with her father, and she asked him to tell her father to stop. The two men met over dinner and then went to the movies with Angot, who was 16 at the time. 

She claimed in the book that her father put her hand through her trousers’ fly and that when Marc saw this, he took her hand and did the same.  

The two men had a confrontation about the incest. Marc also told her mother, who contracted salpingitis, a condition that occurs when a fallopian tube gets infected, and pretended she didn’t know about the incest for days. 

Angot told her father she didn’t want to see him again, and he replied to her in a letter, where he said she was ‘stabbing him in the heart.’

He wrote that what she had told her mother was very serious and that he would need to heal from the hurt she had caused him. That he was disappointed in her and that she had been unjust. 

Following their second estrangement, Angot didn’t see her father for ten years and went on to study law. 

She had boyfriends, including one she dated for four years, and another she married aged 23. 

She explained in her book that all her partners knew she had had an incestuous relationship with her father as a teenager, and her husband, Claude, knew as well. 

Angot, pictured in 2015, said in the book she didn't see her father from age 16 until she was 26, where they had sex again

Angot, pictured in 2015, said in the book she didn’t see her father from age 16 until she was 26, where they had sex again 

Early in her marriage, she began suffering from insomnia and developped an eating disorder. 

The lack of sleep caused her to give up on her studies, and she began to see a psychotherapist. 

During this period, Angot called her father to tell him she had had a breakdown and that it was because of what he had done to her, and that she wanted him to know the consequences of his actions on her life.  

Two years later, Angot, 26, was studying in Bruges while her husband lived in Nice, and the pair were considering separating. 

At that time, she wrote a letter to her father, telling him she was in a better place in her life, and that she wanted to meet him and try to have a real father-daughter relationship. 

Her father agreed and they decided to meet in Nancy, in the north east of France.  During their reunion, she told him she had a complicated relationship with her husband, and that she didn’t feel very ‘sensual.’

She claimed her father replied: ‘So one’s less sensual at 25 than they were at 15,’ which made her understand she had been naive, and that he was reducing her to the status of a sexual object and a ‘second class child.’

The author, pictured in 2015, has written four books about the incestuous relationship she had with her father

The author, pictured in 2015, has written four books about the incestuous relationship she had with her father

That night, her father had sex with her and for the first time, she let him penetrate her vaginally because she felt ‘indifferent to herself, her life.’

After this first reunion, Angot went to Paris with her father for a literary event and had sex with him again. 

Christine Angot: A controversial literary figure  

Christine Angot has become a polarising public personality in France, due to her vigorous TV appearances, and legal matters in her personal life. 

In 2008 and 2011, she had to pay damages to Elise Bidoit the ex-wife of her current partner Charly Clovis. 

Bidoit accused Angot twice of sharing intimate details of her relationship with Clovis in two of her books, Marche des Amants (Lovers Market) published in 2008 and Les Petits (The Small Ones), published in 2011. 

Les Petits claimed that the eldest daughter of the character Angot had based on Bidoit had been sexually abused by her father, something Bidoit denied. 

Angot had to pay £50,000 to Elise after a court ruled she had breached her right to privacy with her books.   

In 2017, she and her editor were arrested after she claimed in a scathing article in French newspaper Liberation that the editor Christophe Lucquin ‘published books that were essentially of a pedophilic nature.’

She was fined £8,500 for the comments, which were ruled defamatory.   

She was introduced to the larger French public through her work on television as a commentator on the popular late night show On N’est Pas Couche (We’re Not Sleeping) from 2017 to 2019. 

Several of the author’s interventions on the polemical show were shrouded in controversy. 

In 2017, she reduced to tears Sandrine Rousseau, the spokesperson of the French Europe Ecologie Les Verts party, (the French Green Party).

Rousseau had been invited on the show to promote her book, titled Parler (Talk), where she related how a high ranking politician had sexually assaulted her. 

Angot violently attacked Rousseau, to the point where the guest broke down in tears. Following the show’s air date, the French public strongly condemn Angot’s behaviour.

A petition calling for the author to apologise publicly to Rousseau was signed 123,000 times, and Marlene Schiappa, the French Secretary of State for Equality between Men and Women got involved.    

In 2019, she was at the centre of another controversy when she claimed the Holocaust was the ‘opposite’ of slavery because slave dealers had to make sure the slave were ‘in good health’ 

The comment were flagged 900 times to the CSA – the French equivalent of Ofcom  – in the evening where they aired, with some experts accusing her of wanting to rewrite history.  



They met her mother and her new husband by chance, who both knew of the abuse Angot had suffered as a teen, but they didn’t say anything. 

Shortly after seeing her father in Paris, she moved to Nice, in the south of France, to try and make things work with her husband Claude. 

Her father wrote her a letter telling her she couldn’t face their love, and the pair made plans to see each other. 

He came to visit and had sex with her immediately, before meeting her husband for the first time and then going to dinner.  

Angot explained in the book that she had a breakdown that weekend of her father’s visit, and that she said she saw him as a monster, which caused him to leave. 

She admitted to her husband that the incestuous relations with her father had resumed. 

He told her he was aware of it because he had heard her bed squeak the night before, joining the ranks of people who knew about the incest but did not act to stop it.   

In the book, Angot said she went on a trip with her father a week later and told him she wouldn’t be having sex him with anymore. 

In spite of this, they shared a bed and he tried to entice her by pushing his sex against her body, before letting her go.  

The next year, Angot met her step-brother and step-sister for the first time and told her step-sister about the incest. The woman, named Louise, said the news ‘shocked her.’ 

After visiting her father that same year in Strasbourg to meet her step-brother, she decided to go to the police to report the abuse she suffered, both as a child and has a woman. 

A police officer told her she’d have to get people who were present at the time she was a child to testify, because she had no proof, and it had happened a long time ago. 

In the book, she explained she realised later her husband had known about the abuse and had said he had heard her having relations with her father, but didn’t offer to come forward.  

Angot cut ties with her father and then published her first novel called The Interview, which he read. 

He later developed Alzheimer’s Disease, and Angot wrote in the Le Voyage Dans L’Est that she felt he could not be held responsible for what he had done to her, which was a source of frustration to her.  

Angot’s father died in 1999 after she published The Incest, a book where she wrote about a woman who has an obsessive relationship with another woman and had had an incestuous relationship with her father. 

Reflecting on their relationship, she said she feels he had ‘enslaved’ her and said only people who had been enslaved by someone could understand what incest was. 

She added she feels that when a father treat his daughter this way, he is showing he doesn’t consider her like a real daughter, but like something else that is ‘nameless.’ 

The Incest was not a critical success, but it was a commercial one, and Angot sold 50,000 copies of the novel that year, launching her literary career.

She wrote four books on incest in total: The Incest, A Week’s Holiday, An Impossible Love – which was adapted into a movie – and her latest effort, Le Voyage Dans L’Est.