Fresh blow for Ukip as spin chief Gawain Towler quits

Ukip suffered a fresh blow today as it emerged its long-serving spin chief is quitting the party after the leader’s affair with a ‘racist’  glamour model.

Gawain Towler said he is ‘consciously uncoupling from Ukip’ after more than a decade’s service supporting the crisis-prone party through its various leaders.

His departure comes after the party was plunged into fresh turmoil after its leader Henry Bolton, 54, had an affair with 25 year-old Jo Marney.

Within days of the liaison being made public it was revealed she had sent racist texts about Prince Harry’s fiance Meghan Markle – saying she would ‘taint’ the Royal family.

Gawain Towler said he is ‘consciously uncoupling from Ukip’ after more than a decade’s service supporting the party the crisis-prone party through its various leaders (file pic)

Mr Bolton was told to choose between is girlfriend and  the party , but while he claimed to have broken up with her the pair were later seen canoodling at a bar. 

Senior Ukip members have tried to oust Mr Bolton following the revelations – with all members of the ruing NEC body backing a vote of no confidence in his leadership.

Mr Bolton has refusing to leave the post and vowed to cling on, and will face a crunch meeting in a fortnight’s time where party members will decide whether or not to topple him.

Announcing his departure, Mr Towler borrow a phrase from former Hollywood couple Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin and said he was ‘consciously uncoupling from UKIP’ .

Asked about his more than a decade at the heart of the party, he said: ‘Thirteen years? Really? Well that was a blast.’

He told PR Week that he is setting up own PR company which he has provisionally called CWC which stands for ‘crisis, what crisis?’

Mr Towler has been at the heart of the party for 13 years – watching it grow from a small insurgency to becoming a major force in British politics.

Mr Towler (pictured right) memorably helped pull Ukip parliamentary candidate Sam Gould out of the rising  tide after the would-be politician was caught out by the rising water while on  walkabout in Margate

Mr Towler (pictured right) memorably helped pull Ukip parliamentary candidate Sam Gould out of the rising  tide after the would-be politician was caught out by the rising water while on  walkabout in Margate

He was by Nigel Farage’s side as the party travelled the country to push for an EU referendum – and later when they campaigned for Brexit.

Popular with the press pack, he helped make Ukip one of the easiest parties to work with and helped ensure them press coverage.

He stuck with the party after Mr Farage left to pursue his career as a pundit and its multimillionaire donor Aaron Banks pulled  his cash.

His departure is a major  blow for the party and will raise fresh questions over where it can survive this latest crisis.

Insiders say the party cannot afford another leadership contest and that this time it really is the end.