Freshman videos her hilarious journey to her final exam 

A University of Texas freshman had the test of her life, and that was before she sat down to put her pen to paper on her very first exam.

Ann Mark shared the most harrowing story of trying to make it to her exam at the Arizona campus, fraught with every pitfall imaginable. 

Ann shared in a hilarious Twitter video, that has amassed almost 8million views in three days, explains how she did not bringing proper exam paper, found out she was in the wrong location- twice- and frantically ran smack into a window. 

Ann Mark’s harrowing tale of simply getting to her very first final exam as a freshman has almost 8million views in three days 

Ann should have had a blue book for the exam she was sitting in.  

‘I just want to let you guys know how my first real college final was. So I have 15 minutes to get there, I get to the classroom and realize I don’t have a blue book.’

‘For those of you who don’t know what a blue book is, apparently its what you need to write a frigging essay, you have to go and buy special paper, so that your professor can read it because apparently they’re illiterate whenever you write on notebook paper, ok.’

So off Ann runs to buy her special exam paper. 

‘So I sprint to the co-op, I get two blue books and I run back to the classroom. I’m sitting down in the front row, and I text my friend whose in the class.’ 

Read the anguish! Ann's journey is told in perfect detail, and her faces express the full frustration she experienced simply getting to class 

Read the anguish! Ann’s journey is told in perfect detail, and her faces express the full frustration she experienced simply getting to class 

The perky freshman may just have a career in acting, storytelling, or comedy in light of her hilarious escapes simply getting to an exam 

The perky freshman may just have a career in acting, storytelling, or comedy in light of her hilarious escapes simply getting to an exam 

‘This girls like I’m in the third row, and I turn around and she is not in the third row’ and the plot twist, as Ann explains…

‘Then I look around  around some more and I’m like I’ve never seen these people before, and like okay I haven’t been to class in like a month but still I don’t recognize them’ Ann confesses.  

‘So I ask this girl, ”This is RTF right? This is world cinema history?” and shes like ”No, this is physics.”

‘Okay, then wheres my exam?’ Ann says into the camera, making probably the exact face she made to the girl in physics. 

‘So I text my friend and she is like you get different classroom assignments for your exam’ so Ann bolts, on her friend’s information, to a building called Hog.

‘And I run straight into a window in front of all these people. So, I scream an expletive and move two feet to the left to an open door, and get to Hog, and i get there and there is a long line outside the door.’

She asks another girl if this is where the exam is, and the girl says no this is Hog Auditorium, and that Ann needs to Google Map it. 

‘So I sprint to Hog building and I write an amazing essay about how Napoleon Dynamite is an example of a great independent film in America, and I apologize.’ 

Ann's classmates, and school sympathizers thought the video was wonderful and got a laugh from it 

Ann’s classmates, and school sympathizers thought the video was wonderful and got a laugh from it 

However the Internet can be a cruel place- as noted in this lovely tweet from someone who didn't appreciate the share, the editing or Ann's storytelling ability 

However the Internet can be a cruel place- as noted in this lovely tweet from someone who didn’t appreciate the share, the editing or Ann’s storytelling ability 

Ann took the trolling in stride, like a pro who puts their work out there: 'Shoutout to everyone who’s so nice and especially to the trolls y’all keep me humble,' she tweeted 

Ann took the trolling in stride, like a pro who puts their work out there: ‘Shoutout to everyone who’s so nice and especially to the trolls y’all keep me humble,’ she tweeted 

It’s unclear if Ann really needed a blue book for her cinema exam, possibly it was a requirement for the psychics exam she erroneously showed up to. 

The Twitterverse can be a tough place, while her story was entertaining, and the general reaction among her peers was one of compassion, some people said she lost sympathy points for not showing up to class in the last month.

Other people were out right nasty. One Twitter user in lambasting Ann for how she handled the situation, misspelled loser.

When sharing anything on social media, it’s a good to have a decent sense of humor about it, as Ann did when she remarked after her video went viral: ‘Shoutout to everyone who’s so nice and especially to the trolls y’all keep me humble.’