Furious cyclist smashes driver side mirror in abusive rant

A furious cyclist was caught on footage damaging a car in an abusive tirade against a female driver who he claimed nearly ‘ran him off the road’.

The shocking video captures the male cyclist yelling obscenities at a woman in a silver car, as horrified bystanders watched on in Sydney’s Centennial Park on Saturday.

It was filmed by a father who was walking with his newborn baby – and the footage shows the man attempt to intervene and save the female driver from the verbal onslaught, Yahoo7 reports.


The shocking video captures the male cyclist (pictured) yelling obscenities at a woman in a silver car, as horrified bystanders watched on in Sydney’s Centennial Park on Saturday

As the father approaches the enraged cyclist the man can be seen yelling into the window of the car while several other witnesses with young children stopped to look.

He continued to shout inaudibly at the woman before angrily smashing her side mirror to the ground.

The Bondi man, who wished to remain anonymous, attempted to placate the rider and asked him to stop his expletive-laden rant.

‘Excuse me mate, I know you’re upset but she’s probably obviously new to driving or whatever,’ the man said.

‘You don’t have the right go straight through my f**ing lane and nearly wipe me off the road you f***ing b***,’ the cyclist yelled at the woman. 

‘There is no excuse for not paying attention and almost running people off the road, none!’

The father then informed the cyclist he should ‘educate’ the offending driver, rather than abusing her.

As the father approaches the enraged cyclist (pictured) the man can be seen yelling into the window of the car while several other witnesses with young children stopped to look

As the father approaches the enraged cyclist (pictured) the man can be seen yelling into the window of the car while several other witnesses with young children stopped to look

‘Instead of scaring her educate her so next time she knows what to do,’ he said.

‘She needs to know before she gets on the f***ing road,’ the rider yelled. 

As the incensed cyclist persisted with his verbal attack other witnesses attempted to tell the man to calm down.

But he instead stormed away, continuing to shout expletives into the void and criticize the driver’s behaviour.  

The man behind the camera then asked the rider what he planned to do about the woman’s side mirror, to which he replied: ‘F***ing nothing’.

Both the cyclist and motorist appeared to be unharmed by the incident and no complaint has been reported to the police. 

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk