Furious mother speaks out after school embroiled in Drag Queen gender row gave ‘graphic’ sex lessons

A parent at the scandal-hit school where a drag queen allegedly gave sex education lessons has told of her fury after her 11-year-old daughter was taught about oral and anal sex.

The girl, who only left primary school last summer, was left upset and disturbed by what she described as ‘graphic’ content in the classroom.

And, in a separate incident at the school, a boy was given a detention for disagreeing with the claim that ‘there are 73 genders’ , Mail Online has learned.

The concerned mother spoke to MailOnline after her 11-year-old daughter was taught about oral and anal sex in the classroom at the under-fire Queen Elizabeth II school on the Isle of Man

The mother says her daughter was upset and disturbed by the 'graphic' content in class

The mother says her daughter was upset and disturbed by the ‘graphic’ content in class 

The 14-year-old boy was told by staff to leave the class and had to serve a lunchtime detention for ‘being disruptive’ but he and his parents insist he was ‘simply expressing his own opinion’.

An independent review has been launched into Queen Elizabeth II High School in Peel, Isle of Man, after Year 7 children were reportedly left ‘traumatised’ after being taught about sex-change operations and sexual acts.

Furious parents bombarded the school with calls and emails after children returned home and told them about the graphic lessons – which some labelled as ‘more pornography than education’.

It led to the classes being suspended while an urgent review of the syllabus was ordered by the island’s Department of Education – with the news even making headlines in the United States.

The mother of a girl in Year 7 said she couldn’t believe it when her daughter came home from to tell her what she had learned in the class.

‘When my daughter told me what had happened, I got onto the school immediately and asked them what on earth they were doing talking in such graphic detail,’ her mother said.

‘Ok, I understand they must learn about reproduction and the birds and the bees but just keep it to basic biology with a man and a woman.

‘My daughter is just 11 years old, she’s five years below the age of consent and is learning about anal sex and oral sex. What were the school thinking of?

‘It wasn’t age appropriate for Year 7 children and certainly not needed. It would have been good if the school had told parents exactly what the content was, but we had no warning at all.

‘Children are just not mature enough at 11 to hear such graphic content, it’s grooming the children and we are supposed to be steering them away from pornography yet here they are hearing all about it.

All Relationship and Sex Education lessons at Queen Elizabeth II school are currently on hold

All Relationship and Sex Education lessons at Queen Elizabeth II school are currently on hold

‘Teachers do not always align to certain moral or religious views, and while the liberal mindset is encouraging of diverse sex education, sex before marriage and sexual orientations, is not something that should be mandatory.

‘At that age it should be left to the discretion of the parent to decide what they deem fit to disclose and encourage.’

The mother – who has other children at the school – added how parents had also been left outraged when they discovered the graphic sexual content of the controversial syllabus.

She added: ‘The younger kids at the school have been told about oral and anal sex, at 11 years old! What the hell is that about? It’s more pornography than sex education classes.

‘It’s adult content and should be advertised as such and yet none of the parents had any idea of what was in the syllabus until their kids came home and started talking about what they did at school.

‘If you ask me, it’s grooming young children into being different things just to fit in and the leaving them confused as to where they belong.

‘It’s as if believing, there are only two genders is wrong nowadays and they want to make you feel guilty for thinking that.’

With her mother’s permission, MailOnline spoke to an 11-year-old girl who had attended the classes and who said she had been left ‘sick and disgusted’ by what she had heard in the lesson.

The girl said: ‘It was all very graphic and to hear about oral and anal sex at my age wasn’t very nice. It made me feel sick and I wanted to leave the lesson.

‘It was disgusting and horrible and a lot of my friends just switched off because they didn’t want to hear about bottoms and things. Why do we need to know that at 11?

‘We are too young for that sort of thing. I know we have to learn how to make babies and that’s fine but I don’t want to learn about men kissing men and women kissing women which was part of the lesson.

‘Most of the class weren’t even listening to what the teacher was saying, some were drawing or just looking out the window. I think it’s because they couldn’t believe what the teacher was saying.’

Meanwhile, the mother of the 14-year-old boy said: ’I’m all for people being different and don’t get me wrong, each to their own but this gender malarkey is ridiculous.

‘As far as I’m concerned you can’t change biology and I was amazed when I called the school to find out why my son had been given a detention.

‘The fact our children are not allowed to have their own view, in other words that there are only two genders is disgusting.

‘The teacher was drumming it into them that there were several genders and he just said as he is entitled to that he didn’t accept it and he was punished for having his own opinion.

‘There is absolutely no need to ram gender and pride down kids throats and the more it’s done then the more it just alienates the majority of parents and children.

‘My son was told that he has to accept there are more than two genders and when he questions it he is punished, why? It’s just not on.

‘He said he didn’t believe it and was punished. In my opinion that is wrong.’

The school has been embroiled in controversy since it was claimed that a drag queen was guest speaker at a Year 7 sex education class in September last year – and told pupils there were 73 genders.

The school has insisted that ‘some aspects are inaccurate’ but has declined to clarify.

The island has a thriving drag scene with at least six drag queens, none of whom were thought to be involved in the programne at Queen Elizeabeth II.

Among them Owen Atkinson, whose stage name is Fenella Beach. He has previously written on his blog that he goes to high schools to chat to children at their LGBT+ groups about his experiences. He declined to comment.

But one drag queen, who asked not to be named, told MailOnline: ‘It’s a small community of draq queens no more than six or seven and we all know each other and this has caused a lot of problems.

‘It’s put the relationship we had with the island back ten years and it’s all because this didn’t happen as was described. There was no drag queen at the school, that’s it.

‘All the drag queens on the island know each other and if it had been one of us, we would have know it, we would have talked about it and we would have known but no one knows anything.

‘It’s a unicorn, it didn’t happen and it’s having a detrimental effect on the LGBT + community on the island. If you ask me there is an agenda going on and hopefully the review will show that it wasn’t as people have been talking about.

‘People just want to demonise drag queens and say that we are impacting on young children and someone is capitalising parents fear and we are caught in it.’

Charlotte Clarke, head of Queen Elizabeth II High School, said: ‘Having viewed a video which is currently circulating on social media relating to the school’s RSE curriculum and its delivery, we are concerned that there could be a number of inaccuracies with the information being shared.

‘Given the concerns being raised, and in order to be open and transparent, we requested an independent review into the situation. As such I am happy to take part in the independent review which is being deployed by the Department of Education, Sport and Culture and would encourage our community to avoid speculation at this time.’

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk