Gamer sets up PS4 and TV so he can play in McDonalds

  • Gamer hauled his TV, PS4 and all the necessary wires into the Plymouth chain
  • He played the console for 45 minutes with minimal interruption from staff
  • 22-year-old said only complaint came that he was playing violent video game 

A computer game fanatic brought his TV and Playstation into a McDonald’s restaurant so he could play his favourite games while eating a Big Mac and fries.

Max Clayton lumbered all the gear into the fast food chain in Plymouth last month and connected the wires so he could enjoy Grand Theft Auto while snacking on his meal.

Staff were apparently relaxed about the stunt, asking only that he swapped the notoriously violent game for one that would not upset other customers.

Game-burger: Max Clayton plays his PS4 on a 32-inch screen TV in McDonald’s after deciding he wanted to play the console in the fast food chain

He said the only gripe McDonald's staff had was with the violent game he was playing

He said the only gripe McDonald’s staff had was with the violent game he was playing

Max, 22, set up his 32-inch smart TV complete with extension leads and PS4 and connected it up with the fast food chain’s complimentary wifi.

The IT worker said: ‘At first, we struggled to find a McDonald’s with a plug socket so we actually went to another one before there.

‘Then we managed to find a socket in [the city’s Marsh Mills branch]. We went for a McDonald’s and I hooked up the PlayStation to a plug under our table.

‘The funny thing was, the staff said the only problem was what game we might be playing. I’d brought Grand Theft Auto with me but because [it’s an 18], we had to change it to Monopoly.

‘We were in there for about 40 minutes in total and we had a couple of people surrounding us watching the game.

‘Some people were stood in the line looking over. We used to be trouble-makers but now we just want to make people laugh.’

The 22-year-old said he played his computer for around 45 minutes in the burger chain

The 22-year-old said he played his computer for around 45 minutes in the burger chain

His friend Steven said: ‘Max is a very strange person. I suppose you might call him eccentric.

‘He just came up with the idea of setting up his PS4 and LG TV in McDonald’s. He said ‘I want to play GTA in Maccy’s’ and I honestly thought he wouldn’t have the ball to do it.

‘I showed up at his place because he hasn’t got a car. I remember just picking him up and thinking ‘this is happening isn’t it?’

‘There were just all the wires and everything in the back of the car and we drove off.’