Gang of six men make monkey noises at black commuter on London Underground train

Gang of six men make monkey noises at black commuter on London Underground train as one pretends to be an APE and swings from seat to seat

  • The gang of six made monkey noises at a black commuter who was sitting alone 
  • One of the men pretended to be a monkey and climbed over seats on the train 
  • He then leaped at the black commuter as his friends watched on and laughed  

This is the shocking moment a passenger was racially abused on the London Underground by six white commuters, with one pretending to be a monkey and jumping at him as he filmed them. 

The horrific incident took place on the Northern Line, just before Kennington station, while stunned members of the public looked on.

One of the six men climbed on train seats while swinging from pole to pole as he pretended to be a monkey.  

The victim asked them to repeat the monkey gestures, so he could capture it on video. 

Other commuters could be heard sympathising with the victim as he was repeatedly abused by the gang of six.  

Despite being challenged several times, the group are unapologetic and seem to be laughing and joking about the abuse. 

The victim told Mail Online that he was shocked at what had happened.

He said: ‘I was on the train, minding my own business. I saw a group of white men getting on and they saw me and started doing these monkey noises and these monkey movements.

One of the group of six pretended to be a monkey and jumped from seat to seat a his friends laughed at him

He then jumped at the black commuter who was filming the shocking racist incident on the London Underground

He then jumped at the black commuter who was filming the shocking racist incident on the London Underground

‘I tried to ignore it as much as possible but one of the guys gave me a thumbs up and then I realised he wanted me to know I was being targeted.

‘So I asked him, ”are you good mate?”. Then he said to his friend that I was dumb and I didn’t get it. 

‘Fast forward, I tried to get some video footage and as you saw, they were really racist. I could’ve fought them but then again, everybody would say I was just responding to hate with hate and adding more fuel to the fire. 

‘Being the man I am, I was raised to show love rather than hate and I had to set an example. You saw what happened. 

‘We need to stop the hatred around the world man. All this racism that’s going on, it’s nonsense. We’re all the same.

‘Ignorant people like that need to be guided and I pray to God that he guides them.’ 

The abuse took place on the Northern Line, just before Kennington station, while stunned members of the public looked on

The abuse took place on the Northern Line, just before Kennington station, while stunned members of the public looked on

The man making the monkey noises leaps at his victim, his face filling the camera.  

Posting the video on Instagram, the victim said: ‘Racism is still alive. To all my people of colour around the world, stay strong. Let’s end this epidemic once and for all.’

A friend of the victim wrote on Twitter: ‘Six white racist individuals started to make monkey noises on the train to my friend because he is black, one of the individuals then starts to swing around and coming up close. 

‘They need to be identified and punished, being drunk is NOT an excuse.’