Gastric Balloon in Norway: Are Overseas Options the Key to Savings?

Obesity is a global health concern, and individuals struggling with excessive weight often seek weight loss solutions to improve their quality of life.  The gastric balloon procedure is one such popular option throughout the world.

However, the cost of this procedure, particularly in countries like Norway, can be substantial. Weight loss surgery prices keep rising across Europe and also in other locations much further away. So, what can be done?

In this article, we will explore the price of the gastric balloon in Norway.

What is a gastric balloon?

Before delving into the different options and cost comparisons, it’s crucial to understand what the gastric balloon procedure entails.

This minimally invasive procedure is designed to help individuals achieve significant weight loss by reducing their stomach’s capacity. It involves placing a deflated balloon in the stomach and then inflating it to occupy space, thereby making patients feel full with smaller portions of food.

This method can be highly effective in jump-starting a weight loss journey, as it curbs overeating and encourages healthier eating habits.

However, the cost of this treatment in Norway has made many individuals consider alternative options, particularly in countries where the same quality of care is offered at a more affordable price.

Gastric balloon surgery in Norway

Norway is known for its high-quality healthcare system and well-trained medical professionals. However, this level of care comes at a price.

The price of gastric balloon in Norway can be substantial, ranging from approximately NOK 40,000 to NOK 60,000 (4000-5000 EUR) and rising. While the quality of care is undeniably excellent, the price tag can be a significant obstacle for many patients.

These difficulties have prompted many individuals to explore more cost-effective alternatives for gastric balloons abroad.

Gastric Balloon abroad: Latvia as an affordable option

Another European country – Latvia has emerged as a desirable destination for medical tourism, offering high-quality healthcare services at a fraction of the cost seen in countries like Norway. This includes weight loss procedures like gastric balloon surgery.

And, while the savings on gastric balloon surgery in Latvia can be substantial, it’s essential to ensure that quality and safety are not compromised.

Latvia has invested in its medical infrastructure and has highly trained healthcare professionals, making it an attractive option for those seeking affordable gastric balloon surgery without compromising on the quality of care.

The cost of the procedure in Latvia can be significantly lower than a gastric balloon in Norway, with the current and all-inclusive 12-month price package being just 27.925 NOK. This makes it a compelling alternative for those looking to save on their weight loss journey.

Benefits of choosing gastric balloon abroad

Opting for gastric balloon surgery in Latvia offers several advantages:

  • Cost Savings: The most significant advantage is the substantial cost savings. Patients can receive the same high-quality treatment in Latvia for a fraction of the price they would pay in Norway.
  • Professional Expertise: Latvian medical professionals are well-trained and experienced in performing gastric balloon surgery, ensuring that patients receive safe and effective care.
  • Travel Opportunities: Latvia, with its rich history and vibrant culture, provides an opportunity for medical tourists to explore a new country while undergoing treatment.
  • Short Waiting Times: Waiting times for elective procedures are often shorter in Latvia, allowing patients to schedule their surgery more conveniently.
  • Comprehensive Support: Many medical tourism agencies in Latvia offer support for international patients, assisting with travel arrangements, accommodation, and post-operative care.


In conclusion, gastric balloon is an effective method for jump-starting weight loss, but the cost can be a significant barrier for many patients. Considering more affordable yet quality alternatives abroad can provide a cost-effective solution without compromising on the standard of care.

However, thorough research and due diligence are essential to ensure a safe and successful weight loss journey. Always prioritize quality and safety, regardless of where you choose to undergo gastric balloon surgery.

With any questions, do not hesitate to reach out to us!