GBBO goes into innuendo overdrive with clanger challenge

The Great British Bake Off’s innuendo-laden commentary has become part of the charm of the show.

And on Tuesday’s edition of the Channel 4 show, the smut was being flung across the famous tent thanks to a challenge involving regional pasty the Bedfordshire Clanger.

The snack – which is a bit like a longer version of the traditional Cornish Pasty – dates back to at least the 19th century and features a suet crust dumpling with a savoury filling at one end and a sweet filling at the other.

Oops! Great British Bake Off contestant Kate suffered an unfortunate baking incident in front of judges Paul and Prue on Tuesday night, during an innuendo-laden episode of GBBO

The name of the snack and it’s shape led to a string of innuendo from the bakers.

Steven left viewers with their mouths agape when he announced ‘I’ve got a huge clanger’.

Elsewhere, the phrase ‘no-one likes a stodgy clanger’ was uttered by judge Prue Leith.

Screams erupted around the tent from the contestants concerned about their ‘leaking clangers’.

Big mistake... Kate was disappointed to see her loaf land on the floor after getting it out of the oven 

Big mistake… Kate was disappointed to see her loaf land on the floor after getting it out of the oven 

And what about the food? Steven left viewers with their mouths agape when he announced 'I've got a huge clanger'

And what about the food? Steven left viewers with their mouths agape when he announced ‘I’ve got a huge clanger’

Drama: Kate had a disaster when she was extracting her's from the oven to present to the judges Prue and Paul Hollywood only for it to fall on the floor

Drama: Kate had a disaster when she was extracting her’s from the oven to present to the judges Prue and Paul Hollywood only for it to fall on the floor

 Five second rule? 'I've literally dropped a clanger,' she gasped as others looked on in shock

 Five second rule? ‘I’ve literally dropped a clanger,’ she gasped as others looked on in shock

And Kate had a disaster when she was extracting her’s from the oven to present to the judges Prue and Paul Hollywood only for it to fall on the floor.

‘I’ve literally dropped a clanger,’ she gasped.

Noel Fielding, co-host of the show with Sandi Toksvig, joked ‘don’t look back in clanger’. 

Viewers took to Twitter to remark on the cheeky chat on screen.

Cheeky: Later in the show, Steven dropped another innuendo when he stated 'no one wants a hot nut in their face'

Cheeky: Later in the show, Steven dropped another innuendo when he stated ‘no one wants a hot nut in their face’

Gags a'plenty: Noel Fielding, co-host of the show with Sandi Toksvig, joked 'don't look back in clanger'

Gags a’plenty: Noel Fielding, co-host of the show with Sandi Toksvig, joked ‘don’t look back in clanger’

‘I’ve got a huge Clanger! Some #BakeOffInnuendo there! #GBBO #ooherrr,’ one person tweeted.

Reacting to Kate’s situation, someone else posted: ‘She’s dropped it? She’ll have a filthy clanger! #GBBO.’

‘Oh dear…. lots of leaks and a floor clanger… it’s all too much!! #gbbo,’ another joked.

‘Don’t you just hate it when your clangers are leaking? #GBBO,’ joined in one smutty viewer.

Naughty: Tuesday's edition of the Channel 4 show, the smut was being flung across the famous tent thanks to a challenge involving regional pasty the Bedfordshire Clanger

Naughty: Tuesday’s edition of the Channel 4 show, the smut was being flung across the famous tent thanks to a challenge involving regional pasty the Bedfordshire Clanger

Rude: The Great British Bake Off's innuendo-laden commentary has become part of the charm of the show

Rude: The Great British Bake Off’s innuendo-laden commentary has become part of the charm of the show

‘I’ve got a massive clanger. Hold on there, Steve! Bloody hell. This is a family show. #GBBO #Filth,’ someone else protested.

‘I’ve got a huge clanger – bet you do daddy,’ another person commented.

Later in the show, Steven dropped another innuendo when he stated ‘no one wants a hot nut in their face’.

Reacting to Kate's situation, someone else posted: 'She's dropped it? She'll have a filthy clanger! #GBBO'

Reacting to Kate’s situation, someone else posted: ‘She’s dropped it? She’ll have a filthy clanger! #GBBO’