Geelong’s Jessica Dixon texted ex-lover Tyrone Reith-Myers to kill himself before he did

How vile ex-girlfriend bombarded her former lover with cruel texts telling him to kill himself – before he took his own life – but she AVOIDS jail for the hate campaign

  • Jessica Dixon launched relentless hate campaign telling her ex to kill himself
  • She bombarded him with texts despite knowing his mental health issues
  • The 15 month barrage of evil ended in tragedy when he committed suicide 
  • Magistrate Simon Guthrie said the texts ‘horrified’ him and left feeling ill 
  • Dixon got off without conviction with a community corrections order  
  • If this story has raised issues for you, call Lifeline on 13 11 14 

An evil ex-girlfriend tortured her former lover with a stream of heartless texts telling him to kill himself before he took his own life. 

Jessica Dixon, 27, of Mount Duneed, Victoria, bombarded Tyrone Reith-Myers with the vicious messages for almost 18 months until the hate campaign ended in tragedy, a court has heard. 

Between December 2017 and April 2019, Dixon told her ex-boyfriend ‘you should kill yourself’ ‘no-one wants you around’, ‘slit your throat’ and ‘neck himself’, Geelong Magistrates’ Court was told.

Mr Reith-Myers, 27, killed himself on April 25, 2019.

Jessica Dixon (pictured) bombarded Tyrone Reith-Myers with the vicious messages for almost 18 months until the hate campaign ended in tragedy


Between December 2017 and April 2019, Dixon told her ex-boyfriend 'you should kill yourself' 'no-one wants you around', 'slit your throat' and 'neck himself

Between December 2017 and April 2019, Dixon told her ex-boyfriend ‘you should kill yourself’ ‘no-one wants you around’, ‘slit your throat’ and ‘neck himself

Dixon had pleaded guilty to one charge of using a carriage service to menace. 

On Thursday, she remarkably walked from court without conviction on a one-year community corrections order that requires her to perform 100 hours of unpaid work. 

Despite the leniency of the sentence, magistrate Simon Guthrie condemned Dixon for her ‘vile’ offending.  

‘The correspondence in my view was cruel, it was vicious, it was threatening, it was intentional, it was calculated, it was persistent, it was vile for such a prolonged period of time making it very difficult for me to consider you a “beautiful soul who wants the best for everyone”, “dependable, kind, thoughtful and considerate”,’ he said. 

Such were the terms used to describe Dixon by her posse of mates who provided character references to the court. 

Magistrate Guthrie said the texts had made him feel ill, the Geelong Advertiser reported earlier.

‘I haven’t read such threatening and aggressive messages like this, not this consistent.’ 

The court heard the pair had been in a relationship since 2013 and she admitted to knowing her partner had mental health issues at the time. 

The pair had been in a relationship since 2013 and Dixon admitted she had known lover Tyrone Reith-Myers (pictured) had mental health issues at the time.

The pair had been in a relationship since 2013 and Dixon admitted she had known lover Tyrone Reith-Myers (pictured) had mental health issues at the time.

Her defence barrister Sandra Wendlandt insisted Dixon had already been punished by the death of her former lover which had ‘traumatised’ her. 

She added: ‘It’s something she will live with for the rest of her life and that is significant.

‘She has shown maturity since the event and obtained assistance…she has no priors, no subsequent matters and it has been almost three years since the end of the offending.’

Police found a folder on Mr Reith-Myers’ computer with messages sent to him by Dixon and videos he made two days before his death.

Police found a folder on Mr Reith-Myers' computer with messages sent to him by Jessica Dixon (pictured) and videos he made two days before his death

Police found a folder on Mr Reith-Myers’ computer with messages sent to him by Jessica Dixon (pictured) and videos he made two days before his death

Dixon, 27, pleaded guilty on Wednesday to using a carriage service to hound Mr Reith-Myers and will be sentenced on Thursday at Geelong Magistrates Court (pictured)

Dixon, 27, pleaded guilty on Wednesday to using a carriage service to hound Mr Reith-Myers and will be sentenced on Thursday at Geelong Magistrates Court (pictured)

They showed him writing some of the abuse she sent him on his hand – such as ‘liked by none’ and ‘neck yourself Tyrone’ – and holding his palm up to the camera.

The victim’s mother told the court: ‘Life for myself and my family will never be the same…[it has] changed everything forever.

‘When Ty fell in love, I wanted it to be reciprocated and with someone who wasn’t OK with losing him.’

She added: ‘I am crushed with a heaviness and sadness that I can’t describe; it can only be felt by me.’ 

If this has raised issues for you, call Lifeline 13 11 14 or Beyond Blue  1300 22 4636
