Gen Z is now calling Gen X the ‘Karen Generation’

While millennials and Baby Boomers fight an ongoing generational war, members of Generation X thought they were getting away unscathed — and wondered if anyone even remembered they exist.

Well, Generation Z — most of whom count members of Gen X as parents — certainly do, and they’ve decided they’re not letting them off the hook.

As more and more social media users are using ‘ok boomer’ as a dismissive insult for those born roughly between 1946 and 1964, now Gen X has decided that Gen X is also the ‘Karen Generation,’ referencing a stereotype of a dissatisfied, demanding woman who always wants to complain to the manager.

Nickname: Gen Z is now calling Gen X the ‘Karen Generation’ (pictured: Kate Gosselin, whose hairstyle is often considered synonymous with ‘Karens’)

Earning attention: BuzzFeed credits Julia, a 23-year-old in Norway, with popularizing the idea

Earning attention: BuzzFeed credits Julia, a 23-year-old in Norway, with popularizing the idea

BuzzFeed credits Julia, a 23-year-old in Norway, with helping to popularize the idea. 

On November 12, she tweeted: ‘The weakest s*** is being like “nooo that’s a gen X u can’t say okay boomer to them”, like gen X aren’t Karen’s who abuse us constantly???’

Speaking to BuzzFeed, she explained that ‘Karens’ are ‘privileged from the system the boomers set up for them and [are] now acting entitled and working against Gen Z,’ who were born between 1996-2010.

‘They’re usually racist, homophobic, and transphobic, don’t believe in vaccines or climate change, and are mostly also the parents of Gen Z children,’ she went on, adding that they tend to ‘stand their ground and act like everybody else is wrong and they’re always right.’

‘Especially in Norway, where the strike for climate change is going strong, you see parents mocking Greta Thunberg and the other young adults participating because they themselves are not willing to change how they live their lives,’ she said.

Since she tweeted about the Karen/Gen X issue, others have voiced agreement.

‘Gen x is now called the Karen Generation and honestly I think I’m ok with that,’ wrote one.

Support: Social media users have come out in agreement with the term

Support: Social media users have come out in agreement with the term

‘Gen X is just the Karen generation,’ wrote another.

‘I just came to the realization that the gen x equivalent of “ok boomer” is “alright karen,”‘ said yet another.

‘Totally on board with Gen X being named the Karen Generation,’ one more Twitter user chimed in. 

Word has gotten around to members of Gen X, many of whom are not exactly thrilled about it.

‘Goddamnit the kids are coming for me now! I swear I’ve never asked to speak to a manager in my life!’ one complained.

Others, though, acknowledged the nickname’s accuracy.

‘Gen X is known for its ironic detachment and hip nihilism. We consider ourselves the cool ones. But let’s also admit a dirty truth:Almost all Karens are Xers,’ wrote one.

Not interested: Gen Xers are both defending themselves and dismissing the insult

Not interested: Gen Xers are both defending themselves and dismissing the insult 

Others joked that Gen X was tired of being ignored and forgotten about, but this wasn’t the way they wanted to be remembered. 

‘Congratulations, Gen X! Gen Z finally gave us a sh***y meme too! We exist again!!’ wrote one.

And others simply shrugged it off, pointing out that one of the defining characteristics of Gen X is that they just don’t care.

‘So, apparently Gen Z is going after Gen X, calling us the “Karen” generation. IMO, this shows a foundational misunderstanding of what it means to be Gen X. We’re used to being dismissed and denigrated. If you’re waiting for outrage, you’ll be waiting a while,’ one explained.

And another: ‘Apparently it’s Gen X’s time in the barrel. The upside, I guess, is that we can’t be motivated to care about it.’