George Santos: 59% of New Yorkers want Republican lawmaker to RESIGN, new poll says

59% of New Yorkers want fantasist Republican George Santos to RESIGN and just 16% approve, damning new poll says as report claims he was a drag queen for THREE YEARS

  • A majority of residents of upstate and suburban New York as well as New York City want Republican Congressman George Santos to step down, the poll says
  • The sentiment is shared among a higher percentage of men than women
  • Santos denied being a drag queen in his youth but said he ‘had fun at a festival’ 

A majority of New York residents want Republican Rep. George Santos (NY-03) to resign as details of his backstory have continued to unravel, according to a new poll released on Monday.

The freshman congressman was thrust into the spotlight when he admitted to lying about his college and career credentials late last year. 

He is also wanted by prosecutors in Brazil for allegedly stealing an ailing man’s checkbook, and spent a year working for a U.S. company that the SEC branded a ‘Ponzi scheme.’

On Saturday, the 34-year-old lawmaker said he was ‘not a drag queen in Brazil’ but that he ‘had fun’ in his youth when confronted about a photo supposedly depicting him in a dress and sporting long hair and heavy makeup.

‘I was young and I had fun at a festival. Sue me for having a life,’ he told reporters at La Guardia Airport, according to CNN.

But according to the new poll from the Siena College Research Institute, people living in the Empire State – including his Queens/Long Island district – are tired of the steady drip of new revelations. 

Embattled Republican Rep. George Santos has brushed off bipartisan calls to step down from Congress

Fifty-nine percent of respondents said they want Santos to resign, compared to just 17 percent who said they want him to stay on Capitol Hill.

Just under a quarter said they had no opinion on his political career.

His overall favorability rating is also low, at just 16 percent.

The share of people who say they disapprove of him is slightly lower than the share calling on him to resign, 56 percent, but the modest difference falls into the poll’s 4.3 percent margin of error.

Even among fellow Republicans, a 49-percent plurality want him out of Congress. 

A whopping 71 percent of suburban New York residents polled want him to resign, as well as 58 percent of those who call the Big Apple home.

More men than women also want Santos to step down, though more than 50 percent of both believe he should go.

He’s so far resisted all calls to resign, and on Thursday, Santos denied a pair of respective allegations that he was a drag queen and that he took $3,000 in donations meant for a homeless veteran’s dog to have life-saving surgery.

‘The most recent obsession from the media claiming that I am a drag Queen or “performed” as a drag Queen is categorically false,’ Santos said of the first claim.

‘The media continues to make outrageous claims about my life while I am working to deliver results. I will not be distracted nor fazed by this.’

He later posted, ‘The reports that I would let a dog die is shocking & insane.’

It came after a military veteran told a number of different outlets that Santos had presented himself as ‘Anthony Devolder,’ his middle names, and agreed to help raise money for his service dog’s cancer surgery.

Santos allegedly ended up disappearing with the money, and the dog had to be put down. Her owner said he was forced to panhandle for enough money to pay for the procedure to put the dog out of her misery. 

But Santos defended himself, ‘My work in animal advocacy was the labor of love & hard work.’

‘Over the past 24hr I have received pictures of dogs I helped rescue throughout the years along with supportive messages. These distractions won’t stop me!’ he said.
