Georgia father arrested after two-week-old found dead

A father from Newton County, Georgia has been caught and arrested after his new-born daughter was discovered dead in the woods near a trailer park in Georgia on Sunday.

Chris McNabb, who has been named a person of interest, fled shortly after Caliyah McNabb, his daughter, was discovered behind the Eagle Point Trailer Park.

Her body was found by volunteer searchers wrapped in a blue cloth in a duffel bag in the woods. 

Caliyah McNabb (pictured here) was found dead in the woods near Eagle Point Trailer Park in Covington Sunday

She was found by volunteer searchers wrapped in a blue cloth in a duffel bag in the woods

She was found by volunteer searchers wrapped in a blue cloth in a duffel bag in the woods

McNabb and his girlfriend, Courtney Bell had first reported their daughter missing on Saturday morning.

Caliyah’s parents, Chris and Courtney Bell, called police after they noticed their daughter had disappeared Saturday morning.

They told officials that Caliyah was fine when they fed and changed her at 5 a.m. Saturday but five hours later when they went into her bedroom she had gone.

Chris McNabb (the father) called police claiming his daughter disappeared Saturday morning

Chris McNabb (the father) called police claiming his daughter disappeared Saturday morning

Police said the situation was ‘suspicious,’ according to WSBTV and the case went from a missing child incident to a homicide.

McNabb (pictured here in a mugshot) was arrested on probation violation

McNabb (pictured here in a mugshot) was arrested on probation violation

‘A Fifteen-day-old child obviously didn’t leave by themselves,’ Newton County Sheriff’s Dept. Capt. Keith Crum said. 

Volunteers were searching a wooded area near the home of the family Sunday when they discovered the infant’s body under a log.

Police went looking for McNabb Sunday evening, as according to Crum, McNabb was in his girlfriend’s car when he found out that his daughter’s body had been found.

He allegedly jumped out of the car at the intersection of Highway 36 and Covington By-Pass Road and ran away.

Officials then found him at a gas station car wash where they arrested him immediately on a probation violation.

He is currently the only person being named a person of interest in his daughter’s death, according to CBS. 

The mother of the dead baby - Courtney Bell (pictured here in tears) is not being named a person of interest in the case

The mother of the dead baby – Courtney Bell (pictured here in tears) is not being named a person of interest in the case

Bell was taken to police headquarters where she gave a statement, however she has not been named a person of interest in the case.  

The child’s body is currently being held at a coroner’s office where an autopsy will take place.

It will be conducted at the Georgia Bureau of Investigation headquarters so officials can determine the child’s identity and exact cause of death. 

She told police that her daughter was absolutely fine Saturday morning at 5 a.m. but then when they went to her bedroom at 10 a.m. she was nowhere to be seen

She told police that her daughter was absolutely fine Saturday morning at 5 a.m. but then when they went to her bedroom at 10 a.m. she was nowhere to be seen

Volunteers (pictured here) were searching a wooded area near the home of the family Sunday when they discovered the infant's body under a log

Volunteers (pictured here) were searching a wooded area near the home of the family Sunday when they discovered the infant’s body under a log