German troops show off their hostage-rescuing tactics 38 years after SAS did it for real

  • Dramatic footage has emerged of four German troops ‘freeing a hostage’ in a training exercise in Dresden
  • The images are eerily similar to that  the 1980 Iranian embassy siege in London, which the SAS ended
  • Elsewhere, Germans have been celebrating their Armed Forces Day at military bases across the country

Dramatic footage has emerged of German troops ‘freeing a hostage’ in a training exercise during Tag De Bundeswehr (Armed Forces Day) in Dresden today.

In images eerily reminiscent of the 1980 Iranian embassy siege, four geared up troops dropped from a helicopter and abseiled from the roof onto the ledge of the Military Museum.

The troops from the Kammando Spezialkrafte, the Germany elite special forces unit, then stand on the building ledge and smash a window showing debris flying in the air. 

After they break through the window, the troops climb into the building. 

After the special forces troops climb into the building, the German public were then shown the troops on screen storming the building and capturing ‘hostage-takers’. 

The exercise was part of a public display celebrating the Bundeswehr, the named used for the Germany Army, Navy, Airforce. 

Today marks the ‘Tag de Bundseswehr’ which sees military bases across the country Germany hold open days.   

A dramatic photo has emerged of German army members free a hostage during a practise as part of the national armed service day

Special forces of the German Bundeswehr perform the rescue of a hostage at a public presentation

Special forces of the German Bundeswehr perform the rescue of a hostage at a public presentation

Members of the Special Air Service (SAS) entering the Iranian Embassy to end a six day siege in west London in 1980

Members of the Special Air Service (SAS) entering the Iranian Embassy to end a six day siege in west London in 1980

Sim Harris, former BBC member of staff who was one of 26 hostages seized by the Iranian gunmen on the morning of April 30, 1980 escaping with the aid of the SAS assault team

Sim Harris, former BBC member of staff who was one of 26 hostages seized by the Iranian gunmen on the morning of April 30, 1980 escaping with the aid of the SAS assault team

The SAS end the Iranian Embassy siege in 1980 after six gunmen took control of the building in Kensington, west London

The SAS end the Iranian Embassy siege in 1980 after six gunmen took control of the building in Kensington, west London

Special forces of the German Bundeswehr abseil down from a helicopter at a public presentation on the 'Day of the Bundeswehr'

Special forces of the German Bundeswehr abseil down from a helicopter at a public presentation on the ‘Day of the Bundeswehr’

Special forces of the German Bundeswehr abseil down from the Military Museum at a public presentation

Special forces of the German Bundeswehr abseil down from the Military Museum at a public presentation

Kammando Spezialkrafte troops drop down from a helicopter fully armed as they prepare to 'siege' the embassy 

Kammando Spezialkrafte troops drop down from a helicopter fully armed as they prepare to ‘siege’ the embassy 

The troops climbed down the building before they eventually smashed through a window to rescue hostages

The troops climbed down the building before they eventually smashed through a window to rescue hostages

After the special forces troops climb into the building, the German public were then shown the troops on screen storming the building and capturing 'hostage-takers'

After the special forces troops climb into the building, the German public were then shown the troops on screen storming the building and capturing 'hostage-takers'

After the special forces troops climb into the building, the German public were then shown the troops on screen storming the building and capturing ‘hostage-takers’
