Get fit in 15 minutes: The best exercise for tighter skin around your knees

Get fit in 15 minutes: The best exercise to strengthen your quad muscles for tighter skin around your knees

  • Nadya Fairweather reveals the best exercise to strengthen your quad muscles
  • Shona Wilkinson advises pairing the exercise with a diet rich in Vitamin C
  • Stylist Liz Hemmings shared a selection of items to wear for the fitness routine


If you have saggy skin around the knees, try a ‘seated leg lift’ to strengthen your quad muscles, says celebrity personal trainer Nadya Fairweather ( You can do this at home, using a chair. 

Sit with both legs at a 90-degree angle. Extend your left leg in front, until you feel the muscle is activated. Keep it straight and tight.

Hold for three to five seconds, then lower. Repeat on the right leg. Try for 12-15 repetitions. Do three to five sets. 

Celebrity personal trainer Nadya Fairweather advises exercising quad muscles to reduce saggy skin around the knees


Nutritionist Shona Wilkinson recommends a diet rich in antioxidants to reduce the signs of ageing (file image)

Nutritionist Shona Wilkinson recommends a diet rich in antioxidants to reduce the signs of ageing (file image)

To tone and tighten the skin around your knees, nutritionist Shona Wilkinson ( recommends the following skin-tautening foods.

Peppers are a great source of vitamin C, which helps promote the production of collagen needed to tighten skin. It doesn’t matter what colour you eat.

Blueberries are rich in antioxidants, which help fight the signs of ageing, so increase your intake early on to stop skin sagging.

Oysters contain selenium and zinc. These help to increase our skin’s elastin content. Plus, they have a high level of antioxidant protection.

