Getting Braces as an Adult

Contrary to popular belief that braces are meant for teenagers and young adults, you’re still a good candidate for braces as an adult. Straightening your teeth not only gives you a lovely smile, it also makes oral hygiene easier. For example, some misalignment causes your teeth to become overcrowded, making it difficult to brush and floss without injuring yourself.

Should I Get Braces?

Yes, you should get braces to straighten your teeth and improve your overall oral health. Also, if you have any of the following dental issues, it is a clear indication that you should consult an orthodontic professional for a treatment plan:

  • Crowded teeth, or wide gaps between teeth
  • Overbite, underbite, or crossbite
  • Extra teeth
  • Underjet

Where can I get Braces as an Adult?

You can get adult braces at a dental clinic. However, you’ll have to first consult with an orthodontist that will examine your teeth with dental photos, scans, and x-rays that will communicate with your dentist to make a treatment plan.

You should also note that adult braces require more expertise than children or teenage braces, so book an appointment with a reputable dental clinic to avoid complications.

What Are the Available Dental Treatment Plans for Me?

The most suitable dental treatment for you depends on the underlying cause of your dental issue. Here are some options your orthodontist might recommend for you after  examining your teeth:

  • Traditional Braces are metal braces made from metal brackets held by elastic bands. They are customized for your teeth after scans. You also don’t have to worry about it being too painful; today’s braces don’t exert as much pressure as the former. So it might be uncomfortable for you, but it won’t be too painful.
  • Lingual Braces are like traditional braces, but instead of an outward metal bracket, the braces are applied to the back of your teeth. As a result, it’s a little more uncomfortable than conventional braces, even if they are almost invisible.
  • Clear or Ceramic braces are the typical braces, but it’s almost invisible. You will have to follow the same treatment plan and oral care for traditional braces. But it’s nearly invisible; so many adults love this option.
  • Invisalign is the most gentle option. It is a custom-made transparent invisible aligner for your teeth. Of course, you’d have to remove it to brush and eat, but it’s pretty easy to maintain for adults and doesn’t involve dietary restrictions.
  • Dental surgery is only used when there’s a severe misalignment, significant gaps,  and large bites. It’s used to correct structural jaw issues causing your misalignment, gaps, and bites.

After getting a dental procedure, especially braces or dental surgery, there’s a high chance you’ll have to wear retainers to prevent your teeth from relapsing. Your teeth relapse when they return to their original position; it takes about 6 months to a year for your teeth to be permanently straightened.

When’s the Best Time to Get Braces?

It’s easier to straighten your teeth, close gaps, and improve your bite in your early life as a child or a teenager.

But, it’s never too late to improve your smile and straighter teeth with braces. Surprisingly, a large number of dental treatment patients are well in their adulthood, so you can have the beautiful smile you want with the right dental treatment plan.

Final Thoughts

Adult braces are an excellent way to improve your oral health and straighten your teeth. However, they require more expertise than children’s and adolescent braces. Schedule an appointment with our orthodontic specialist to discuss the best dental treatment plan for you.