Ghoul hunter captures picture of Stan Laurel’s ghost

A ghost hunter claims he spoke to the apparition of comedy icon Stan Laurel at a rundown cinema – and says he’s got the photographic evidence to prove it. 

Micky Vermooch, 64, captured the image at the derelict Kings cinema in Bishop Auckland, Co Durham. 

The paranormal investigator also claims he had a conversation with the former silent movie star – who was one half of legendary comedy duo Laurel and Hardy.

Micky Vermooch, 64, claims to have captured an image of comedy legend Stan Laurel

Micky Vermooch, 64, claims to have captured an image of comedy legend Stan Laurel (right). Left, the movie star in his heyday

‘Stan Laurel was walking alongside me,’ he told the Daily Star Online. 

The ghoul hunter described Stan’s voice as gentle and claimed the comic smelled of Macassar oil, a hair-styling product popular in Victorian times.

He said: ‘Stan said he was at peace and told me, “This is where I had my happy times. This is where I belong”.’

Stan Laurel rose to fame in the 1920s as one half of comedy duo Laurel and Hardy

Stan Laurel rose to fame in the 1920s as one half of comedy duo Laurel and Hardy

Mr Vermooch said: ‘He has shown himself to me because he wants the world to know he’s around.

‘It also seems ironic as his daughter passed away recently in America and a tribute to her life was held.’

Lois Laurel Hawes died last July aged 89 in Los Angeles after a short illness.

The slapstick comedy pair featured in 107 films and were recently voted the seventh best comedy act of all time by a UK poll of fellow comedians. Above Laurel (right) and Oliver Hardy

The slapstick comedy pair featured in 107 films and were recently voted the seventh best comedy act of all time by a UK poll of fellow comedians. Above Laurel (right) and Oliver Hardy

Mr Vermooch, of Scarborough, North Yorkshire, also claimed to have made contact with Elizabeth Taylor’s ghost in 2015. 

The Kings cinema was shut down in the 1960s but the seating area and projection room upstairs are still intact. 

Mr Vermooch said: ‘I actually filmed this water tank moving. We were in what would have been the projection room and off that is an annex with three water tanks.

Above, the pair on-set of the Film The Devil's Brother in 1933 when they were at the height of their fame

Above, the pair on-set of the Film The Devil’s Brother in 1933 when they were at the height of their fame

‘One was tipped over and it was moving. It was demonic. It vibrated and moved up and down for quite some time.’

Mr Vermooch said Mae was at the cinema with him with two other male stars from that era.

He said: ‘Mae Dahlberg gave me her name. When she came through the atmosphere changed to an electric excitement. It was almost euphoric.

Laurel and Hardy 

The pair were a comedy duo during the Classical Hollywood era of American cinema

In 2005 they were voted the seventh-greatest comedy act of all time by a UK poll of fellow comics

Made up of English thin man Stan Laurel  (1890–1965) and American fat man Oliver Hardy (1892–1957)

They rose to fame in the 1920s through to the 1940s for their slapstick comedy

Pair appeared in 107 movies, including full-length features and short films, with Laurel playing the clumsy and childlike friend of the big bad bully Hardy

Their bowler hats became iconic along with their catchphrase ‘Well, here’s another nice mess you’ve gotten me into’

‘I felt she and Stan Laurel are linked in spirit. I got pushed down some steps.

‘We were all engulfed in this atmosphere as if we were witnessing their stage performance.

‘It was as if we were experiencing the feeling that the audience felt whilst watching them perform. It was wonderful.’