A schoolgirl who fled prom after bullies poured cherryade over has spoken out about the ‘humiliating ordeal’ but says she has been ‘overwhelmed’ by the support she has received.
Emilee Perry had been wearing a stunning £400 dress for the celebration and was sitting alone when she felt liquid go over the top of her head and down her outfit.
The 16-year-old looked up to see a girl she had considered a friend standing over her, as more than 100 classmates watched on in shock.
After the incident her mother Tracy posted five pictures of her distraught daughter along with an account of what happened on Facebook the next day and their story went viral.
Since then Emilee who lives in Doncaster with her parents has been ‘blown away’ by the messages she has received from around the world.
Emilee Perry (pictured above) had shelled out over £500 for her dress, makeup and hair before her prom night

She was left in tears after a cruel bully, who she believed to be her friend, poured the liquid all over her

After the incident Emilee called her mother to come and collect her from the event (Emilee in the car left). Her mother Tracy (pair together right, posted pictures on Facebook the day after
She said: ‘I was just sat minding my own business when this drink was suddenly all over me.
‘I didn’t even know she was behind me, she crept up on me. Nothing was ever said, I just looked up and saw the girl walking away.
‘I thought we were friends, that’s why it was such a shock, we had taken a picture together that night. I still have no idea whatsoever why she did it.
‘It was so humiliating, it was in front of my whole year group.’
She said the cherryade had been put on tables for everyone at prom to drink.
‘I was completely covered, it was all over me. I was so sticky.
‘My dress and makeup were ruined.’

Emilee (pictured above) suffers from anxiety and had previously been forced to leave another school after being bullied

Emilee’s dress was covered in cherryade and she said she couldn’t understand why the girl had done it and that they had had their picture taken together earlier in the evening
Prior to the incident at prom, Emilee had been forced to leave one school because of bullying and has suffered from anxiety since the age of 10, which initially prevented her from wanting to attend prom.
Now she’s too scared to even leave the house without her parents and she’s too frightened to spend days out with friends or go on sleep overs because of anxiety.
However, after much convincing from Tracy and father Michael, 48, Emilee decided to summon all her courage and go to the event, which was at a hotel on Friday.

The dress was ruined (Emilee and Tracy above holding the dress) after the incident
She purchased a beautiful dress from a boutique and had her hair and makeup done by a professional, all of which cost more than £500 in total.
Prior to prom the plan was for the other girl, who Emilee didn’t want to identify, to travel alongside Emilee and a group of other girls.
However, shortly before the group were due to leave the other girl got in touch to say she was already there, which Emilee thought was odd.
Emilee had been at the event for around two hours and was sitting alone at the time of the incident because her friends had gone to the toilet.
The other girl was removed from the party, according to Emilee.
She added that lots of teachers who realised what had happened consoled her and attempted to persuade her to remain at the party.
Emilee went home, got straight into the bath and had to use an entire bottle of conditioner to get the pop out of her hair.
She hasn’t heard from the other girl and doesn’t expect to see her again, as their GCSEs are over.
However, one of her parents did go and speak to Tracy and Michael to apologise on the night of the incident.
Tracy said the school, Hall Cross Academy in Doncaster, know about what happened and said they would get in touch but that they are yet to do so.
The teenager will be starting college in September, where she will be doing a makeup course with a view to work as a makeup artist when she’s older.
Tracy, who runs a fabric selling shop, said: ‘I went to pick her up and couldn’t believe what I was seeing, it was a horrible sight.
‘Everything was drenched. She was absolutely devastated.
‘To do something as cruel and humiliating as that is awful.’