Girl painfully belly flops into lake

  • In a hilarious video posted on July 5, a daring American girl attempts to dive gracefully into a lake after doing a front flip, only to slam into the water 
  • She leaps, performs her front flip and just as she comes out of the stunt she starts flailing to the water 
  • Her body is almost parallel to the surface when she hits, making a sonic thud and splash in the water 

It was the belly flop heard all around the world. 

And in a hilarious video posted on July 5, a daring American girl attempts to dive gracefully into a lake after doing a front flip, only to slam into the water.

It is unknown where, in the country, the video was filmed but the accents in the video are American. 

In a hilarious video posted on July 5, a daring American girl attempts to dive gracefully into a lake after doing a front flip, only to slam into the water

In a hilarious video posted on July 5, a daring American girl attempts to dive gracefully into a lake after doing a front flip, only to slam into the water

Giving herself a countdown, the girl is ready to show off her skills. 

She leaps, performs her front flip and just as she comes out of the stunt she starts flailing to the water. 

Her body is almost parallel to the surface when she hits, making a sonic thud and splash in the water. 

Her body is almost parallel to the surface when she hits, making a sonic thud and splash in the water

Her body is almost parallel to the surface when she hits, making a sonic thud and splash in the water

Her body is almost parallel to the surface when she hits, making a sonic thud and splash in the water

The girl’s friend, while originally excited for her, let out a loud groan when she slams into the water.

She pokes her head out the water and tries to breathe, clearly in pain. 

And the video fades out with her still wading in the water.