Girl who can’t go outside without a full body suit

Monroe Mills is not like any other normal five-year-old, but she wants to be.

The brave youngster from Nambucca Heads on the New South Wales Mid North Coast has a rare form of eczema

The five-year-old can’t go outside in the sun or into a room with fluorescent lighting unless she is completely covered from head to toe to protect her sensitive skin.

Born a happy and healthy baby, Monroe soon developed a painful, red rash doctors initially thought was ‘newborn rash’.

Her condition got worse and was rushed to hospital at five months old with a severe staph infection from severe eczema.

‘Monroe is often covered head to toe and even with full protection can spend her nights in pain,’ her mum Sarah Mills said.

The only place on her tiny body doctors could place an IV in was her scalp.

Monroe was eventually diagnosed with being allergic to UV exposure, which causes joint pain, headaches, stomach aches and anaphylactic reactions.

‘Monroe has spent years being a guinea pig to a rare condition, she’s had everything from antihistamines to chemotherapy medications and her body and mind has suffered from it all,’ her mum Sarah Mills posted online.

‘Living with this condition in Australia is extremely difficult, Monroe is often covered head to toe and even with full protection can spend her nights in pain.’ 

Monroe achieved a big milestone this week when she started school.

‘School will be such a huge step for Monroe,’ Ms Mills told the Coffs Coast Advocate.

Monroe Mills is allergic to UV exposure, which causes joint pain, headaches, stomach aches and anaphylactic reactions.

Monroe Mills is allergic to UV exposure, which causes joint pain, headaches, stomach aches and anaphylactic reactions.

Monroe has a form of eczema so rare that she can't go outside in the sun or into a room with fluorescent lighting or unless she is completely covered

Monroe has a form of eczema so rare that she can’t go outside in the sun or into a room with fluorescent lighting or unless she is completely covered

‘She is now enrolled at Urunga Public School, who have been amazing. They have changed the lights and tinted the windows in her classroom ready for Monroe. 

‘She is such a bubbly, energetic kid and has been so lonely. School is going to be fantastic for her, although the idea is a bit daunting.’

A single mum to three kids, Ms Mills recently started a GoFundMe page to raise money for a special body suit to allow her daughter to do all activities with the other children.

 She has already raised more than $1200 towards the $10,000 goal.

‘Our first goal is to purchase Monroe two suits to enable her to be safe at school and not excluded from anything her friends may do,’ Ms Mills posted on the fundraising page.

‘From there we’d love 2018 to be the year we find Monroe’s Miracle. I don’t know what that will be yet, but I want to be able to try a more holistic approach and see if we get any success that way. 

‘Every single dollar counts and helps put us closer to reaching our goals. Monroe has spent years home bored and alone, please help us get Monroe into school and living the life she deserves.’