Girl who was scalded by a cup of Starbucks tea she carried under her arm when she was 12 is awarded £75,000 compensation in Dublin
- Demi Mooney bought a tea and other items at a Henry Street Starbucks in 2014
- Her mother said she wasn’t offered a tray and held it between her arm and torso
- Scalding liquid spilled over her arm leaving her with scars needing surgery
- Starbucks offered £75,000 at the High Court in Dublin and the judge approved
Mother of Demi, Siobhan Mooney outside the court on Monday, she had brought the case against Starbucks after her daughter was left with scarring
A girl who was left needing plastic surgery after a cup of Starbucks tea spilled over her arm when she was 12 has been awarded £75,000 in compensation.
Demi Mooney, now 16, bought a Frappuccino coffee, a tea and a cookie with her grandmother from the cafe on Henry Street, Dublin, a few days before Christmas in 2014.
Her mother Siobhan Mooney said Demi had to clutch the hot drink between her elbow and ribs because she had not been provided with a tray when the scalding liquid spilled on her.
Fortunately a doctor and a nurse happened to be in the store and she was rushed to Temple Street Children’s Hospital.
She underwent several plastic srugeries and occupational therapy treatments after the boiling tea left her with scars across her arm, according to the Irish Times.

Demi was rushed to The Children’s Hospital on Temple Street where she underwent repeated plastics and occupational therapy treatments for scars across her arm

Coffee Unlimited Company, trading as Starbucks, fought the case but made a plea offer of €85,000 (£75,000) which was accepted by the judge (file photo)
Michael Byrne, Senior Counsel, told Dublin High Court that Demi took to wearing long-sleeved shirts to conceal the scar, at an age when young girls are particularly self-conscious.
Coffee Unlimited Company, Starbucks’ trading name, fought the case including claims over whether the child had been offered a tray and of contributory negligence.
Mr Byrne told Mr Justice Garrett Simons an offer had been made by Starbucks of €85,000 (£75,000) on the basis of 20 to 25 percent contributory negligence.
Mr Simons approved the plea, telling the court it would be close to what Demi would have received at trial.