Gladys Berejiklian urges people to stay at home after spike takes Australia’s COVID-19 total to 2996

Dozens in hospital, 19 in ICU and another 200 diagnosed overnight: Gladys Berejiklian hints at more extreme lockdown measures and making ‘difficult decision’ as coronavirus cases soar to 2,996

  • The number of coronavirus cases in New South Wales reached 1,405 on Friday
  • NSW Chief Health Officer Dr Kerry Chant said 134 people were receiving care 
  • There are 19 patients in ICU, 53 in wards and 62 receiving hospital care at home 
  • Coronavirus symptoms: what are they and should you see a doctor?

More than 100 people in New South Wales are receiving care for coronavirus as the number of confirmed cases in Australia soared to 2,996 overnight.

NSW Chief Health Officer Dr Kerry Chant said there were at least 1,405 COVID-19 cases in the country’s worst hit state on Friday morning.

‘We have 134 people receiving care. 62 of those people are receiving hospital in the home,’ she said.

‘We have 19 in ICU and 53 in hospital wards.’ 

The number of confirmed coronavirus cases in Australia soared to 2,996 on Friday

Dr Chant said 877 patients are return travellers and 278 cases had been transmitted locally through close contact with an infected person or a known coronavirus cluster. 

NSW Health stressed their concern about 145 cases transmitted locally with an ‘unknown source’. 

Premier Gladys Berejiklian said the state is at a ‘critical stage’ as the number of coronavirus cases continue to increase in NSW.

‘The one figure that we are most worried about is the number of people that are getting it within the community,’ she said.

‘That’s why it is so important that all of us maintain social distancing if we have to be out and about. 

‘And in the case of my parents, I haven’t let them out of the home and I won’t.’ 

Pictured: New South Wales coronavirus hot spots. NSW Chief Health Officer Dr Kerry Chant said there were at least 1,405 COVID-19 cases in NSW on Friday

Pictured: New South Wales coronavirus hot spots. NSW Chief Health Officer Dr Kerry Chant said there were at least 1,405 COVID-19 cases in NSW on Friday


New South Wales: 1,405

Victoria: 520

Queensland: 493

Western Australia: 231

South Australia: 235

Australian Capital Territory: 53

Tasmania: 47 

Northern Territory: 12


DEAD: 13

Ms Berejiklian encouraged the vulnerable to call Service NSW if they need assistance.   

The premier said they have seen ‘far more limited activity everywhere’ and attendance in schools was at 10 per cent or less. 

‘It is up to all of us to come together to do our part and deal with the disease at this critical stage,’ Ms Berejiklian said.

‘Because if we keep it contained as much as we can at this stage, we are better off in the next few weeks and months and I can’t stress that enough. 

‘So, please heed the warnings. Please don’t move around unless you have to.’

‘If you’re an older or vulnerable person, don’t even leave home.’ 

Professor Brendan Crabb, an infectious disease researcher, told ABC Radio that further measures ‘need to be taken immediately’ to combat the outbreak.

‘The reason being that at this point in time, it’s all we’ve really got, quite a blunt instrument – lockdown,’ he said on Thursday. 

‘I would recommend we pull every suppression lever we have now.

‘That means not just flatten the curve, but bend the curve down to a very low level … and then you come out of that.’

NSW Chief Health Officer Dr Kerry Chant said 134 people in New South Wales were receiving care for coronavirus, including 19 people in ICU

NSW Chief Health Officer Dr Kerry Chant said 134 people in New South Wales were receiving care for coronavirus, including 19 people in ICU

Meanwhile, new figures show Waverley Council in Sydney’s eastern suburbs has recorded the highest number of confirmed coronavirus.

The local government area has had 105 cases of COVID-19, according to data published on the NSW Health website on Thursday.

The Sydney LGA has recorded 69, while Northern Beaches and Woollahra have recorded 68 and 66 cases respectively.

Ms Berejiklian said the government was ‘looking very closely’ at the impact of Monday’s shutdowns on pubs, cinemas and churches. If they weren’t sufficient, further action would be taken.

Five people in NSW were handed infringement notices on Thursday for flouting coronavirus public health orders.

Police have the power to hand out fines of $1000 to individuals and $5000 to businesses that breach public health orders or ministerial directions.

Premier Gladys Berejiklian said the state is at a 'critical stage' as the number of coronavirus cases continue to increase in NSW

Premier Gladys Berejiklian said the state is at a ‘critical stage’ as the number of coronavirus cases continue to increase in NSW