Go-to diet of Olympic sprinter Ella Nelson – and the approach that has helped to refresh her system

She’s the 200 metre runner who ran a personal best time of 22.50 seconds at the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio.

So how does sprinter Ella Nelson fuel her body to ensure she hits those PBs? 

The 24-year-old has lifted the lid on her go-to diet, sharing a typical day on her plate and the dietary approach that has made her feel ‘faster’ than ever as a runner.

200 metre Olympic sprinter Ella Nelson (pictured) recently shared her go-to diet and a typical day on her plate

The 24-year-old sprinter (pictured) explained that since she adopted a plant-based diet four months ago, she has felt lighter and faster as a runner

Ella said that the approach has given her system a 'big reset'

The 24-year-old (pictured) explained that since she adopted a plant-based diet four months ago, she has felt lighter and faster as a runner

The sprinter (pictured) will start her day about 7am like most people with a cup of freshly-brewed coffee (pictured)

The sprinter (pictured) will start her day about 7am like most people with a cup of freshly-brewed coffee (pictured)

‘For the last four months I’ve adopted a plant-based diet to help me with some health issues I’ve faced, as well as give my system a big reset,’ Ella told Husskie.

‘I’m absolutely loving it and loving being able to create an abundance of fun recipes and play around with macros at the same time. 

‘And in terms of training – I feel great! I feel light, fast and bouncy.’ 

Ella starts her day about 7am like most people with a cup of freshly-brewed coffee.

Because she starts training on the track at about 9.30am, she likes to have her first meal two hours before.

Ella (pictured) likes to have her first meal two hours before her first track session,  normally consisting of a breakfast smoothie bowl she puts together

Ella (pictured) likes to have her first meal two hours before her first track session,  normally consisting of a breakfast smoothie bowl she puts together

At lunchtime, Ella (pictured) either likes Paleo bread with avocado, roasted vegetables or some form of nourish bowl she has whipped up

At lunchtime, Ella (pictured) either likes Paleo bread with avocado, roasted vegetables or some form of nourish bowl she has whipped up

Ella confessed that at the moment she was a major fan of a breakfast smoothie bowl comprising two tablespoons of gluten-free oats, vanilla vegan protein powder, half a frozen banana, one teaspoon of maca powder, one teaspoon of ground flax, one teaspoon of almond butter and cinnamon.

When it’s blended, she said she adds in additional tasty extras like desiccated coconut, chia seeds and cacao nibs to make it especially delicious. 

‘During the time I’m at the track and gym, I like to sip on electrolytes and consume some aminos with water,’ Ella told Husskie.

On an especially difficult day, she’ll have an extra protein shake, before lunching at 1.30pm, on avocado with Paleo bread, or roasted vegetables.

The afternoons mean time for a snack for the busy athlete, and whether it's carrot sticks, sliced cucumber and hummus or popcorn or fruit, Ella will always make sure she's got something

The afternoons mean time for a snack for the busy athlete, and whether it’s carrot sticks, sliced cucumber and hummus or popcorn or fruit, Ella will always make sure she’s got something

Ella said cooking is a 'form of therapy' for her, so she will always make time to put something nice together at home in the evening

Ella said cooking is a ‘form of therapy’ for her, so she will always make time to put something nice together at home in the evening

The afternoons mean time for a snack for the busy athlete, and whether it’s carrot sticks, sliced cucumber and hummus or popcorn or fruit, Ella will always make sure she’s got something in her bag. 

At dinnertime, she said she loves to ‘be creative’ and cook chickpea curries, bean chilli dishes, Caribbean tofu, cauliflower tacos and lentil burgers. 

Ella said cooking was a ‘form of therapy’ for her, so she will always made time to put something nice together.

At dinner time, the sprinter will get really creative - cooking up a chickpea curry, bean chilli dish, Caribbean tofu, cauliflower tacos or lentil burger

Ella doesn't deny herself dessert, either enjoying a cup of tea with a couple of squares of dark chocolate or some dairy-free ice cream

At dinner time, the sprinter will get really creative – cooking up a chickpea curry, bean chilli dish, Caribbean tofu, cauliflower tacos or lentil burger – she doesn’t deny herself dessert

While you may not expect an Olympian to feast on dessert, Ella makes sure it’s a healthy option, by enjoying a cup of tea and a couple of pieces of dark chocolate.

Alternatively, she has some dairy-free Halo Top ice cream.  

Previously, Ella shared her weekly training regime – which is as full-on as you might expect and includes technical runs, light fast weights, a speed day, heavy gym workouts and more.

The good news, however, is that Ella allows herself one day off training each week – Sunday – when she allows her muscles to recover for the week ahead.


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