Gold Coast café offers secret menu gastric sleeve menu

Two sisters who run a popular cafe on the Gold Coast hold a special place in the hearts, and stomachs, for those who’ve undergone gastric sleeve surgery.

Twins, Maria Elita and Toula Scott, 44, run Frigg Cafe in Labrador, an eatery that’s a hit for it’s ‘secret menu’ are among those who’ve had a bariatric weight loss procedures.

Gastric sleeve surgery reduces the size of the stomach by up to 85 per cent which means patients are left with a much smaller appetite, and in turn, eat less.

They both have a first-hand understanding of how the surgery can change lives – Mrs Scott had a gastric sleeve operation in 2015, and Mrs Elita, followed the year after. 

Twin sisters and owners of the Frigg Cafe: Maria Elita (pictured left) and Toula Scott (pictured right)

Collectively, the pair lost 80 kilograms between them, and though neither were categorised as morbidly obese, the surgery – funded through private health insurance – was life changing.

‘When we opened our cafe 12 months ago we thought there could be a huge opening in the market for bariatic patients because, like us, we’re very frustrated going to restaurants and cafes and trying to explain our situation,’ Mrs Elita told FEMAIL.

‘A lot of restaurant and cafe owners don’t have a lot of empathy, and would just say order off the kids’ menu.’

The pair created the 'secret menu' for those with limited eating capacity following a gastric band procedure

The pair created the ‘secret menu’ for those with limited eating capacity following a gastric band procedure

Mrs Elita said the problem is that a kids’ menu isn’t the best place to turn to when looking for healthy choices.

‘It’s usually chicken nuggets and chips or fish and chips. Things that we shouldn’t be eating.’

It was experiences like these that led the duo to designing a menu that also catered for ‘half stomachs’ like themselves.

‘We’ve developed a specific and exclusive menu for bariatic patients,’ she said.

One of the secret menu options: A soft boiled egg, dipping soldiers and bacon

One of the secret menu options: A soft boiled egg, dipping soldiers and bacon

A bread-less club sandwich is another of the tasty offerings available on the special menu

A bread-less club sandwich is another of the tasty offerings available on the special menu

Though Mrs Elita is willing to speak out about her own gastric sleeve surgery, she said there are those in the community who don’t want to reveal they’ve had the procedure.

‘The menu isn’t on display to protect the “secret sleevers” – those in the community who are secretly doing this.

‘There’s this whole big thing about the secret where someone has lost 30 or 40 kilograms and they tell people they’ve done it through diet and exercise.’ 

The pair have both undergone gastric sleeve surgeries and have lost 80 kilograms collectively

The pair have both undergone gastric sleeve surgeries and have lost 80 kilograms collectively

People aren’t open about what they’ve done [to lose weight] because there is a lot of shame and guilt in the community, Mrs Elita said. 

Though the menu was originally called the petite menu, in reference to the smaller-sized portions on offer, its name was quickly changed to the ‘secret menu’.

‘People were asking for the other menu – the secret menu, so that’s what we called it.

‘The secret menu is code for the bariatic menu.’

Mrs Elita believes business has taken off because it treats those who've had the surgery as normal people

Mrs Elita believes business has taken off because it treats those who’ve had the surgery as normal people

Word of the sisters’ special menu spread quickly, especially among social media groups where the two are active. 

This month Mrs Elita revealed, they celebrated the opening of their new larger premises – a venture that’s grown from a ‘hole in the wall’ to a fully-fledged cafe. 

Mrs Elita firmly believes business has taken off because its main focus it to treat those who’ve had the surgery as ‘normal people.’

‘If they ordered a three-course meal at a normal restaurant, they wouldn’t even be able to get through the first course,’ she said. 

The cafe has proven such a hit among the community the sisters have just moved to a new location that will sit up to six times as many people

The cafe has proven such a hit among the community the sisters have just moved to a new location that will sit up to six times as many people

The surgery, which she calls ‘life saving’ for some, makes many feel embarrassed or ashamed. She said it’s important to treat people as adults, and help them enjoy life again.

‘We’re trying to change the stigma of weight-loss surgery,’ she said. 

‘Obesity is a disease for many people. They’ve tried everything and the diet and health industry often make you feel ashamed by telling you to eat less and exercise more.

‘But for a lot who’ve done the surgery, they’ve done all of that and more. And this is their last chance.

‘They do this surgery and it changes their life,’ she concluded.