Gold Coast couple takes wedding photo under a RAINBOW

After living for two and a half years in London, Amber Austin-Wright and David Sciasci were hoping for some sunshine on their wedding day.

Their wish wasn’t granted – at first – and they were forced to move the outdoor ceremony into a chapel.

But as the couple were taking their first photos together as man and wife, something magical happened. 

A gorgeous full rainbow appeared in the middle of the sky. 

After it rained during their entire Gold Coast wedding ceremony, Amber Austin-Wright and David Sciasci took a stunning wedding photo under a gorgeous rainbow 

It was a remarkable way to mark a love story that was years in the making after a news story first brought Amber, 32, and David, 31, to the same place.

Amber, a Gold Coast journalist, and David, a cameraman who lived in Brisbane, were both called to cover a story about street violence in Byron Bay. 

David told Daily Mail Australia that at first he actually found his future bride-to-be to be a ‘bit standoffish’. 

‘Perhaps too big an ego to talk to the cameraman,’ he joked. 

It was a magical way to mark a love story that was two years in the making after a news story in Byron Bay brought Amber, 32, and David, 31, to the same place

It was a magical way to mark a love story that was two years in the making after a news story in Byron Bay brought Amber, 32, and David, 31, to the same place

Two years after they met, the couple's paths crossed again after Amber moved to Brisbane for work. From there, they were quick to see that they were meant to be 

Two years after they met, the couple’s paths crossed again after Amber moved to Brisbane for work. From there, they were quick to see that they were meant to be 

‘But after I left and returned to Brisbane she wrote me a message thanking me for my work and saying it was nice to meet me. Sometimes first impressions aren’t always accurate.’

Amber, meanwhile, immediately noticed how ‘lovely’ David was. 

‘It was a story where our team had an exclusive vision, so I was very focused on doing it justice! Hence why I didn’t get to talk to David much on the job,’ she said. 

‘But I did notice how good he was at his job (and also easy on the eye), so that’s why I texted him later to say thank you.’

‘I must admit, he caught my attention quite early on and I was intrigued by him. I was looking forward to working with him again.’

After just a couple months of dating, David was already thinking about marriage and soon proposed to Amber one night

After just a couple months of dating, David was already thinking about marriage and soon proposed to Amber one night

The couple, who live in London, brought the rain back home for their wedding. It showered for the entire three weeks they were back in their native Australia 

The couple, who live in London, brought the rain back home for their wedding. It showered for the entire three weeks they were back in their native Australia 

That chance would finally come in 2014, when Amber moved to Brisbane for a new role doing the Channel 10 breakfast show. 

And this time, Amber definitely caught David’s eye. 

‘Because she started work so early, her face was the first I’d see when I walked into work in the morning,’ he said. 

‘After a few weeks and months walking past, saying hello, stopping for a bit of chit chat, I noticed I started doing things out of the ordinary like ironing my shirts and making sure my hair was superb and watching my diet.’ 

‘It came to the point where I would look forward to going to work just to see her in the morning.’

Although Amber was ‘wary’ of an office romance at first, she decided it was worth the risk, and the couple’s feelings for each other quickly escalated.

Bu the rain was the furthest thing from either Amber or David's minds as they prepared to tie the knot

Amber said one of her favourite memories from the day was walking down the aisle with her father, who passed away just a few weeks after the wedding

Amber said one of her favourite memories from the day was walking down the aisle with her father, who passed away just a few weeks after the wedding 

David said he felt like the 'luckiest man alive' as he watched Amber walk down the aisle on their wedding day  

David said he felt like the ‘luckiest man alive’ as he watched Amber walk down the aisle on their wedding day  

‘Amber and I weren’t together for very long, just five months, but I already started to think about the future of her being my wife,’ he admits. 

‘It seemed crazy and too soon, but it was a thought I kept coming back to.’ 

And it was a thought that Amber was having too. 

One night when the couple were lying in bed after staying in with friends, she could tell that something was on David’s mind.

‘I tried to play it down, but she kept insisting I tell her what was up,’ David recalled. 

‘So I said, “Would you want to get married one day?” and she said “Yes”. I then replied, “So, do you want to get married then?” and she said “Sure.”‘

‘Both of us slightly surprised, I suggested “Let’s sleep on it and we’ll see how we feel in the morning.”‘

Amber and David said they decided to return to Queensland for the wedding so they could have all their close family and friends at the big day 

Amber and David said they decided to return to Queensland for the wedding so they could have all their close family and friends at the big day 

They said the day felt like a big reunion and that it was surreal walking down the aisle and seeing all those familiar faces 

They said the day felt like a big reunion and that it was surreal walking down the aisle and seeing all those familiar faces 

The next day, as they were washing dishes together, the couple revealed their minds hadn’t changed. They knew they wanted to make things official and David went shopping for rings just a few days later.

When it came to deciding their wedding location, Amber and David decided to return to their native Queensland so that family and friends could share in the special day.

But they brought the London rain with them, and it showered during the entire three weeks the couple were in Australia. 

Thankfully the couple had a back-up plan, and easily moved their outdoor ceremony to the Braeside Chapel on the Gold Coast. 

And rain was the furthest thing from either Amber or David’s minds as they prepared to tie the knot. 

One of Amber’s favourite memories was walking down the aisle with her father, who passed away just weeks after the wedding day.  

Amber said she believes the rainbow was a 'good omen'  and plans to hang the photo in their lounge room in a frame 

Amber said she believes the rainbow was a ‘good omen’  and plans to hang the photo in their lounge room in a frame 

‘Seeing all the familiar faces in one room almost felt like a dream,’ Amber said. ‘David was waiting at the end, looking handsome as ever.’

‘Amber looked so beautiful, I felt like the luckiest man alive,’  David added.  

And all the rain was worth it when the couple, while taking their wedding photos, looked up into the sky and saw a stunning rainbow arching over them. 

‘It was surreal and awesome,’ David recalled. ‘I guess Dolly Parton was right: “If you want the rainbow, you’ve got to put up with the rain”‘. 

‘I was stunned when we saw that rainbow, and was thinking how lucky we were!’ Amber added. 

‘I definitely believe it was a good omen. And, as we kept saying afterwards, if we had sunshine we would never have captured that beautiful shot.’