Good Samaritan comes to the rescue after ute flips

This is the incredible moment a Good Samaritan comes to the rescue after a driver flips his ute onto its side on a beach.

In the footage, filmed from a dash cam on October 14, a 4WD is driving along the beach where curved tyre tracks can be seen weaving across the sand. 

At just over the one minute mark of the clip, a man’s voice can be heard cursing, calling a group of people ‘dumb’. 

A Good Samaritan is recorded coming to the rescue after a driver flips his ute (pictured) 

As the motorist draws nearer to the object ahead of him a white ute can be seen up on its side at the beach.

He swears again before jumping out and walking over to the group of young boys, who are assessing the damage to their vehicle. 

The video speeds forward and the Good Samaritan’s footage swaps view points and moves to the back end of his vehicle. 

The car moves forward a red rope can be seen pulling the ute up right, before the driver tows the vehicle to presumably a safer location for inspection.

‘Good example of why not to do snakies on the beach. This bloke learnt the hard way,’ the description underneath the video says. 

‘All occupants where OK, only bumps and scrapes,’  

As the motorist draws nearer to the object ahead of him a white ute can be seen (pictured) 

As the motorist draws nearer to the object ahead of him a white ute can be seen (pictured) 

A red rope can be seen pulling the ute up right so it comes off the side it was lying on (pictured) 

A red rope can be seen pulling the ute up right so it comes off the side it was lying on (pictured) 

The video, which is just under three minutes long, was posted to the Facebook group Dash Cam Owners Off Road. 

Almost 3,500 people have liked the video and more than 2,000 Facebook users have commented on the footage, with many praising the actions of the man who stopped to help. 

‘Good on you for helping those guys out, you’re a good bloke. Must admit I was busy watching the pooches have such a great time,’ said one person. 

Another said: ‘Good on the cam driver for at least recovering them. Cant believe people still do dumb s**t like this on loose sand’.  

The man who helps tows the vehicle to away and off the beach for inspection (pictured) 

The man who helps tows the vehicle to away and off the beach for inspection (pictured) 

Many were less than sympathetic with the young owners of the ute.  

‘Hope these w***s bought the dash cam legend a few cartons of p**s, he saved them heaps of money towing them off the beach,’ said one person. 

‘Dopey pricks, play a stupid game, win a stupid prize,’ one man wrote. 

‘Lucky you were there bud! That truck would’ve been swallowed by the tide!! Hope ya clipped the drivers ears for being a stoopid. His misso would’ve done the rest when they got home! Lol.’