Gorillas hold boxing match in Devon zoo over food

Two hungry gorillas have been captured appearing to launch into a boxing match over food in what zoo keepers have dubbed ‘class’ warfare.

A visitor photographed the moment the critically endangered Western Lowland gorillas tussled over frozen pellet balls at Paignton Zoo in Devon.

Kivu, who is classed as low-ranking, can be seen trying to protect his food from Kiondo, a middle-ranking gorilla.

The two gorillas Kivu and Kiondo faced off in a battle over the right to eat dinner

The Western Lowland gorillas are an endangered species and both live in the Paignton Zoo in Devon. Kivu, who is the lower ranking animal faced a battle to protect his food from Kiondo

The Western Lowland gorillas are an endangered species and both live in the Paignton Zoo in Devon. Kivu, who is the lower ranking animal faced a battle to protect his food from Kiondo

A visitor to the zoo happened to be passing the enclosure when the two gorillas began fighting

A visitor to the zoo happened to be passing the enclosure when the two gorillas began fighting

The images show Kivu putting his fists up to try and protect the food before he draws back and appears ready to take a swing.

But zoo chiefs said the lower-ranking ape is trying his hardest to keep hold of his tasty meal without provoking a fight or offending the other.

Kivu appears victorious with the final image in the sequence showing Kiondo left with an empty cup.

Phil Knowling, a spokesman for Paignton Zoo, said: ‘Gorillas are intelligent animals, but they do often work things out through strength.

‘Like many species – including humans – they have a pecking order, with the biggest and the strongest getting first pick.

‘N’Dowe – who is the highest ranking of the gorillas – and Kivu came out onto their island for a regular keeper talk and feed.

‘They were given frozen pellet balls and frozen drink in paper cups. N’Dowe sat in the front and Kivu behind and they each collected food thrown by the keeper.

‘Kiondo, the middle-ranking of the three, came out of the house late and decided to steal some of Kivu’s food.

‘This is what the photos show – Kivu trying to hang on to his goodies without offending Kiondo or provoking a fight.

‘Keepers try to make sure everyone gets their share, but the gorillas don’t always think the same way.

There are three male gorillas in the enclosure who are ranked according to their dominance

The gorilla on the right jealously guards its cup like a brawler in a town-centre night club

The gorilla on the right jealously guards its cup like a brawler in a town-centre night club

‘Kiondo and N’Dowe often get Kivu to give up some food. N’Dowe being most dominant gets first choice.

‘This is all quite normal gorilla behaviour but it does remind me of that famous sketch about class from The Frost Report, with John Cleese, Ronnie Barker and Ronnie Corbett – I look up to him because he’s a much bigger gorilla than I am.’

The photographer, who does not want to be named, takes pictures at the zoo every weekend.

He said: ‘Kivu has collected all the bits that he wanted and is standing up for himself and trying to hold it back to keep it away from the more dominant male.

‘They do not like fighting. He is trying to hold on to it but not in an aggressive way. It looks like a dance but it is just Kivu backing off really.

‘Sometimes the least dominant one will just give up but there are occasions when they have a little scrap. They have got quite a set of teeth on them and can injure each other.

‘It can sometimes get a bit rough but the way they usually resolve it is that the lower ranking one will submit to the higher ranking one.’

The three are known as the Paignton Zoo charity’s bachelor group and play a vital role in international gorilla conservation.


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