Graduate with Down syndrome steals the show by jumping across stage in excitement

This is the heartwarming moment a high schooler with Down syndrome literally skipped across the stage in excitement during his graduation.

Carlos Neria, also known as ‘Mr. Joyous’, hopped, jumped and danced his way over to collect his diploma during the Lee High School graduation in Midland, Texas.

The smiling teen, 19, greeted each of his teachers with a very friendly handshake and hug.

This is the heartwarming moment a high schooler with Down syndrome literally skipped across the stage in excitement during his graduation

Carlos Neria, also known as 'Mr. Joyous', hopped, jumped and danced his way over to collect his diploma during the Lee High School graduation in Midland, Texas

Carlos Neria, also known as ‘Mr. Joyous’, hopped, jumped and danced his way over to collect his diploma during the Lee High School graduation in Midland, Texas

His enthusiasm was so infectious that one faculty member even began jumping along with him.

Midland Independent School District shared the video of the happy moment which has been shared more than 56,000 times on Facebook.

‘One of the greatest things about being part of graduation is celebrating the accomplishments of our students!’ they said in a statement.

Neria greeted each of his teachers with a very friendly handshake and hug before he was presented with the diploma 

Neria greeted each of his teachers with a very friendly handshake and hug before he was presented with the diploma 

Midland Independent School District shared the video of the happy moment which has been shared more than 56,000 time on Facebook

Midland Independent School District shared the video of the happy moment which has been shared more than 56,000 time on Facebook

Carlos Neria, is known as 'Mr. Joyous', for his infectious enthusiasm 

Carlos Neria, is known as ‘Mr. Joyous’, for his infectious enthusiasm 

His mom Teresa says her son inspires everyone around him with his happy nature

His mom Teresa says her son inspires everyone around him with his happy nature

‘We wanted to share a video with you of a very special graduate, Carlos Neria, who danced across the stage with the greatest joy and enthusiasm as he received his high school diploma! We are so proud of you Carlos and proud of all of our 2018 graduates!’ 

Neria is one of eight children but his mom Teresa Neira, calls him ‘a blessing in their lives’, KWES reports.

‘To our great surprise, they say ‘Carlos Neira’ and the whole world, the men in front of us and everyone recording, they started asking, ‘Oh my God! Who is he?’ Jeez! As if he was the president’s son or something,’ said Neira of the reaction to the ceremony.

Teresa, who says she only learned she was pregnant with him when she went to get sterilized, says her son inspires everyone around him.  

‘He’s given us an example of sharing, of love, of happiness,’ she said. ‘Nothing gets him down. He looks up and points to God. God. He’s full of faith. Lots of faith.’ 

The ceremony took place at the Lee High School (pictured) in Midland, Texas

The ceremony took place at the Lee High School (pictured) in Midland, Texas