Grandfather left paralysed after hospital missed abscess

Kevin Greenfield was left paralysed for life after an MRI scan missed an abscess the size of an orange on his spinal cord

A grandfather who was left paralysed for life after hospitals delayed his treatment for a spinal abscess the size of an orange has won a £2million settlement.

Kevin Greenfield, 61, was admitted to hospital in March 2012 but faces the rest of his life in a wheelchair after doctors waited more than 24 hours to perform emergency surgery.

Mr Greenfield, from Tamworth, Staffordshire, is now paralysed from the waist down following a delayed MRI scan and having to wait for antibiotic treatment.

He was told to rest for 24 hours before an MRI scan showed ‘nothing’ – but a second scan revealed the huge abscess.

He underwent emergency surgery – and was not given intravenous antibiotics for more than 50 hours, which allowed the infection to escalate again.

The former sales manager, underwent three more operations and was told he would never walk again.

After a five-year battle Kevin has won a £2 million settlement from the Derby Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.

Mr Greenfield, who lives with wife Helen, 53, and their three grandchildren, Kieran, nine, seven-year-old Cameron and Charlie, four, said: ‘It has been devastating not only for me, but also for my wife Helen.

‘We had dreams of retiring and travelling the world, but now it’s hard to go anywhere.

‘I would love to have a kick about with my grandchildren, but sadly that will never happen now.’

Mr Greenfield is pictured at the hospital after undergoing surgery - he ended up needing four operations at the end of which he was told he'd never walk again

Mr Greenfield is pictured at the hospital after undergoing surgery – he ended up needing four operations at the end of which he was told he’d never walk again

He called his GP after experiencing intense back pain on March 1, 2012.

She came to his home and called an ambulance to take him to hospital.

Burton Hospital was unable to find a bed for Mr Greenfield, so he was sent to the Royal Derby Hospital and was admitted at around 4pm.

As well as severe pain, the father-of-three said he was by then suffering with numbness from the waist down.

‘The pain was so intense that I had to lie down and call a doctor,’ he said.

‘I thought one of the discs in my back might have collapsed. It was horrific.

‘I had suffered with back problems in the past but nothing like this.

‘My GP did a quick examination and then called for an emergency ambulance to take me straight to hospital.

‘When I got seen by the spinal injury department at around 6.30pm they told me I was very lucky because the specialist was on duty that weekend.

‘But they put me on pain relief and bed rest for 24 hours.

‘I don’t think the pain could have got any worse.

‘It brought tears to my eyes.

‘I couldn’t really move my legs.’

Surgery scarred Mr Greenfield's back but he expected to make a full recovery and was shocked to be told he'd need to rely on a wheelchair 

Surgery scarred Mr Greenfield’s back but he expected to make a full recovery and was shocked to be told he’d need to rely on a wheelchair 

An early diagnosis of the condition is crucial for good prognosis and immediate intravenous antibiotics are recommended.

But an MRI scan the next day led to Mr Greenfield being told ‘there was nothing there’.

A second contrast scan revealed a huge abscess pushing into his spinal cord so he underwent emergency surgery at around 8pm on March 3, assuming he’d make a full recovery.

‘They never mentioned any danger of being permanently paralysed,’ he said.

‘They were happy with how the operation went.

‘They said that it was a success – they had managed to remove the whole thing.

‘I was happy as Larry.’

However, a delay of more than 50 hours before being given intravenous antibiotics allowed the infection to escalate again and three more operations were needed to remove infected tissue.

After six weeks Mr Greenfield was referred for rehabilitation in Sheffield – and it was only then that he was given bombshell news by a nurse that he was told he would never walk again.

‘The nurse asked me if she could have a talk with me about self-catheterisation,’ he said.

‘She told me, “you have to learn how to do this yourself, going forward.”

‘I realised then that the damage was permanent. It was devastating.

‘The day I went into hospital was a week before our anniversary.

‘I remember telling Helen not to worry and that I would be out in time to celebrate.

‘In reality it would be five months, and I would be coming out in a wheelchair.’

Prior to discovering the abscess, Mr Greenfield says he lived an active life and was looking forward to travelling the world. He is pictured with his grandson, Cameron

Prior to discovering the abscess, Mr Greenfield says he lived an active life and was looking forward to travelling the world. He is pictured with his grandson, Cameron

Mr Greenfield remained on antibiotics for nine months following the operation. 

After a five-year battle he won a £2million settlement from the Derby Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.

The trust admitted breaches in duty of care in the treatment but never admitted liability in Mr Greenfield’s case.

His payout will help him move into a specially adapted home, pay for the specialist care he needs and compensate for him not being able to work.

He plans to renovate his garden so he can enjoy the outdoor space in his wheelchair.

‘The last five years have been a real struggle for the family as we tried to come to terms with my condition,’ he said.

‘Prior to the incident me and Helen led really active lives. 

‘Now, Helen has to do a lot more for me than she did before.

‘I’m still angry at how the hospital treated me and if they had been swifter with their actions I probably would not be in the position I am.

‘In the meantime, they dragged out the legal proceedings, and I never got an apology.’

Mr Greenfield, right, says he relies on wife Helen, pictured, for a lot of his care now. They are shown at their son's graduation ceremony

Mr Greenfield, right, says he relies on wife Helen, pictured, for a lot of his care now. They are shown at their son’s graduation ceremony

Mr Greenfield’s lawyer, Jenna Harris at Irwin Mitchell’s Birmingham office, said: ‘Action could have been taken the same day to cure Kevin’s spinal infection with the likelihood being that he would have made a full recovery.

‘For him to wait until the following day for the severity of his condition to be diagnosed was a clear breach in the duty of care he should have expected to receive.

‘While no amount of money can ever compensate for the way Kevin and his family’s life has been turned upside down, we hope that the settlement will now allow them to focus on the future and help them to try and get their lives back on track as much as they can.’

A spokesperson for Derby Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust said: ‘We apologise to Mr Greenfield for the delay in diagnosis and treatment of his spinal infection when he was admitted to the Royal Derby Hospital in March 2012.

‘We hope the compensation agreed will enable Mr Greenfield to secure the assistance he now requires.’