Great white shark is spotted just 20 metres off Manly Point in Sydney

A great white shark has been spotted lurking just 20metres off one of Australia’s most popular beaches. 

Thomas Williams was on his way home from Manly Point on Sydney’s northern beaches when he noticed an ominous fin a few metres from the bow of his yacht on Thursday morning.

Upon closer inspection, the 35-year-old noticed that it was a juvenile great white shark in the water. 

‘It was just over half the size of my 3.3metre inflatable boat,’ he told Daily Mail Australia. 

‘I slowed down and it circled me once and then swam right under the inflatable, and bumped the boat as it did.’ 

The great white shark was spotted 20metres from Manly Point around 11am on Thursday

Thomas Williams has been boating for 25 years and this is the first time he's encountered a shark

Thomas Williams has been boating for 25 years and this is the first time he’s encountered a shark

Extraordinary footage captured the moment Mr Williams freaked out in excitement after finding out it was a great white shark. 

‘Holy sh*t, that is a baby great white,’ he could be heard saying.  

‘It looked like an exact mini replica of a full grown white, with that crazy black eye and gaping mouth,’ he told Daily Mail Australia. 

‘I was just absolutely elated to have the encounter.’

Mr Williams, who has been fishing in Sydney for 25 years, said the waterways seemed to be ‘teeming with life at the moment.’  

Earlier this year, an experienced fishing guide backed up that view, claiming the city’s iconic harbour was overrun with deadly sharks. 

Earlier this year, fishing guide Craig McGill said there are more sharks in the Sydney Harbour than he has even seen before (pictured, a customer holding a fish which had been attacked by a shark near Mosman )

Earlier this year, fishing guide Craig McGill said there are more sharks in the Sydney Harbour than he has even seen before (pictured, a customer holding a fish which had been attacked by a shark near Mosman )

The experienced guide is not the only person to notice an increased number of sharks in the harbour (pictured)

The experienced guide is not the only person to notice an increased number of sharks in the harbour (pictured)

Craig McGill, a respected guide and owner of fishing company Fishabout, said there are more sharks in the harbour than he has even seen before.

And the recent influx is having a devastating result with gory pictures showing half-eaten fish and even a shark severed in two found in the harbour’s waters.

Experts say reports of increased sightings are due to warmer waters allowing the sharks to come close to shore as they follow fish to eat.

I’ve been fishing guiding on Sydney Harbour for 28 years and this is the worst I’ve ever seen it 

Fishing guide on shark numbers  

Talking about the recent increase, Sydney-based Mr McGill told Daily Mail Australia: ‘There’s been a huge influx of sharks seen this year.

‘Yesterday I saw a hammerhead and then spotted a shark attacking a fish in the harbour.

‘I also recently saw a terrified kayaker being harassed by shark in the harbour,’ he added.

He said finding severed fish in the harbour has become regular, especially after sharks feed at dawn and dusk.

‘I’ve been fishing guiding on Sydney Harbour for 28 years and this is the worst I’ve ever seen it,’ he said.

Explaining the phenomenon, Mr McGill said ‘it’s just the food chain – kingfish are in the harbour this year and the sharks are following.’

The experienced guide is not the only person to notice an increased number of sharks.

One fisherman told Daily Mail Australia: ‘I’ve never seen so many – they keep biting my line. Last week my line was bitten clean in two by a shark near the harbour.’

This image posted online showed a fisherman holding half a whaler shark with its entrails hanging out in Middle Harbour

This image posted online showed a fisherman holding half a whaler shark with its entrails hanging out in Middle Harbour

Last month, an eight-year-old boy reeled in a whopping 314kg tiger shark off the NSW coast. 

Jayden Millauro was fishing with his dad Jonathan and boat captain Ibby Dardas off the coast when he reeled in the beast. 

The fishermen threw out a line of bait and the giant creature swam up to the back of their 7.3 metre boat, called The Undertaker, when Jayden managed to hook it.

 While the boy’s father Jonathan Millauro wouldn’t reveal the exact location of the catch, he did say it was near Brown Mountains, off the continental shelf.

Jayden Millauro (pictured) was fishing with his dad Jonathan and boat captain Ibby Dardas off the coast when he reeled in the beast

Jayden Millauro (pictured) was fishing with his dad Jonathan and boat captain Ibby Dardas off the coast when he reeled in the beast