Green Lady of Brooklyn, Elizabeth Sweetheart, wears only green and even dyes her hair to match

Despite her four foot 11 and a half inch frame, the Green Lady of Brooklyn is impossible to miss. True to her nickname, Elizabeth Sweetheart, 77, wears only green. Her clothes, glasses frames, fingernails, make-up and even hair are all bright green. Her wardrobe includes a huge collection of green-dyed overalls – but everything else in her closet is green, too. 

Aside from her signature color, one of Ms Sweetheart’s most noticeable qualities is her laugh.

‘Green is absolute positivity, very happy,’ she tells ‘It’s always refreshing, even on a rainy day.’

On a warm and rainy Wednesday in mid-May, her green hair has been braided and twisted into two buns on either side of her head. She’s wearing a green choker around her neck and a pair of pale green overalls with just the slightest purple thread, unchanged despite Ms Sweetheart’s color removal process and dyeing. Though she is known for owning all green, she is quick to point out that not everything in her Carroll Gardens home of almost 40 years is green.

Yes, there’s the front door that’s green and practically all the accents are green, but as her husband, Robert Rosenthal, 73, chimes in, it’s not ‘an oppressive green environment’.

‘Everybody I meet, they say oh you have everything in your house green. But the walls are white, the floors are wood. It’s really not [all green],’ Ms Sweetheart says.

Elizabeth Sweetheart, 77, (pictured), is known as the Green Lady of Brooklyn because everything she wears is green, from her nail polish and makeup to her clothes and even her hair

Ms Sweetheart lives with her non-green husband, Robert Rosenthal, 73, in their Carroll Gardens home with their rescue dog, Gigi. Their green-filled kitchen is pictured

Ms Sweetheart lives with her non-green husband, Robert Rosenthal, 73, in their Carroll Gardens home with their rescue dog, Gigi. Their green-filled kitchen is pictured

Though she is known for owning all green, she is quick to point out that not everything in her Carroll Gardens home of almost 40 years is green. 'Everybody I meet, they say oh you have everything in your house green. But the walls are white, the floors are wood. It's really not [all green],' Ms Sweetheart says. The vanity in her bathroom is pictured

Though she is known for owning all green, she is quick to point out that not everything in her Carroll Gardens home of almost 40 years is green. ‘Everybody I meet, they say oh you have everything in your house green. But the walls are white, the floors are wood. It’s really not [all green],’ Ms Sweetheart says. The vanity in her bathroom is pictured

Aside from her signature color, one of Ms Sweetheart's most noticeable qualities is her laugh. She is pictured in her garden. Though her flowers are blooming in bright pinks and yellows, Ms Sweetheart's garden furniture - the table and chairs - are all green

Aside from her signature color, one of Ms Sweetheart’s most noticeable qualities is her laugh. She is pictured in her garden. Though her flowers are blooming in bright pinks and yellows, Ms Sweetheart’s garden furniture – the table and chairs – are all green

Ms Sweetheart says she hasn’t kept track of how long she’s ‘been green’, but her husband estimates it’s been about 20 years. After years of being a local legend, her singular color choice has propelled her into an internet sensation in the last 10 years or so.

While her ‘greenness’ makes Ms Sweetheart a fascinating character on the surface today, her long and successful career in New York’s fashion industry has connected her to some of the most influential people in the city and the world, even before she started wearing just one color. For 50 years she has worked with big names in fashion. She has even met and made designs for Ralph Lauren, his brother Jerry and the Duchess of York.

Ms Sweetheart even met Justin Trudeau once, though her meeting with the current Canadian Prime Minister was by chance several years ago. It was her mother’s 100th birthday – around 2010 or so – and Mr Trudeau and another Canadian politician were meeting in another room of the restaurant in Canada, where Ms Sweetheart is from.

‘They had the room at the back for their politics and I went in and got Justin and said, do you want to meet my mom?’ Ms Sweetheart giggles as she tells the story.

Ms Sweetheart still has the picture of her mother and the now-Prime Minister, from back when he had long hair. As she shows it off, she laughs as she says: ‘He’s our buddy.’

In her 77 years, Ms Sweetheart has been able to meet a wide variety of interesting people, including a chance meeting with Justin Trudeau at a restaurant in Canada in around 2010. It was Ms Sweetheart's mother's 100th birthday and Mr Trudeau, along with another politician, were in another room 'for their politics', Ms Sweetheart says. 'I went in and got Justin and said, do you want to meet my mom?' Ms Sweetheart still has the picture of the now-Prime Minister with her mother (pictured)

In her 77 years, Ms Sweetheart has been able to meet a wide variety of interesting people, including a chance meeting with Justin Trudeau at a restaurant in Canada in around 2010. It was Ms Sweetheart’s mother’s 100th birthday and Mr Trudeau, along with another politician, were in another room ‘for their politics’, Ms Sweetheart says. ‘I went in and got Justin and said, do you want to meet my mom?’ Ms Sweetheart still has the picture of the now-Prime Minister with her mother (pictured)

Ms Sweetheart says she hasn't kept track of how long she's 'been green', but her husband estimates it's been about 20 years

Ms Sweetheart says she hasn’t kept track of how long she’s ‘been green’, but her husband estimates it’s been about 20 years

The change to being green was gradual, first with the addition of green accessories and a green streak in her hair. The final touch to 'becoming' green was when she dyed her hair, she says

The change to being green was gradual, first with the addition of green accessories and a green streak in her hair. The final touch to ‘becoming’ green was when she dyed her hair, she says

'It just evolved,' she says, adding later: 'I've always been into color because I'm an artist and I had a design studio and it was just a lot of fun doing all the colors and prints'

‘It just evolved,’ she says, adding later: ‘I’ve always been into color because I’m an artist and I had a design studio and it was just a lot of fun doing all the colors and prints’

Because she has a very specific preference for shades of green - she doesn't like aqua or too much blue to be in her green - she dyes all her clothes, including her overalls, which she wore even before she was green

Because she has a very specific preference for shades of green – she doesn’t like aqua or too much blue to be in her green – she dyes all her clothes, including her overalls, which she wore even before she was green

‘Becoming green’ wasn’t Ms Sweetheart’s intention when she started adding green accents to her daily ensembles, or even when she dyed a streak of green in her hair. Even when she started removing the color from all her clothes to dye them green, she didn’t consider herself to ‘be green’ until she completely dyed her hair.

‘It just evolved,’ she says, adding later: ‘I’ve always been into color because I’m an artist and I had a design studio and it was just a lot of fun doing all the colors and prints.’

One of the things that most influenced her transition to being green was the reaction she would get when she walked her golden retriever Dylan, who died about two years ago, by the school near her home.

‘Dylan and I would go walking and they loved the green and they loved Dylan. So every morning we would talk and chat and the children loved the green, so it continued.’

Mr Rosenthal, a historian who decidedly does not wear green, tells that the transition was so slow he hardly realized that his wife was ‘becoming’ green.

‘It’s just natural,’ Ms Sweetheart says. But Mr Rosenthal quickly corrects her: ‘It wasn’t natural.’

Ms Sweetheart laughs joyfully at his teasing.

When asked if the green has caused any tension, Mr Rosenthal is quick to deny it, showing it’s all just banter between the married couple of 51 years.

‘Robert’s very patient,’ Ms Sweetheart says. ‘He doesn’t mind [the green].’

Over the years, Ms Sweetheart's green has become brighter and brighter, her husband says, which she attributes to her re-dyeing and her preference for brighter colors

Over the years, Ms Sweetheart’s green has become brighter and brighter, her husband says, which she attributes to her re-dyeing and her preference for brighter colors

'My eyes like really bright colors… The older I get, the more I like bright colors,' she chuckles

‘My eyes like really bright colors… The older I get, the more I like bright colors,’ she chuckles

 Though her husband isn't green himself, he says: 'This is not an oppressive green environment. It's all the accents. The walls are white. I don't think I would want to live in a green room.' Their rescue dog, Gigi, is pictured in their room. They got her about two years ago, after their golden retriever Dylan passed away

 Though her husband isn’t green himself, he says: ‘This is not an oppressive green environment. It’s all the accents. The walls are white. I don’t think I would want to live in a green room.’ Their rescue dog, Gigi, is pictured in their room. They got her about two years ago, after their golden retriever Dylan passed away

When asked if the green has caused any tension, Mr Rosenthal is quick to deny it, showing it's all just banter between the married couple. 'Robert's very patient,' Ms Sweetheart says. 'He doesn't mind [the green]' 

When asked if the green has caused any tension, Mr Rosenthal is quick to deny it, showing it’s all just banter between the married couple. ‘Robert’s very patient,’ Ms Sweetheart says. ‘He doesn’t mind [the green]’ 

Sometimes the green is inescapable. For example, his socks and other whites end up off-color when they're washed with his wife's clothes. He lifts his pants leg just a bit to show the changed color of the sock on his left foot. 'She doesn't separate a lot of the laundry, so any of my whites are sort of a yellow,' he says. 'It's contagious'

Sometimes the green is inescapable. For example, his socks and other whites end up off-color when they’re washed with his wife’s clothes. He lifts his pants leg just a bit to show the changed color of the sock on his left foot. ‘She doesn’t separate a lot of the laundry, so any of my whites are sort of a yellow,’ he says. ‘It’s contagious’

That banter is common between Ms Sweetheart and Mr Rosenthal, who were married in February 1967. The couple met for the first time at Veselka, a Ukrainian restaurant in the East Village, in 1965 after a mutual friend introduced them. At first they lived in the East Village and then moved to the West Village before buying their current home in Carroll Gardens around 1980.

Though it was almost impossible to get property in their neighborhood back in the ’80s, the couple found a house with a sizeable backyard (50 feet by 20 feet, Mr Rosenthal says) for Ms Sweetheart’s gardening and bought it. They have since renovated and re-renovated the four-story house where they live with their rescue dog Gigi on the bottom two floors while their son, Sam Eaton, a mentalist and magician of the show Quantum Eye, and his fiancée Mimi live on the top two floors.

Ms Sweetheart’s full garden is spotted with bright pink and yellow flowers. She has two fig trees, mint, a Julia Child rosebush and a plethora of other plants and flowers that she names and points out among the green. Many of them are still preparing to bloom, but Mr Rosenthal says everything is staggered, so something new is always coming in.

‘I could just live in the garden,’ Ms Sweetheart says. ‘My grandfather… he was an amazing gardener and fisherman. And then my father, he was a surgeon. He did all the surgery in Nova Scotia. He was the only surgeon for a while. And he had five enormous gardens and an apple orchard and he would operate all day and night, but in between he would just be in the garden.’

Ms Sweetheart and Mr Rosenthal met in 1965 after a mutual friend introduced them. They were married in February 1967 and lived in the East Village before they moved to the West Village and then Carroll Gardens, where they've been since about 1980. Ms Sweetheart is pictured at the back of her garden, which has a green fence 

Ms Sweetheart and Mr Rosenthal met in 1965 after a mutual friend introduced them. They were married in February 1967 and lived in the East Village before they moved to the West Village and then Carroll Gardens, where they’ve been since about 1980. Ms Sweetheart is pictured at the back of her garden, which has a green fence 

Though it was almost impossible to get property in their neighborhood back in the '80s, the couple found a house with a sizeable backyard for Ms Sweetheart's gardening and bought it

Though it was almost impossible to get property in their neighborhood back in the ’80s, the couple found a house with a sizeable backyard for Ms Sweetheart’s gardening and bought it

 Ms Sweetheart's full garden, which is about 50 feet by 20 feet, is spotted with bright pink and yellow flowers. She has two fig trees, mint, a Julia Child rosebush and a plethora of other plants and flowers that she names and points out among the green

 Ms Sweetheart’s full garden, which is about 50 feet by 20 feet, is spotted with bright pink and yellow flowers. She has two fig trees, mint, a Julia Child rosebush and a plethora of other plants and flowers that she names and points out among the green

 'I could just live in the garden,' Ms Sweetheart says. 'My grandfather… he was an amazing gardener and fisherman. And then my father, he was a surgeon. He did all the surgery in Nova Scotia. He was the only surgeon for a while. And he had five enormous gardens and an apple orchard and he would operate all day and night, but in between he would just be in the garden'

 ‘I could just live in the garden,’ Ms Sweetheart says. ‘My grandfather… he was an amazing gardener and fisherman. And then my father, he was a surgeon. He did all the surgery in Nova Scotia. He was the only surgeon for a while. And he had five enormous gardens and an apple orchard and he would operate all day and night, but in between he would just be in the garden’

On this Wednesday afternoon, Mr Rosenthal is dressed in neutral tones, offsetting the bright green surrounding him in the house.

‘I’m certainly not going to dress green,’ he says, as Ms Sweetheart chimes in: ‘It’s not his thing.’

Sometimes the green is inescapable. For example, his socks and other whites end up off-color when they’re washed with his wife’s clothes. He lifts his pants leg just a bit to show the changed color of the sock on his left foot.

‘She doesn’t separate a lot of the laundry, so any of my whites are sort of a yellow,’ he says. ‘It’s contagious.’

And every once in a while he’ll buy something green for his wife, like the green knife stand in their kitchen and their green dishes. Usually, though, other people just give Ms Sweetheart green items as gifts.

‘We never buy green things,’ Ms Sweetheart says. ‘People just give me things. I’ll walk by a shop and the man will come out and say oh, I have something for you.’

Her husband adds: ‘Even neighbors have left piles of stuff on our stoop. Like somebody’s moving out of the neighborhood and instead of throwing out the green stuff… they leave it here.’

Ms Sweetheart and Mr Rosenthal have renovated and re-renovated their four story house. They live on the bottom two floors with Gigi and their son, Sam Eaton and his fiancée Mimi live on the top two floors. Ms Sweetheart's kitchen is pictured

Ms Sweetheart and Mr Rosenthal have renovated and re-renovated their four story house. They live on the bottom two floors with Gigi and their son, Sam Eaton and his fiancée Mimi live on the top two floors. Ms Sweetheart’s kitchen is pictured

Though he chooses not to be green himself, Mr Rosenthal will occasionally buy green things for his wife, like a green knife stand they have in their kitchen and their green Fiestaware (pictured)

Though he chooses not to be green himself, Mr Rosenthal will occasionally buy green things for his wife, like a green knife stand they have in their kitchen and their green Fiestaware (pictured)

. Usually, though, other people just give Ms Sweetheart green items as gifts. 'We never buy green things,' Ms Sweetheart says. 'People just give me things. I'll walk by a shop and the man will come out and say oh, I have something for you.' 

Most of the time, however, the green items sprinkled throughout their home are gifts to Ms Sweetheart from other people

'We never buy green things,' Ms Sweetheart says. 'People just give me things. I'll walk by a shop and the man will come out and say oh, I have something for you'

‘We never buy green things,’ Ms Sweetheart says. ‘People just give me things. I’ll walk by a shop and the man will come out and say oh, I have something for you’

Mr Rosenthal adds: 'Even neighbors have left piles of stuff on our stoop. Like somebody's moving out of the neighborhood and instead of throwing out the green stuff… they leave it here'

Mr Rosenthal adds: ‘Even neighbors have left piles of stuff on our stoop. Like somebody’s moving out of the neighborhood and instead of throwing out the green stuff… they leave it here’

Mr Rosenthal isn’t particularly interested in taking part in the fame his wife has garnered over the years. Once, he says, he and his wife were sitting on a bench in front of a coffee shop and someone asked to take a picture.

‘She says yes,’ Mr Rosenthal says. ‘I jump up and they said: “No, no, you can stay there.” And I said, “oh, I’m not with her”.’ 

Ms Sweetheart’s contagious laugh fills their garden as her husband tells his story.

At another point, Mr Rosenthal says, ‘the kids from across the street, the school, came up to her and they said, “We heard your husband dresses all in red”.’

His wife laughs again, adding: ‘you know, I’m not sure if he likes me or not.’ To which Mr Rosenthal shakes his head.

‘That’s not true,’ he says. He clearly loves his wife and the fact that she wears all green, even if, as he says, she doesn’t even know why she chose to ‘be’ green.

‘Everybody asks the question [why green?],’ Mr Rosenthal says. ‘She doesn’t really have a set answer because it’s an emotional thing, I think. It’s not something she’s figured out.’

Ms Sweetheart adds on: ‘I just do things.’

Ms Sweetheart has been sewing and making her own clothes since she was about eight years old, when her grandmother taught her how. She is pictured with her new sewing machine, but she says: 'I'm going to try that machine, but I'll probably end up doing it by hand'. When she was taught to use a sewing machine, she used a treadle sewing machine

Ms Sweetheart has been sewing and making her own clothes since she was about eight years old, when her grandmother taught her how. She is pictured with her new sewing machine, but she says: ‘I’m going to try that machine, but I’ll probably end up doing it by hand’. When she was taught to use a sewing machine, she used a treadle sewing machine

Ms Sweetheart even mixes her own nail polish, combining blue and yellow polishes with added pigments. She started doing that back when green nail polish wasn't on the market,but even now she still mixes her own because they're 'not quite bright enough'

Ms Sweetheart even mixes her own nail polish, combining blue and yellow polishes with added pigments. She started doing that back when green nail polish wasn’t on the market,but even now she still mixes her own because they’re ‘not quite bright enough’

Ms Sweetheart makes her own chokers, which are, of course green. 'I have all these wild neck pieces,' she says. 'I collect, also, vintage jewelry.' Her husband chimes in: 'She used to wear tons of bracelets'

Ms Sweetheart makes her own chokers, which are, of course green. ‘I have all these wild neck pieces,’ she says. ‘I collect, also, vintage jewelry.’ Her husband chimes in: ‘She used to wear tons of bracelets’

Mr Rosenthal is certain his wife won't change to another color at all, though Ms Sweetheart says, 'if I do it, I'll do it', which is exactly how green happened in the first place. 'This is just the beginning,' Mr Rosenthal says. 'There's more to come'

Mr Rosenthal is certain his wife won’t change to another color at all, though Ms Sweetheart says, ‘if I do it, I’ll do it’, which is exactly how green happened in the first place. ‘This is just the beginning,’ Mr Rosenthal says. ‘There’s more to come’

Over the years, Ms Sweetheart’s green has become brighter and brighter, her husband says, which she attributes to her re-dyeing and her preference for brighter colors. She also has a preference for green greens, as opposed to greens with hints of blue, like aqua, which is what she says is in season at the moment.

‘My eyes like really bright colors… The older I get, the more I like bright colors,’ she chuckles.

Because her preferred shade of green is so specific, Ms Sweetheart has to dye all of her clothes. She has an entire drawer in her room filled with color remover and dyes. She has a specific dye for polyesters and often mixes her green dye with gold to make sure her clothes don’t end up with too much blue.

Ms Sweetheart also mixes her own nail polish, combining blue and yellow polishes with added pigments. She started doing that back when there wasn’t a green nail polish, but even now that green shades are available, she still mixes her own because they’re ‘not quite bright enough’.

When asked if she ever gets tired of green, Ms Sweetheart chuckles: ‘No, isn’t that funny? I never get tired of it. In fact, it gets better the more you live with it.’

Mr Rosenthal is also certain his wife won’t change to another color at all, though Ms Sweetheart says, ‘if I do it, I’ll do it’, which is exactly how green happened in the first place.

‘This is just the beginning,’ Mr Rosenthal says. ‘There’s more to come.’

Ms Sweetheart was born and raised in Nova Scotia. Her Canadian father (left) was a surgeon and her Welsh mother (right) was an anesthesiologist, who was also one of the first women to study medicine in London. Her father studied and interned in London, where he met her mother and they fell in love. He brought her back to Nova Scotia and soon after, World War II broke out

Ms Sweetheart was born and raised in Nova Scotia. Her Canadian father (left) was a surgeon and her Welsh mother (right) was an anesthesiologist, who was also one of the first women to study medicine in London. Her father studied and interned in London, where he met her mother and they fell in love. He brought her back to Nova Scotia and soon after, World War II broke out

In 1964, when she was about 23, Ms Sweetheart decided to hitchhike to New York City to 'be an artist', she says. She quickly got a job as an artist in the garment center. She is pictured in an undated photo with Mr Rosenthal and their son, Sam Eaton, who is now a mentalist and magician of the show Quantum Eye

In 1964, when she was about 23, Ms Sweetheart decided to hitchhike to New York City to ‘be an artist’, she says. She quickly got a job as an artist in the garment center. She is pictured in an undated photo with Mr Rosenthal and their son, Sam Eaton, who is now a mentalist and magician of the show Quantum Eye

Ms Sweetheart was born and raised in Nova Scotia. Her Canadian father was a surgeon and her Welsh mother was an anesthesiologist, who was also one of the first women to study medicine in London. Her father studied and interned in London, where he met her mother and they fell in love. He brought her back to Nova Scotia and soon after, World War II broke out.

Because of the war, Ms Sweetheart says she and her grandparents were very close. Her grandmother taught her how to make her own clothes from when she was about 8 years old and both her grandparents encouraged her to paint.

‘They liked to paint,’ she says. ‘They’d sit me on a rock and give me a paintbrush. So that’s all I ever wanted to do.’

When she was about 23 in 1964, Ms Sweetheart decided to hitchhike to New York City ‘to be an artist’, she says. She quickly landed an artist job in a studio in the garment center, because of her ‘very tight hand that no one almost could duplicate’, Mr Rosenthal says.

‘I was doing little tiny flowers and then little paisleys and I did it all by hand,’ Ms Sweetheart says. ‘And I do paisleys, miles of paisleys. I had the finest hand, so I was in the business…. I’m a fine artist and I just happened to get a job in the garment center. Which I have been doing for over 50 years.’

Ms Sweetheart and Mr Rosenthal met for the first time at Veselka, a Ukrainian restaurant in the East Village, in 1965 after a mutual friend (pictured center) introduced them

Ms Sweetheart and Mr Rosenthal met for the first time at Veselka, a Ukrainian restaurant in the East Village, in 1965 after a mutual friend (pictured center) introduced them

In the last 50 years, Ms Sweetheart has had her own design and fashion studio and has worked with companies including Michael Kors, Liz Claiborne, Calvin Klein and American Eagle Outfitters, according to She is pictured in an undated photo

In the last 50 years, Ms Sweetheart has had her own design and fashion studio and has worked with companies including Michael Kors, Liz Claiborne, Calvin Klein and American Eagle Outfitters, according to She is pictured in an undated photo

She even used to work with Ralph Lauren and his brother Jerry. She didn't work directly with Mr Lauren, but he approved all her designs. And because she stood out enough – at the time her personal style was centered on vintage dresses and prints – 'he knew who she was', Mr Rosenthal says

She even used to work with Ralph Lauren and his brother Jerry. She didn’t work directly with Mr Lauren, but he approved all her designs. And because she stood out enough – at the time her personal style was centered on vintage dresses and prints – ‘he knew who she was’, Mr Rosenthal says

Ms Sweetheart also met and worked briefly with Sarah Ferguson, Duchess of York. The two met through a friend of Ms Sweetheart's who worked at Bath and Body Works and had worked at Ralph Lauren

Ms Sweetheart also met and worked briefly with Sarah Ferguson, Duchess of York. The two met through a friend of Ms Sweetheart’s who worked at Bath and Body Works and had worked at Ralph Lauren

In the last 50 years, Ms Sweetheart has had her own design and fashion studio and has worked with companies including Michael Kors, Liz Claiborne, Calvin Klein and American Eagle Outfitters, according to She even used to work with Ralph Lauren and his brother Jerry. She didn’t work directly with Mr Lauren, but he approved all her designs. And because she stood out enough – at the time her personal style was centered on vintage dresses and prints – ‘he knew who she was’, Mr Rosenthal says.

Ms Sweetheart also met and worked briefly with Sarah Ferguson, Duchess of York. The two met through a friend of Ms Sweetheart’s who worked at Bath and Body Works and had worked at Ralph Lauren.

‘They introduced me to Fergie because I did packaging for her line,’ Ms Sweetheart says. ‘She wanted to meet me and we illustrated her little diary.’

At another point, the Duchess told Ms Sweetheart she wanted to do a furniture line and she wanted Ms Sweetheart to draw up a design. As Ms Sweetheart explains that the Duchess sent her photographs of the castle and property where she grew up to incorporate into the design, Mr Rosenthal opens a canister and unrolls the intricate handmade print Ms Sweetheart made. As far as she knows now, nothing came of the furniture line, but the design was bought by the Duchess anyway.

 At another point, the Duchess told Ms Sweetheart she wanted to do a furniture line and she wanted Ms Sweetheart to draw up a design. As far as she knows now, nothing came of the furniture line, but the design was bought by the Duchess anyway. Ms Sweetheart is pictured in 1994

 At another point, the Duchess told Ms Sweetheart she wanted to do a furniture line and she wanted Ms Sweetheart to draw up a design. As far as she knows now, nothing came of the furniture line, but the design was bought by the Duchess anyway. Ms Sweetheart is pictured in 1994

Though she has worked in the fashion industry since moving to New York, Ms Sweetheart says she never followed the trends, instead choosing to 'just do what's natural for me', which has included years of exclusively wearing vintage dresses and another period where she wore hats decorated with flowers and ribbons

Though she has worked in the fashion industry since moving to New York, Ms Sweetheart says she never followed the trends, instead choosing to ‘just do what’s natural for me’, which has included years of exclusively wearing vintage dresses and another period where she wore hats decorated with flowers and ribbons

In the '60s Ms Sweetheart says she wore platform shoes – so much, in fact, that she thought she was much taller than her actual 4 foot 11 inch height. 'People wear platform shoes to fool somebody else, but she wore 'em to fool herself,' her husband laughs. Ms Sweetheart, Mr Rosenthal and their son Sam are pictured in an undated photo

In the ’60s Ms Sweetheart says she wore platform shoes – so much, in fact, that she thought she was much taller than her actual 4 foot 11 inch height. ‘People wear platform shoes to fool somebody else, but she wore ’em to fool herself,’ her husband laughs. Ms Sweetheart, Mr Rosenthal and their son Sam are pictured in an undated photo

Today, there are fewer and fewer clients for Ms Sweetheart as the fashion industry becomes more digital. For the past six years she has worked with Bath and Body Works to design artwork for their labels and posters, but there are few other places with consistent work.

‘I have a few customers left who pay their bills,’ she says. ‘I mean Ralph is not [overseeing the company] anymore. They’re not buying anymore. They pull out all my old junk and re-color it. Nobody’s buying anymore. If they do, it might be one print a year instead of like 20 to 30 prints a season.’

Though she has worked in the fashion industry since moving to New York, Ms Sweetheart says she never followed the trends, instead choosing to ‘just do what’s natural for me’. In the ’60s she says she wore platform shoes – so much, in fact, that she thought she was much taller than her actual 4 foot 11 inch height.

‘People wear platform shoes to fool somebody else, but she wore ’em to fool herself,’ her husband laughs.

She also went through several years exclusively wearing vintage dresses and another period where she wore hats decorated with flowers and ribbons.

‘She’s gone through so many stages,’ he says, adding later: ‘There was a certain kind of vintage look that she cultivated… But then she started wearing the overalls when she was in her 50s, before they were green.’

When asked if she ever gets tired of green, Ms Sweetheart chuckles: 'No, isn't that funny? I never get tired of it. In fact, it gets better the more you live with it'

When asked if she ever gets tired of green, Ms Sweetheart chuckles: ‘No, isn’t that funny? I never get tired of it. In fact, it gets better the more you live with it’

Today, there are fewer and fewer clients for Ms Sweetheart as the fashion industry becomes more digital. For the past six years she has worked with Bath and Body Works to design artwork for their labels and posters, but there are few other places with consistent work. Pictured are labels that she designed

Today, there are fewer and fewer clients for Ms Sweetheart as the fashion industry becomes more digital. For the past six years she has worked with Bath and Body Works to design artwork for their labels and posters, but there are few other places with consistent work. Pictured are labels that she designed

'I have a few customers left who pay their bills,' Ms Sweetheart says. 'I mean Ralph is not [overseeing the company] anymore. They're not buying anymore. They pull out all my old junk and re-color it. Nobody's buying anymore. If they do, it might be one print a year instead of like 20 to 30 prints a season'

‘I have a few customers left who pay their bills,’ Ms Sweetheart says. ‘I mean Ralph is not [overseeing the company] anymore. They’re not buying anymore. They pull out all my old junk and re-color it. Nobody’s buying anymore. If they do, it might be one print a year instead of like 20 to 30 prints a season’

In her early days of 'being' green, Ms Sweetheart got some attention from local papers and the children from the school near her home. Mr Rosenthal adds she also found fans among the neighborhood goth kids, homeless drug addicts and passing police officers

In her early days of ‘being’ green, Ms Sweetheart got some attention from local papers and the children from the school near her home. Mr Rosenthal adds she also found fans among the neighborhood goth kids, homeless drug addicts and passing police officers

But at first, the attention didn't stray far from her neighborhood. She says she never expected to become famous at all, because 'I've always done stuff with being an artist,' she says

But at first, the attention didn’t stray far from her neighborhood. She says she never expected to become famous at all, because ‘I’ve always done stuff with being an artist,’ she says

But fame came anyway. Over the last 10 to 12 years, outlets have written numerous articles about Ms Sweetheart and her green lifestyle. Even international outlets have covered Ms Sweetheart after a 2017 video she was featured in went viral

But fame came anyway. Over the last 10 to 12 years, outlets have written numerous articles about Ms Sweetheart and her green lifestyle. Even international outlets have covered Ms Sweetheart after a 2017 video she was featured in went viral

Ms Sweetheart started her own Instagram account, greenladyofbrooklyn, which has almost 7,000 followers and more than 400 pictures. People would come up to her and ask to take a selfie, but she had no record of those people or the pictures herself, she says. So now that she's started the Instagram account, she asks that people also take pictures on her phone as well so she can include it on her profile

Ms Sweetheart started her own Instagram account, greenladyofbrooklyn, which has almost 7,000 followers and more than 400 pictures. People would come up to her and ask to take a selfie, but she had no record of those people or the pictures herself, she says. So now that she’s started the Instagram account, she asks that people also take pictures on her phone as well so she can include it on her profile

In her early days of ‘being’ green, Ms Sweetheart got some attention from local papers and the children from the school near her home. Mr Rosenthal adds she also found fans among the neighborhood goth kids, homeless drug addicts and passing police officers. But the attention didn’t stray far from her neighborhood. She says she never expected to become famous at all, because ‘I’ve always done stuff with being an artist,’ she says.

But fame came anyway. Over the last 10 to 12 years, outlets have written numerous articles about Ms Sweetheart and her green lifestyle. In December 2011, she was photographed by Brandon Stanton of Humans of New York. That photo, of Ms Sweetheart in her signature green look – green hair, green gloves, green coat and pants and shoes – would be his most popular image up to that point, he told American Photo magazine and Ms Sweetheart says he attributes his fame to her photograph. Even international outlets have covered Ms Sweetheart after a 2017 video she was featured in went viral.

That was part of what inspired Ms Sweetheart to start an Instagram account, greenladyofbrooklyn, which has almost 7,000 followers and more than 400 pictures. People would come up to her and ask to take a selfie, but she had no record of those people or the pictures herself, she says. So now that she’s started the Instagram account, she asks that people also take pictures on her phone as well so she can include it on her profile.

‘Everybody I meet is just so positive,’ she says. ‘I’ve never had a negative experience.’

Mr Rosenthal says that there are occasionally people who are too pushy when it comes to meeting or talking with his wife. He and his son also worry she’ll be made fun of. But on the whole, people are very kind.

‘She enjoys it. Obviously she gets a great kick out of,’ he says, adding: ‘it gets exhausting so she doesn’t do it that often… It also gets very repetitive. There’s not too much different. There’s no new adventures in particular to talk about.’

Ms Sweetheart adds: ‘People just want the green. It’s a phenomena, it really is.’

When asked if she feels particularly like a celebrity, Ms Sweetheart giggles and shrugs.

‘I’m just me,’ she says.

In December 2011, she was photographed by Brandon Stanton of Humans of New York. That post (pictured), of Ms Sweetheart in her signature green look – green hair, green gloves, green coat and pants and shoes – would be his most popular image up to that point, he told American Photo magazine and Ms Sweetheart says he attributes his fame to her photograph

In December 2011, she was photographed by Brandon Stanton of Humans of New York. That post (pictured), of Ms Sweetheart in her signature green look – green hair, green gloves, green coat and pants and shoes – would be his most popular image up to that point, he told American Photo magazine and Ms Sweetheart says he attributes his fame to her photograph

A pair of Ms Sweetheart's signature green overalls were even featured in Emily Spivack's book Worn in New York, which tells the stories of 68 people and their items of clothing, including Lena Dunham, Gay Talese and Coco Rocha

A pair of Ms Sweetheart’s signature green overalls were even featured in Emily Spivack’s book Worn in New York, which tells the stories of 68 people and their items of clothing, including Lena Dunham, Gay Talese and Coco Rocha

When asked if she feels particularly like a celebrity, Ms Sweetheart giggles and shrugs. 'I'm just me,' she says. She is pictured in front of one of her delicate paintings in her home

When asked if she feels particularly like a celebrity, Ms Sweetheart giggles and shrugs. ‘I’m just me,’ she says. She is pictured in front of one of her delicate paintings in her home