Greens candidate apologises for parking in disabled spot

  • Greens candidate apologises for campaign volunteer parking in disabled spot
  • Shannon Girard has reprimanded volunteer who parked the Toyota Hilux ute
  • Embarassment in rural Scenic Rim seat comes days ahead of Queensland poll

A Greens candidate’s campaign volunteer illegally parked a ute in a disabled spot.

Shannon Girard’s campaign for the conservative, rural southern Queensland seat of Scenic Rim has suffered a major embarrassment less than a week before polling day.

The candidate posted an apology on Facebook after an image of the Toyota Hilux, parked over a line marking, was sent to Sydney radio presenter Ray Hadley, whose program is broadcast in Queensland.

Greens candidate Shannon Girard has apologised for this Toyota Hilux ute in a disabled spot

Queensland Greens candidate Shannon Girard posted this apology on his Facebook page 

Queensland Greens candidate Shannon Girard posted this apology on his Facebook page 

‘It came to my attention over the weekend that a volunteer parked in a disabled parking space,’ Mr Girard said on Facebook.

‘I’ve spoken to the volunteer involved and they are incredibly sorry and sincerely apologised for any inconvenience or any upset caused. 

‘I have spoken to all my volunteers that this is not acceptable and we would never approve of this behavior. I’m am also truly sorry that this has occurred.’

In another embarrassment, Mr Girard’s campaign profile on the Greens website describes him as growing up in Goondiwindi in ‘Central Queensland’.

Playing to his political base: Shannon Girard has apologised for a campaign embarrassment

Playing to his political base: Shannon Girard has apologised for a campaign embarrassment

Parking mad: Greens candidate Shannon Girard campaigns next to a stationary car

Parking mad: Greens candidate Shannon Girard campaigns next to a stationary car

Shannon Girard says he grew up at Goondiwindi in 'Central Queensland' - a region which is is more than 650 kilometres away

Shannon Girard says he grew up at Goondiwindi in ‘Central Queensland’ – a region which is is more than 650 kilometres away

The trouble is the town of 11,000 people, on the Queensland border, is more than 650 kilometres away from Central Queensland.

‘Growing up gay in a small town was difficult,’ he said. 

In a bit of spin with his apology Mr Girard said disability advocate Jordan Steel-John, who has cerebral palsy and uses a wheelchair, was recently sworn in as a West Australian Greens senator to replace dual New Zealand citizen Scott Ludlam.

Betting website Ladbrokes puts the Greens’ chance of winning the Liberal National Party-held seat this Saturday out at a whopping $51 compared with $1.22 for the incumbent and $4.25 for One Nation.