Grimsby woman jailed after offering an old man sexual favours

Claire Wilson, 44, was jailed for three years after offering an old man sexual favours before stealing £20 from his wallet last year

A serial thief dubbed a town’s ‘Queen of Crime’ has been jailed for three years after offering an old man sexual favours.

Claire Wilson, 44, has 332 previous convictions under her belt, Grimsby Crown Court court heard.

The one-woman crime wave, who is notorious for her regular court appearances, also stole £45 cash from a woman’s handbag in a burglary and stole a handbag in another.

Wilson, of Grimsby, North East Lincolnshire, admitted burglary and two theft offences.

Richard Davies, prosecuting, told the court that Wilson went to an elderly man’s home on November 30, 2017, and knocked on his door.

She offered him sexual favours but he refused. She persisted and said she needed to use the toilet.

He relented and allowed her to use the toilet but she followed him into the lounge of his home.

She was told to leave several times but refused. She walked away but was holding his wallet.

The man tried to grab it and eventually managed to get hold of it but £20 was missing. Police found her in the area.

Wilson has 332 previous convictions and is known as Grimsby's Queen of Crime 

Wilson has 332 previous convictions and is known as Grimsby’s Queen of Crime 

Wilson entered the home of a Grimsby woman on January 14 and ran off with £45 from a handbag.

The woman recognised her and she and her sister went to confront Wilson, who tried to slip out the back of a house but was arrested by police.

In another incident, Wilson entered a woman’s home in Grimsby and took a handbag, despite being told: ‘Don’t touch that.’

She was traced from forensic evidence left on a tub of hand cream that she used while there.

Wilson’s 332 convictions included 200 for theft or dishonesty, 10 for burglary and a robbery offence in 2001. She was released from prison in November.

Dale Brook, mitigating, said: ‘She has an awful record by any standards.

‘She is trying to tackle a long-standing and overwhelming drug problem. She has been doing well in custody but has been labouring under significant difficulties.

‘She is eager now she has made progress in prison to get out as soon as is humanly possible and to progress.

‘She is taking care of herself much better. When she went in, she was not eating and was not looking after herself properly.’

Recorder Richard Woolfall told Wilson: ‘You have an appalling record for dishonesty offences.’

Wilson was jailed for three years and two months and was given a five-year restraining order to keep away from the elderly man.