Groom begs passengers to help find $2,000 wedding suit after he left it at St Peters train station

Devastated groom-to-be begs other passengers to help him find his $2,000 wedding suit after he left it at a train station

  • Groom-to-be is begging social media users to help him find his $2,000 suit
  • David Krasovitsky was at St Peters station Tuesday with the custom-made suit
  • The 29-year-old left the suit at the station and did not realise for two hours
  • When he went back it was gone and he is now desperate to get the suit back
  • He is devastated as he is due to marry his partner, Pip Mason, in one week

A devastated groom-to-be is begging for help to find his $2,000 wedding suit after he left it at a train station.

David Krasovitsky was heading home from work on Tuesday when he accidentally left his tailor-made suit at St Peters train station in Sydney’s inner-west.

It wasn’t until he had gone home, put his daughter to bed and sat down for dinner two hours later that he realised what he had done.

‘I ran out the door and said I left my suit at the train station,’ the 29-year-old told Daily Mail Australia.

It wasn’t until he had gone home, put his daughter to bed and sat down for dinner two hours later that he realised what he had done (pictured with his partner, Pip Mason)

David Krasovitsky was heading home from work on Tuesday when he accidentally left his tailor-made suit (pictured) at St Peters train station in Sydney's inner-west

David Krasovitsky was heading home from work on Tuesday when he accidentally left his tailor-made suit (pictured) at St Peters train station in Sydney’s inner-west

‘I had that feeling where my stomach just fell and I felt sick, but in my mind I thought I’d go back and it would be there.’

‘But it wasn’t there… I walked around the station for a couple of hours.’

When Mr Krasovitsky told his partner, Pip Mason, assured him that someone must have handed the suit in but when they called lost property there was nothing there.

While he was hesitant to make it public, the couple posted a plea to social media hoping it would be returned before their wedding on October 26.

They even made lost signs to stick up around St Peters station in the hopes someone may know something. 

Mr Krasovistky proposed to his partner in December and said he had been planning what he would wear ever since. 

‘Obviously getting a custom-made suit, you imagine yourself getting married in it and looking good for your partner, so it was disappointing,’ he said.

‘It’s been a nightmare.’

He spent all day Wednesday trying to track down the suit and said Transport for NSW has been helpful in looking for it.

CCTV footage from the station was reviewed, but it did not show anyone leaving the station with the suit, meaning whoever picked it up boarded another train.

While he was hesitant to make it public, the couple posted a plea to social media hoping it would be returned before their wedding on October 26

While he was hesitant to make it public, the couple posted a plea to social media hoping it would be returned before their wedding on October 26

‘We have to assume the person who took it isn’t a local because they could get anywhere from St Peters,’ Mr Krasovistky said.

While he feels devastated for potentially not having the suit to get married in, Mr Krasovistky said the reaction from people has been ‘beautiful’.

‘The suit company has been amazing…I’ve gotten a lot of messages from friends and family, and a friend who is a cop even ran me through the police process,’ he said.

‘All of the love and support and a lot of people telling me it doesn’t matter what the guy wears… I just feel like i’m disappointing Pip to be honest.’

While many are sending their love and support to the couple, Mr Krasovistky has received one potential lead into the whereabouts of the suit.

While many are sending their love and support to the couple, Mr Krasovistky has received one potential lead into the whereabouts of the suit

While many are sending their love and support to the couple, Mr Krasovistky has received one potential lead into the whereabouts of the suit

About 9.30pm Friday night, he received a call from a man claiming he has the suit.

‘He said he had my suit, but I couldn’t come and get it until later this weekend… he didn’t know any specifics,’ he said.

‘I haven’t got my hopes up, we haven’t got a name and he didn’t tell me where he lives.’

‘Who would pick up a suit and not return it? It’s not like it’s a wallet or a phone, it only has value to the person.’ 

‘I’m really hoping the power of social media somehow brings it back to me, but I think I need to be ok with the idea that it may not come back.’