Grundig smart mirror connects to scales and shows weight

When you’re trying to lose weight, it can be easy to shy away from the dreaded weighing scales.

But a new device could force you to look at your weight every day.

Grundig has revealed a prototype for a smart mirror that connects to your scales and displays your weight, BMI and weight loss right in front of your face.

The prototype mirror, created by Grundig, was displayed at the IFA conference in Berlin today

It connects to scales and displays your weight, BMI and weight loss right in front of your face

It connects to scales and displays your weight, BMI and weight loss right in front of your face

Grundig revealed the prototype at the IFA conference in Berlin today.

The user stands on the Sensimeter scales, which sit just below the rim-lit mirror.

Within seconds, the user’s metrics pop up on the mirror, including BMI, weight, and a graph tracking weight changes.

A spokesperson for Grundig told MailOnline: ‘The user’s weight is displayed on the mirror in real time.’

And if the thought of seeing your weight in the mirror everyday fills you with dread, then there’s good news, as you can choose to view various other metrics.

As well as connecting to the scales, the mirror can also be connected to a smart toothbrush to help you track how long you brushed your teeth for, and suggest when to change the brush head.


The user stands on the Sensimeter scales, which sit just below the rim-lit mirror.

Within seconds, the user’s metrics pop up on the mirror, including BMI, weight, and a graph tracking weight changes.

As well as connecting to the scales, the mirror can also be connected to a smart toothbrush to help you track how long you brushed your teeth for, and suggest when to change the brush head.

Other options include tracking your heart rate or sleep.

While the mirror is only a prototype, users currently have the option of connecting their scales to a Sensimeter app on their smartphone, helping them to track their weight on the go.

Speaking about the mirror, the Grundig spokesperson added: ‘While it’s currently just a prototype, we hope to bring it into production in the future.’

It comes after research two weeks ago found weighing yourself each day may help you to shed the pounds.

Standing on the scales produced ‘unexpected’ effects of encouraging people to cut back on junk food, scientists said.

Seeing small results regularly in the long battle with the bulge motivates adults to stick with their diet and exercise routine.

And noticing weight gain can motivate adults to adopt lifestyle changes, helping them to avoid an expanding waistline.