Guidelines for Balancing Childcare With Working From Home

All of us know countless examples of working parents surviving significant income loss while working fewer hours amid the pandemic. The closure of schools and child care centers has thrown a lot of moms into the dilemma of losing jobs for caregiving. Cases of this sort are on the increase, according to signals professionals of LinkedIn profile writing service receive.

Remote work lets hold down a paid job and give care at the same time, staying the only way left for parents. More companies mandate flexible scheduling of convenient working from home to overcome the uncertain period of COVID-19. As well as more online services are designed to become a helpful hand in searching for a competing job that allows working from home.

If you ask how it is possible to simultaneously juggle the workloads with the duties as caregivers to the children, this article is the answer. It outlines some guidelines for parents working from home and serves to accommodate major challenges that may come with balancing remote work and caregiving.

Adjustment for Working From Home

You should remember that aside from parenting and tutoring for your children, you’re expected to be a good employee for your hirer. Lucky you are if you have a partner helping you out in a challenging time. But those who used to work from home know the need to provide 24-hour childcare around the full-time work schedule needs an adjustment.

What Employers Expect of You

When it comes to parents who prefer to work remotely, communication with the manager is the key. Inform your employer about your current child care responsibilities to get your respective schedule. You can utilize the convenient schedule for getting some work done, taking care of the family without decreasing productivity. To cope with this task you’ll need the following:

  • fast permanent wi-fi connection;
  • a laptop (desktop computer) and a smartphone, connected to the Internet;
  • distraction-free environment to be able to work in;
  • private, quiet place to take phone calls and meetings;
  • ability to be available at a pre-scheduled time;
  • maxed-out multitasking skill.

What to Expect from Employers

Major employers have their significant ones, so they understand that the health and wellbeing of a family is the highest priority. Some companies practice optional connecting calls for their employers who have kids to share the special resources around learning and keeping their children engaged. You can reach them out any time with specific concerns in case you need help with:

  • support and guidance from your manager;
  • changes or shifts in your scheduling;
  • prioritizing urgent tasks above secondary ones;
  • clarifying necessary and optional meetings to attend;
  • ability to meet your schedule.

Guidelines for Parents Working From Home

With a virtual office, your previous career goals seem achievable again, even though neither toddlers nor teens quite get the rules of conference calls. But let’s face life up, even being a seasoned pro at working from home can’t prevent you from a whole new set of challenges. Still,  here are three key aspects of getting back on the career ladder and managing the unavoidable stress, balancing competing priorities.

#1. Coordinate a new flexible family schedule

Designing a rough schedule is the first thing to do for working from home and homeschooling the kids. An evident structure of the day allows you to control the sequence of family events, making it easier to fit your job responsibilities in. Do not distress yourself about the chores you have no time to do. You can accommodate your schedule at any time after a candid conversation with your manager about the circumstances.

#2. Dedicate working and learning space

If you decide to work remotely, the hardest thing is staying focused and productive without the built-in structure of the company’s space. A simple but effective way out is to designate clear workspaces for each family member. Every “work station” will look different, depending on the size of the family’s living space. However, even if you need a quieter place for taking calls and have to work in the bedroom and the kids learn at the kitchen table, this idea can help you stay organized.

#3. Alternate routine for your children

Alternate between learning activities and spare time, building in the breaks of physical activities to release childish energy. Exercise breakdowns are good for your children’s focus, giving a boost in learning and retaining information overall. Give your children some autonomy by letting the youngest one choose from a variety of quiet or creative activities. Don’t insist on performing any tasks if the children feel physical discomforts such as hunger or fatigue.  And take some time away from your work and school to reconnect and refocus.

The Bottom Line

Don’t feel overwhelmed, thinking about vain attempts of keeping the household running, responsibilities accomplished, the children engaged. You are doing what you can. It’s better to set realistic, compassionate expectations with clear boundaries for yourself, your colleagues, and your family members.

Anxiety and stress greatly affect memory, attention, and mood, taking a toll on productivity. Honest communication with your manager about the volume and deadlines you’re able to perform shifts down the point of burnout. Be self-compassioned and your entire network will benefit from being around the better version of you.


About the Author

Karen Hampton: Career Coach on LPWS, who knows everything about career exposure on LinkedIn. Excellent at building your skills into a seductive LinkedIn profile and school you in self-marketing.