Gunfire breaks out during a high school basketball game – leaving cop and spectator shot

Shocking moment gunfire breaks out during a high school basketball game – leaving a cop and spectator shot, while the gunman remains on the run

  • 15-year-old was arrested after a shooting at a Dallas high school basketball game
  • Gunman fired during game between South Oak Cliff and Kimball high schools
  • An 18-year-old spectator is in critical condition and female police officer injured
  • Online clip showed the moment gunshots fired as players and fans fled the court

A 15-year-old has been arrested after gunfire in the stands at a high school basketball game in Dallas left an 18-year-old in a critical condition and a police officer wounded.

The unidentified gunman went on the run after the shooting during the third quarter of a game between South Oak Cliff and Kimball high schools on Saturday night.

Witnesses said at least four shots were heard during the game as players, coaches and fans were forced to run for cover.

Video footage posted on social media picked up the moment the gunshots rang out and showed terrified spectators flooding to the exits as the players bolted off the court.

Players and fans ran for cover

Players, coaches and spectators suddenly fled the arena (right) when gunfire broke out at the basketball game in Dallas on Saturday (left before the shooting started)

Footage from a photographer at the game showed some players lying on the floor behind hoardings and using them as cover. 

An 18-year-old victim, who was sitting in the stands when he was hit in the chest by a bullet, is believed to be a former student at South Oak Cliff in Texas.

He was taken to a hospital where he was in a serious condition, police said. 

A female Dallas Independent School District police officer was grazed by a bullet fragment when she tried to confront the gunman, authorities said.

Robyn Harris, a spokeswoman for the Dallas Police Department, said at a news conference: ‘She did put herself in harm’s way to safely secure the area.’

The shooting, happened at around 9.10pm, following a fight in the stands, Harris added.

As players from South Oak Cliff high school in Dallas were taking on Kimball, four gunshots rang out from the stand

Fans ducked for cover as gunshots rang out

Players at the high school game fled the arena

A video posted on social media showed players and fans running for the exits (right and left) after a fight in the stands led to gunshots being fired

The gunman slipped out of the arena with the crowd of panicked spectators and fled the scene, but later turned himself in at Dallas police headquarters on Sunday, police said.

He has been charged with aggravated assault.

Valerie Sherwood, who was at the game with her Kimball freshman daughter, said she heard popping sounds behind her and thought it might fireworks. 

She told the Dallas Morning News: ‘I didn’t panic, but I did hit the floor. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I’d ever be anywhere where there was an active shooter.’

The game came at the end of a day celebrating the reopening of South Oak Cliff High this month with a ribbon-cutting ceremony on Saturday following a two-year $52 million renovation.