Gwyneth Paltrow’s Goop wins ‘worst pseudoscience’ award

Barely a month goes by without some new, bizarre health or ‘wellness’ advice being issued by Goop that hits the headlines.

The brainchild of Hollywood star Gwyneth Paltrow, 45, the brand has brought us cupping, infrared saunas, earthing (walking barefoot), consulting shamans and intravenous infusions since its launch in 2008,

And who could forget sex dust, vaginal steaming and jade eggs to insert into our ‘yoni’ to improve our orgasms. 

These controversial claims have now earned the company the first ever ‘Rusty Razor’ award as the ‘best’ promoter of the ‘worst pseudoscience of the year’.

The accolade was issued by The Skeptic, which describes itself as the UK’s only magazine taking a scientific look at pseudoscience and the paranormal. 

Below MailOnline takes a look at just some of the weird recommendations posted on Goop in recent times.  

Gwyneth Paltrow, 45, has come under fire from critics for her website’s scientific claims 

The Skeptic magazine has awarded website Goop its first ever 'Rusty Razor' accolade as the 'best' promoter of the 'worst pseudoscience of the year'

The Skeptic magazine has awarded website Goop its first ever ‘Rusty Razor’ accolade as the ‘best’ promoter of the ‘worst pseudoscience of the year’

The ‘scientific’ aspects of crystals 

The award comes after Goop recently posted a feature  hailing ‘The 8 Essential Crystals’ as an aid to help a host of psychological and physical problems including premenstual syndrome (PMS), infertility and even trauma from sexual abuse.

Written by ‘certified shamanic energy medicine practitioner’ Colleen McCann, the article includes a plug for a ‘goop-exclusive starter kit, inspired by a shaman’s medicine bag’ for $85 (£63.91).  

After it was published, the web page was amended with a footnote explaining that an earlier version of the story stated that the benefits of the semi-precious gemstone carnelian were presented as fact, when they are the ‘opinion of fans of the product’. 

Goop is selling its exclusive crystal starter kit, 'inspired by a shaman's medicine bag' for $85 (£63.91)

Goop is selling its exclusive crystal starter kit, ‘inspired by a shaman’s medicine bag’ for $85 (£63.91)

It went on to add: ‘It also stated that the product aids shame around female body parts and sexual trauma, when that is also the opinion of some fans of the product.’

The article aimed to ’emphasizes the importance of both the scientific and the more mystical aspects of crystals’.

McCann claims their ‘extraordinary ability to store, transmit, and transform energy is equally critical in the pursuit of health, wellness, and deep spirituality’.   

She recommends that you pack brownish-red stone carnelian with your tampons, because ‘fans of the product say’ it helps ease period cramps, temper PMS, regulate menstrual cycles, and treat infertility.  

McCann also says rose quartz helps curb jealousy and lapis lazuli soothes anxiety.

She also recommends amethyst to treat addictions to alcohol, shoe shopping and negative self-talk.

Readers are advised to care for their crystals by leaving them out in the moonlight for three days prior and three days after the full moon.

Goop has published an article written by 'certified shamanic energy medicine practitioner' Colleen McCann

Goop has published an article written by ‘certified shamanic energy medicine practitioner’ Colleen McCann

After it was published, the article was amended with a footnote explaining the changes made

After it was published, the article was amended with a footnote explaining the changes made

Some of Goop’s other products

The actress caused a storm when she began selling Jade and Rose Quartz Eggs that reportedly improve orgasms and muscle tone

The actress caused a storm when she began selling Jade and Rose Quartz Eggs that reportedly improve orgasms and muscle tone

Vaginal jade eggs

There was a storm of controversy when Goop began selling crystal eggs earlier this year which claimed to improve women’s sex lives.

Paltrow’s site shared tips on how to use Jade and Rose Quartz Eggs that reportedly ‘increase chi, orgasms, vaginal muscle tone, hormonal balance, and feminine energy’. 

The actress explaied  through an interview with her ‘beauty guru/healer/inspiration/friend’, that women should clench the egg inside them all day to exercise their pelvic floor.

But acclaimed gynecologist Dr Jen Gunter warns the whole idea is nonsense – and could even increase the risk of bacterial vaginosis or deadly toxic shock syndrome. 

‘I read the post on GOOP and all I can tell you is it is the biggest load of garbage I have read on your site since vaginal steaming,’ Dr Gunter wrote in an open letter to Gwyneth Paltrow on her blog.

Psychic Vampire Repellent

The $30 ‘spray-able elixir’ contains ruby, rosemary, juniper, lavender, and reiki charged with crystals.

According to the site, it will ‘banish bad vibes (and shield you from the people who may be causing them)’. 

This is the 'gem healing' spray with supposedly magical properties to repel 'bad vibes'

The stickers have 'become a major obsession around' Goop headquarters, the company said

Goop has sold some interesting products including Psychic Vampire Repellent (left) and Body Vibes healing stickers (right)

Users are directed to ‘shake gently before each use’ then ‘spray around the aura to protect from psychic attack and emotional harm.’ 

They should avoid contact with eyes and must not ingest or inhale the ‘protective mist’.

Body Vibes –  the ‘healing stickers made with carbon material used to line space suits’ 

Goop initially claimed that its stickers are made with ‘a crystalline, carbonized radio-frequency material’ culled from spacesuits, and that they ‘fill in the deficiencies in your reserves, creating a calming effect, smoothing out both physical tension and anxiety.’

The products – which sell for up to $120 for a set of 24 – can also ‘help clear skin by reducing inflammation and boosting cell turnover,’ Goop reported, quoting the brand’s co-founders, Madison De Clercq and Leslie Kritzer.

Butex-NASA official Mark Shelhamer – a one-time chief scientist in the space program’s human research division – begs to differ.

‘Not only is the whole premise like snake oil, the logic doesn’t even hold up,’ he told Gizmodo. ‘If they promote healing, why do they leave marks on the skin when they are removed? What a load of BS this is.’

Last month American watchdog Truth in Advertising (TINA) filed a formal complaint against Goop for ‘unsubstantiated and therefore deceptive’ claims to promote its health products.

TINA is calling for an investigation into claims that Goop-endorsed products and treatments can treat, cure, prevent, alleviate symptoms of or reduce the risk of ailments ranging from depression to infertility and arthritis. 

Goop said these allegation is ‘unsubstantiated and unfounded’, and Gwyneth encourages followers to weigh up the evidence for themselves. 

The brand has been approached by MailOnline for comment about the latest award.


Dr Aviva Romm explained that she doesn't see herself as a Goop doctor and hasn't even read most of the content on the site

Dr Aviva Romm explained that she doesn’t see herself as a Goop doctor and hasn’t even read most of the content on the site

One of Gwyneth Paltrow’s Goop doctors has come out to say she doesn’t endorse the brand.

Dr Aviva Romm was one of the two physicians quoted in Goop’s recent letter – Uncensored: A Word From Our Doctors – defending the site against its detractors. 

However, just two weeks later, she has revealed that she doesn’t consider herself a Goop doctor. 

Dr Romm also said she doesn’t endorse all of the site’s advice and is critical of anyone who automatically trusts the products just because the brand is owned by Gwyneth Paltrow and branded as ‘natural.’

‘I don’t think everything in there is necessarily evidence-based or effective,’ the family and women’s health doctor, based in Massachusetts, told Stat.

‘I’m not one of those integrative doctors who basically thinks just because it’s alternative it’s safe and good.’