Hampshire paramedic sacked for affair with patient who sang You Sexy Thing in back of ambulance

Darrel Dimond (pictured) has been sacked from his job as a paramedic after he had sex with a patient at her home in Hampshire 

A paramedic who had an affair with a patient after she sang the ‘You Sexy Thing’ to him in the back of his ambulance has been struck off.

Darrel Dimond could not resist the rendition of the Hot Chocolate disco classic and kissed her passionately, a tribunal heard.

The Health and Care Professions Council was told Dimond had been called to treat the woman for a seizure – but love blossomed as she lay on the stretcher. 

They swapped numbers and he later drove to her Hampshire home for a two-hour sex session while his ambulance was parked outside. 

The patient sent him explicit pictures of herself including one of her on all fours and another in her underwear. 

Dimond send her a message saying ‘You’re very pretty – too many clothes though.’

He also told her: ‘I like your chest, that’s probs my favourite bit – your chest and neck xx’

Computer records show that on 10 January 2016 Dimond drove an ambulance to the woman’s house and parked the vehicle outside for a total of two hours.

The patient told the hearing: ‘He came to the house and we had sex.’

Just weeks before he was referred to his professional body Dimond messaged the patient asking: ‘Are you not talking to me?’

When questioned about the affair, Dimond said he drove back to the woman’s home to ‘recover lost equipment.’

Dimond (pictured) was found to have had an 'inappropriate sexual relationship' with the patient between January 2016 and May 2016 and was sacked 

Dimond (pictured) was found to have had an ‘inappropriate sexual relationship’ with the patient between January 2016 and May 2016 and was sacked 

Dimond who worked for South Central Ambulance Services in Basingstoke, Hampshire, then tried to delete emails he had sent the woman before his laptop taken for investigation.

Stephen Ferson, for the HCPTS said: ‘His acceptance of his shortcomings has been very limited, there has been no remediation and there will be a real risk of repetition.

‘Mr Dimond abandoned what he knew to be professional standards and the need to act in the best interests of the patient in order to conduct sexual relations with her in the knowledge that she was a vulnerable patient.

‘The sustained nature of the misconduct, the grievous violation of proper professional standards and the patient vulnerability were aggravating factors.’

Mr Ferson said: ‘This attempted destruction of materials by him may be an indication that he was aware that they were inappropriate in nature.’

‘It constitutes a grievous falling short of what would be expected proper in the circumstances.

‘The conduct alleged is so egregious that it must be defined as deplorable.’

Dimond denied handing the patient his work mobile number and claimed she must have found it online or read it off the phone.

An investigation by the HCPTS found that there was no trace of his mobile number available on the internet.

Dimond was found to have had an ‘inappropriate sexual relationship’ with the patient between January 2016 and May 2016.

He is now working as a driving instructor in his home town.

Panel chair Manuela Grayson said: ‘We have no alternative but to strike off Mr Dimond from the register. He continues to be a threat to the public.’ 

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk