Hate-fueled rants by person of interest in NYC shooting: 62-year-old hits out at Mayor Eric Adams

The ‘person of interest’ in the Brooklyn subway shooting posted hundreds of unhinged and bigoted videos on his YouTube channel ranting about ‘killing everything in site’ and slamming New York City Mayor Eric Adams, the city’s homelessness crisis and unsafe subways.  

Frank James, 62, has been named as a person of interest in the attack which left 10 people with gunshot wounds, with police offering a $50,000 reward for information leading to his arrest.    

Police said keys found at the 36th Street subway station in Sunset Park belong to a U-Haul truck in Brooklyn that was rented by James and found abandoned five miles from the scene in Brooklyn.

Authorities are now examining social media videos in which James made ‘concerning’ threats against Mayor Adams and raged against white people, Puerto Ricans, Jewish people, climate change and the police, whilst also decrying the United States as a racist place awash in violence. Officials have since tightened security for Adams.

‘This nation was born in violence, it’s kept alive by violence or the threat thereof and it’s going to die a violent death. There’s nothing going to stop that,’ James said in a ranting video on YouTube under the name ‘Prophet of Truth88’. 

The rambling, profanity-filled YouTube videos posted by James, who is black, are replete with violent language and bigoted comments, sometimes against other black people. He is also featured sharing conspiracy theories – such as claiming that the Twin Towers could never have been brought down on 9/11 by planes. 

One video, posted April 11, criticizes crime against black people and says drastic action is needed.

‘You got kids going in here now taking machine guns and mowing down innocent people,’ James says. ‘It’s not going to get better until we make it better,’ he said, adding that he thought things would only change if certain people were ‘stomped, kicked and tortured’ out of their ‘comfort zone.’ 

Several of James’ videos mention New York’s subway. One, posted on February 20, says the mayor and governor’s plan to address homelessness and safety in the subway system ‘is doomed for failure’ whilst another on January 25 criticizes Adams’ plan to end gun violence.

James references psychiatric facilities he has attended in the Bronx and in New Jersey, saying the staff failed to help him and ‘made me more dangerous’.

‘Mr. Mayor, I’m a victim of your mental health program,’ James said in one lengthy video.

‘I’m 63 now full of hate, full of anger, and full of bitterness.’

James has addresses in Wisconsin and Philadelphia, police said on Tuesday night

NYPD are hunting for Frank James, described as a ‘person of interest’ in the Brooklyn subway shooting

On March 1, James posted a YouTube video calling on Eric Adams to do more to combat homelessness on the subway

On March 1, James posted a YouTube video calling on Eric Adams to do more to combat homelessness on the subway


  • Unidentified gunman wearing grey hoodie and green construction vest opened fire on northbound N train at 8.24am
  • At least 29 people were injured in the attack
  • Police said 10 people were struck directly by gunfire, five of them hospitalized in a critical but stable condition
  • Another 13 people suffered respiratory distress or were otherwise injured in the crush of frantic passengers fleeing the smoke-filled subway car
  • Police have described Frank James, 62, as ‘a person of interest’ 
  • Police are offering a $50,000 reward for information that would lead to his arrest 
  • James is known to the FBI, having been on their radar in New Mexico until he was cleared following ‘multiple interviews’ in 2019 
  • He is believed to have travelled from New Mexico
  • Police said the keys found at the crime scene belong to an abandoned U-Haul truck in Brooklyn that was rented by James in Philadelphia
  • That U-Haul was found five miles from the scene on King’s Highway, Brooklyn 
  • A credit card found on the scene of the shooting matched the credit card used to rent the U-Haul 
  • The suspect put on a gas mask then detonated a smoke bomb that was in his bag before firing the first shots 
  • Panicked commuters tried to flee into the next subway car but the door was locked – they were trapped until the train reached 36th street 
  • The gunman vanished in the chaos – some fear he may have jumped onto the tracks and entered the subway tunnels 
  • Police found a .380 handgun and three extended magazines in backpack at the Brooklyn station 
  • James made ‘concerning’ threats against New York City Mayor Eric James and railed against the city’s homelessness crisis in ranting social media posts.
  • NYPD is going door-to-door in Brooklyn asking for information, surveillance camera footage and pictures
  • Anyone with information about the shooting or gunman is urged to call 800 577 TIPS 

He also criticized the mayor for not doing more to combat homelessness.

‘Eric Adams, Eric Adams: What are you doing brother? What’s happening with this homeless situation,’ he said while referring to the subway.

‘Every car I went to was loaded with homeless people. It was so bad I couldn’t even stand. I had to keep moving from car to car.’

He continued: ‘He can’t stop no crime in no subways. He may slow it down but he ain’t stopping it.’

‘That means you’d have to have police in every station and that’s just not possible,’ he added.

The NYPD said they were increasing security for Adams after police discovered the videos.

His most recent video was posted the day before the attack, entitled: ‘Domesticated Averages’, and featured clips of black men in court, accompanied by James’s monologue.

He warns young people not to get caught up in violence, saying:

‘This is why it’s important to think about what you’re going to do before you do it.

‘Let’s not forget, I’ve been through a lot of s*** where I could say I wanted to kill people.

‘I wonder why people die right in front of my f****** face immediately.

‘But I thought about the fact that, hey man, I don’t want to go no f****** prison – f*** that.’

He also ranted about racism in society.

‘The main thing about the story of black people in this country is that there’s nothing f****** over here,’ he said. 

‘The emancipation approximation didn’t stop f******. The civil rights movement didn’t stop a f****** thing.

‘This train is still moving and it’s moving in directions just gonna take you to your f****** death.’

In another video, on March 1, he railed against police brutality and societal racism.

‘Oh no, your son shouldn’t have his f****** black brains blown out by racist cop,’ he says.

‘No, that shouldn’t happen.

‘No, you shouldn’t be denied housing in a white neighborhood.

‘No, that should not happen.

‘You shouldn’t be lynched, you black son of a b****.’ 

He emphasized his PTSD multiple times, without detailing what caused it, and raged against the staff of Bridgeway Behavioral Health Services – a psychiatric care facility in New Jersey.

James showed the faces of the staff and managers on the screen behind him, saying: ‘these are the people that was supposed to be helping me. They made me worse.’

He added: ‘They f****** made me worse.

‘They made me more dangerous than I could ever have been.’

James also referenced mental health facilities in the Bronx.

He mocked Adams’s plan to bring in mental health workers to deal with the subway homeless problem.

‘Here’s the help. Here’s the cavalry, Eric Adams,’ he said, referencing the New Jersey social workers pictured behind him.

‘A bunch of f****** predators, a bunch of deviants, a bunch of psychopaths and sociopaths.

‘They’re gonna help you, Eric.’

New Yorkers lie on the platform at 36th Street station after falling out of the northbound N train. They were shot on the train by a gunman who unleashed a smoke bomb and then opened fire before fleeing at around 8.30am

New Yorkers lie on the platform at 36th Street station after falling out of the northbound N train. They were shot on the train by a gunman who unleashed a smoke bomb and then opened fire before fleeing at around 8.30am 

A mass shooting and possible explosion have rocked a subway train in New York at rush hour

Horror pictures from the scene showed blood strewn across the carriage during the latest attack to rock the city

Sewell said that the gunman fired 33 rounds, describing it as a miracle that no one was killed

Sewell said that the gunman fired 33 rounds, describing it as a miracle that no one was killed

Keechant Sewell, the NYPD commissioner, is seen on Tuesday night addressing a press conference. Mayor Eric Adams, who has COVID, spoke via video link

Keechant Sewell, the NYPD commissioner, is seen on Tuesday night addressing a press conference. Mayor Eric Adams, who has COVID, spoke via video link

James also said he was discriminated against because he was not gay. ‘They’re all homosexual and whatever they have at Bridgeway is a homosexual thing,’ he said. ‘If you’re not homosexual you’re not welcome in Bridgeway.’

James said he ‘was a nice person’ previously. ‘Remember, I was a nice person. I wanted to help people. Now I’m wanting to kill everything in sight. I was planning to kill everything I saw based on how I was treated by these.’

He then ranted about climate change.

‘The planet is reconfiguring,’ he said, referencing desertification and oceans rising, wiping out arable land. 

He talked at length about Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, saying that Putin was going to unleash nuclear weapons on the world and kill everyone.

He also claimed the Russian invasion of Ukraine was proof that black people were treated with disdain in society.

‘These white motherf******, this is what they do,’ he said.

‘Ultimately at the end of the day they kill and commit genocide against each other. What do you think they gonna do to your black ass?’

And he said the war in Ukraine was a prelude to race war.

‘It’s just a matter of time before these white motherf****** decide, ‘Hey listen. Enough is enough. These n****** got to go,” he said. 

The only options James could find, he claimed, was to commit more violence or become a criminal.

‘And so the message to me is: I should have gotten a gun, and just started shooting mother*******,’ he said. 

The unnamed gunman opened fire on a Brooklyn subway shortly before 8:30am on Tuesday morning, shooting 33 rounds. 

Terrified passengers tried to get out of the carriage where the gunman was shooting passengers, but the door was locked. When the train pulled into 36th Street station in Sunset Park, injured passengers were seen laying on the floor that was streaked with blood as the gunman fled.

At least 29 people were injured in the attack, but no casualties have been reported. Police said 10 people were struck directly by gunfire, five of them hospitalized in a critical but stable condition, while 13 others suffered respiratory distress or were otherwise injured in the crush of frantic passengers fleeing the smoke-filled subway car.

Investigators believe they know who the gunman is, having identified the suspect after finding a credit card at the scene that was also used to rent the U-Haul cargo van, two law enforcement sources told CNN. 

Some injured passengers collapsed as they poured onto the platform of the 36th Street station. All of the victims were expected to survive their injuries, police said. 

Police have named James as a ‘person of interest’ in the attack, with the FBI now joining the hunt for him and armed police units patrolling Brooklyn for any clue of his whereabouts.

The manhunt initially centered around a U-Haul van found hours after the attack parked on a Brooklyn street five miles away from the scene. James is believed to have rented the vehicle in Philadelphia before driving it to New York City.

Police said they recovered the key to the van at the crime scene, and that James had addresses in Philadelphia and Wisconsin. They are investigating his links to New York.

A federal law enforcement source told Newsweek the suspect was previously known to the FBI, having been entered into the Guardian Lead system in New Mexico. 

The system is the FBI’s way of coordinating information from other law enforcement partners about potential terrorism-related threats and suspicious activity reports. He was cleared after multiple interviews in 2019. 

The federal law enforcement source said that he is believed to have driven to New York from New Mexico.  

Police are offering a $50,000 reward for information leading to James’s arrest. The MTA and Transport Workers Union (TWU) Local 100 both offered $12,500 each in reward money and the New York City Police Foundation offered $25,000 in reward money to bring the total reward offering to $50,000.  

The FBI has now joined the hunt for him and armed police units are patrolling Brooklyn for any clue of his whereabouts. 

NYPD has located the U-Haul believed to have been used in Tuesday morning’s subway shooting abandoned in the street in Brooklyn, five miles from the scene of the crime. 

DailyMail.com obtained an alert that was issued to officers telling them that the suspect is connected to a U-Haul with an Arizona license plate AL31408. 

Police sources tell DailyMail.com the van was rented in Philadelphia. U-Haul is now helping with the search. 

The U-Haul was located late on Tuesday afternoon near Kings Avenue in Brooklyn, but there is still no sign of the suspect. 

Police evacuated people from the immediate area after the van’s discovery.

‘Police came for the van and told us to clear the store,’ said the manager of nearby King’s Piano World on Kings Highway. 

He told DailyMail.com: ‘Police blocked off the area. People were told not to walk in the area. They told us it was dangerous.’

The rental agreement obtained by CNN shows that the U-Haul reservation was made on April 6, and was scheduled to be picked up on April 11 at 2:01 p.m. ET.

The van was supposed to be rented for two days, according to the reservation.

Sebastien Reyes, U-Haul Vice President of Communications, said: ‘Law enforcement has alerted us to its search for a rental van and its possible connection to a suspect in today’s incident in New York City. 

‘We are working closely with authorities to ensure they have any and all available information to meet their needs.’ 

There is a heightened police presence all over the city, particularly on the subway, and some schools in Brooklyn have been told to shelter in place.  

Witnesses have described how the gunman calmly put on a gas mask on the slow-moving train this morning at 8.24am then tossed a smoke grenade down the carriage, causing havoc among commuters, before opening fire. 

The terrified commuters rushed to the other end of the train to try to get through to the next car but the door was locked. They were trapped on the train until it reached the next station. 

Video shows the moment the doors opened and wounded passengers spilled onto the platform, trailing blood. 

DailyMail.com can confirm that a .380 handgun was found inside the station, along with three extended magazines; one was empty, one was full and a third was jammed in the gun.  

Another bag was discovered that contained a batch of Falcon Rising fireworks and Seismic Wave firecrackers.  It’s unclear what he intended to do with them.  

The gunman then disappeared from 36th St, where no security cameras were in operation. 

Eric Adams, the mayor of New York, told WCBS Radio 880 AM that a preliminary review indicates there appeared to be some sort of malfunction with the camera system at the subway station in Tuesday’s shooting.

Adams said investigators are trying to determine whether one camera malfunctioned or whether cameras throughout the entire station malfunctioned. 

Janno Lieber, the chair and CEO of the Metro Transportation Authority (MTA), told CNN there are almost 10,000 cameras in the system including almost 600 cameras on the Brooklyn section of where the attack happened. 

He did not comment on why they were not working. 

The U-Haul that police believe is connected to the Brooklyn subway shooter is shown on Tuesday at 1780 West Third Street near King's Highway in Brooklyn, five miles from the subway station where the attack took place. A bomb squad is at the scene

The U-Haul that police believe is connected to the Brooklyn subway shooter is shown on Tuesday at 1780 West Third Street near King’s Highway in Brooklyn, five miles from the subway station where the attack took place. A bomb squad is at the scene

The U-Haul, shown behind police tape, was rented in Philadelphia. It's unclear if there are explosives inside

The U-Haul, shown behind police tape, was rented in Philadelphia. It’s unclear if there are explosives inside 

NYPD officers received this alert on Tuesday alerting them to a U-Haul that the suspect may be driving. NYPD officers received this alert on Tuesday alerting them to a U-Haul that the suspect may be driving. The van was rented in Philadelphia but has Arizona plates

NYPD officers received this alert on Tuesday alerting them to a U-Haul that the suspect may be driving. NYPD officers received this alert on Tuesday alerting them to a U-Haul that the suspect may be driving. The van was rented in Philadelphia but has Arizona plates

The U-Haul van connected to the suspect is pictured on Tuesday afternoon, five miles from the scene of the subway shooting

The U-Haul van connected to the suspect is pictured on Tuesday afternoon, five miles from the scene of the subway shooting

U-Haul is helping the FBI and NYPD with their investigations. Police believe to have identified the suspect thanks to a credit card left at the scene, and one given to U-Haul

U-Haul is helping the FBI and NYPD with their investigations. Police believe to have identified the suspect thanks to a credit card left at the scene, and one given to U-Haul

This bag of fireworks, wire and firecrackers was recovered from the scene of the shooting on Tuesday after the suspect fled

The bag was filled with Falcon Rising fireworks and Seismic Wave Crackers that can easily be purchased online

The bag was filled with Falcon Rising fireworks and Seismic Wave Crackers that can easily be purchased online

The bag was filled with Falcon Rising fireworks and Seismic Wave Crackers that can easily be purchased online 

He may also have jumped onto one of the other trains at the station, or fled into the subway tunnel. 

It comes amid a frightening spike in crime across the city, particularly on the subway where crimes are up by more than 60 percent from this time last year. 

The worst mass shooting in New York’s transit system was in December 1993, when Colin Ferguson opened fire on a Long Island Rail Road commuter train from New York City, killing six and injuring 19. 

Other train passengers stopped the perpetrator by tackling and holding him down. Mentally unstable, he fired his lawyers then called for President Bill Clinton to appear at his trial, and was sentenced to six life sentences.

ABC reports that police have obtained a photograph of the suspect from a bystander’s phone, but that image has not yet been released anywhere. 

The wounded and terrified commuters poured out of the subway doors and onto the platform at 36th Street, where they were filmed writhing on the ground in agony. 

The gunman remains at large ten hours after the shooting. 

NYPD units are now scouring the city’s empty subway tunnels to find the suspect and a city alert has been issued. but ten hours later, police are yet to release a single image of him. 

Commissioner Keechant Sewell said at a press conference that she had not yet ruled out terrorism as a motive but that it was not being investigated as an act of terrorism.

She admitted that police still had not yet been able to identify who the gunman was, much less find him.  

Police are now going door-to-door in Brooklyn asking store owners and residents in apartment buildings if they have any videos of the scene from around the time of the shooting in an attempt to find the gunman. 

Members of the New York Police Department patrol the streets after 14 were injured - 10 of them shot, four affected by smoke - during a rush-hour shooting at a subway station in the New York borough of Brooklyn on April 12, 2022

Members of the New York Police Department patrol the streets after 14 were injured – 10 of them shot, four affected by smoke – during a rush-hour shooting at a subway station in the New York borough of Brooklyn on April 12, 2022

This is how the horror shooting unfolded on Tuesday morning on the northbound N train at 8.24am as it approached 36th Street station in Sunset Park, Brooklyn

An FBI agent walks along the sidewalk amidst a massive police response on the scene of a reported multiple shooting at a New York City Subway station in Brooklyn on Tuesday

An FBI agent walks along the sidewalk amidst a massive police response on the scene of a reported multiple shooting at a New York City Subway station in Brooklyn on Tuesday

A .38 caliber handgun similar to the type used in today's shooting

A .38 caliber handgun similar to the type used in today’s shooting 

‘I am not ruling anything out at this point,’ she said, as she asked New Yorkers to send photos, videos or any pieces of information that they thought may be relevant to police.  

Adams, who is in quarantine after being diagnosed with COVID-19, said in a video message: ‘We will not allow New Yorkers to be terrorized. 

‘The NYPD is searching for the suspect. We will find him.’

Adams asked anyone with information, photos or videos of the suspect to come forward. 

Governor Kathy Hochul said: ‘This morning ordinary New Yorkers woke up in anticipation of a relatively normal day. They left their homes, went to school, their jobs and to a normal life.

‘That was brutally disrupted by an individual so cold hearted and depraved of heart. This individual is still on the loose – this person is dangerous. This is an active shooter situation right now in the city of New York.’   

Schools surrounding the subway station were ordered to shelter in place and an amber alert was issued throughout much of the city. 

One witness told The New York Post the gunman – who was described as a ‘5ft 5 black man weighing 170lbs’, fired ‘too many rounds to count’. 

It remains unclear what type of weapon he used. 

NYPD officers were checking surveillance cameras around the scene

A cop at 42nd Street station in Manhattan on Tuesday

NYPD officers were checking surveillance cameras around the scene (left) and (right) a cop at 42nd Street station in Manhattan on Tuesday 

Police officers patrol in Times Square station after a shooting at a subway station in Brooklyn borough, in New York. There is a heightened police presence all over the city

Police officers patrol in Times Square station after a shooting at a subway station in Brooklyn borough, in New York. There is a heightened police presence all over the city

Police and emergency services are seen near 36 Street subway station after a shooting incident. Brooklyn, New York. April 12 2022

Police and emergency services are seen near 36 Street subway station after a shooting incident. Brooklyn, New York. April 12 2022

Police and emergency services are seen near 36 Street subway station after a shooting incident on Tuesday afternoon

Police and emergency services are seen near 36 Street subway station after a shooting incident on Tuesday afternoon 

New Yorkers lie on the platform at 36th Street station after falling out of the northbound N train. They were shot on the train by a gunman who unleashed a smoke bomb and then opened fire before fleeing at around 8.30am

New Yorkers lie on the platform at 36th Street station after falling out of the northbound N train. They were shot on the train by a gunman who unleashed a smoke bomb and then opened fire before fleeing at around 8.30am 

Terrified passengers run off the train at the 36th Street station on Tuesday morning after the shooting on the train

Terrified passengers run off the train at the 36th Street station on Tuesday morning after the shooting on the train

Terrified passengers run off the train at the 36th Street station on Tuesday morning after the shooting on the train 

A mass shooting and possible explosion have rocked a subway train in New York at rush hour

Horror pictures from the scene showed blood strewn across the carriage during the latest attack to rock the city

Horrifying scene photos and videos show people covered in blood, lying on the stained subway platform after being shot

Horrifying scene photos and videos show people covered in blood, lying on the stained subway platform after being shot

Horrifying scene photos and videos show people covered in blood, lying on the stained subway platform after being shot

This was the view from inside the northbound N train as it approached the 36th St station

This was the view from inside the northbound N train as it approached the 36th St station

A man on the northbound N train before the doors opened covering his mouth to protect from the smoke from the gunman’s grenade 

This photo provided by Will B Wylde, a person is aided in a subway car in the Brooklyn borough of New York, Tuesday, April 12, 2022. A gunman filled a rush-hour subway train with smoke and shot multiple people Tuesday, leaving wounded commuters bleeding on a Brooklyn platform as others ran screaming, authorities said. Police were still searching for the suspect

This photo provided by Will B Wylde, a person is aided in a subway car in the Brooklyn borough of New York, Tuesday, April 12, 2022. A gunman filled a rush-hour subway train with smoke and shot multiple people Tuesday, leaving wounded commuters bleeding on a Brooklyn platform as others ran screaming, authorities said. Police were still searching for the suspect

This photo provided by Will B Wylde, a person is aided in a subway car in the Brooklyn borough of New York, Tuesday, April 12, 2022. A gunman filled a rush-hour subway train with smoke and shot multiple people Tuesday, leaving wounded commuters bleeding on a Brooklyn platform as others ran screaming, authorities said. Police were still searching for the suspect

The chaos unfolded at 8.30am on Tuesday morning near the 36th Street subway station in Sunset Park, Brooklyn

The chaos unfolded at 8.30am on Tuesday morning near the 36th Street subway station in Sunset Park, Brooklyn 

This video, taken inside the next car along on the train, shows worried commuters walking away from the door as someone pounded on it , begging to be let in. They tried to open it but the door was locked

This video, taken inside the next car along on the train, shows worried commuters walking away from the door as someone pounded on it , begging to be let in. They tried to open it but the door was locked

This video, taken inside the next car along on the train, shows worried commuters walking away from the door as someone pounded on it , begging to be let in. They tried to open it but the door was locked 

Shocked witnesses tell how bullets and smoke bombs triggered horror stampede:

Terrified witnesses have told how the shooting triggered a horror stampede – with children trampled on as commuters tried to escape the hail of bullets.

Passengers revealed there was a huge surge towards the exit of the subway cars as people screamed ‘gun’ and ‘bomb’ before fleeing for their lives.

Cemile Toseglu, 17, a student at Brooklyn Tech who was on her way to school, said other riders jumped over her in panic while the gunman continued his rampage.

She told DailyMail.com: ‘The train carried on to 46th street but then we were told to get on the R train because the N wasn’t moving.

‘The R was very crowded, the most crowded I’ve ever seen it and everyone was cramped. On 25th street the train conductor said there would be delays so we were standing still.

‘That’s when there was like a loud noise and people ran towards me – a large crowd. A woman fell and people just ran over her.

‘Someone then scream gun and I ran out of the train, I was near the exit but people were jumping over me to get themselves out too.

‘No one really knew what was going on. I didn’t see the man because I was closer to the exit in the next carriage. That was definitely the most crowded I’ve seen the R train.’

Speaking from her home, she added: ‘I was most scared about the fact that there were a lot of children on the way to school.’

One witness, Yav Montano, told CNN that he was on the northbound N train between 59th Street in Brooklyn and 36th Street when a smoke bomb went off inside the carriage.

‘I thought he was an MTA worker at first because I was like, I didn’t like pay too much attention. You know? You’ve got the orange on,’ he said.  

‘It was crazy. I take the N train every morning to get to where I need to work. From 59th Street to 36th Street, the N-train is express, is where all the dramatics happened.

‘I’m in the third part of the express N train. The smoke grenade went off two minutes before we got to 36th street platform. The train was inching towards. It seemed like it was planned.

‘This smoke bomb, and what I thought was fireworks, but I’m hearing it was gunshots. I have no words for what I could see. I was in the car – I was in the front end of the third car. Everything happened at the back end.

‘People started migrating to the front of the car. I don’t know if people know this, it’s one of those old things where they locked the door to stop people traveling between trains. 

‘There were people in the other car who saw what was happening and they tried to open it but couldn’t. There was blood on the floor, a lot of blood trailing on the floor. 

‘At the time, I didn’t think it was a shooting. It sounded like fireworks.

‘People trampling over each other, trying to get over each other. Thankfully the train moved to the next stop and everyone filed off the train,’ he said. 

NYPD units are now scouring the city’s empty subway tunnels looking for the gunman, who is feared to have jumped onto the tracks at 36th Street and fled.  

Cemil Toseglu, who runs a store opposite the station, told how his terrified 17-year-old daughter was on the train on her way to school when it was attacked.

He told DailyMail.com: ‘My daughter was going to school and was on the same train when it happened. She said there was smoke and she was told to get into the other train.

‘She’s now safe and came to my office before I sent her home. She is okay but is a little surprised. I didn’t think it was that serious but she then told me people were yelling that it was a man with a gun and maybe a bomb.’

NYPD Commissioner Keechant Sewell at the scene of the shooting on Tuesday

NYPD Commissioner Keechant Sewell at the scene of the shooting on Tuesday 

New York Governor Kathy Hochul speaking at the scene on Tuesday

New York Governor Kathy Hochul speaking at the scene on Tuesday

The chaotic scene at the 36th Street subway station in Sunset Park, Brooklyn, on Tuesday morning

The chaotic scene at the 36th Street subway station in Sunset Park, Brooklyn, on Tuesday morning 

EMTs rush to the subway station on Tuesday morning after ten people were shot and another six were injured

EMTs rush to the subway station on Tuesday morning after ten people were shot and another six were injured 

NYPD ESU teams at the scene on Tuesday after a gunman opened fire on the subway at around 8.30am

NYPD ESU teams at the scene on Tuesday after a gunman opened fire on the subway at around 8.30am

Police officers work at the scene of a shooting at a subway station in the Brooklyn borough of New York City, New York, U.S., April 12, 2022

Police officers work at the scene of a shooting at a subway station in the Brooklyn borough of New York City, New York, U.S., April 12, 2022

FDNY units at the scene on Tuesday morning after a gunman opened fire on a northbound N train that pulled into 36th Street at around 8.30am

FDNY units at the scene on Tuesday morning after a gunman opened fire on a northbound N train that pulled into 36th Street at around 8.30am

Police and emergency responders gather at the site of a reported shooting of multiple people outside of the 36 St subway station on April 12

Police and emergency responders gather at the site of a reported shooting of multiple people outside of the 36 St subway station on April 12

Police officers work at the scene of a shooting at a subway station in the Brooklyn borough of New York City, New York, U.S., April 12, 2022

Police officers work at the scene of a shooting at a subway station in the Brooklyn borough of New York City, New York, U.S., April 12, 2022

Police and emergency responders gather at the site of a reported shooting of multiple people outside of the 36 St subway station on April 12, 2022

Police and emergency responders gather at the site of a reported shooting of multiple people outside of the 36 St subway station on April 12, 2022

A police officer works near the scene of a shooting at a subway station in the Brooklyn borough of New York City, New York, U.S., April 12, 2022

A police officer works near the scene of a shooting at a subway station in the Brooklyn borough of New York City, New York, U.S., April 12, 2022

The scene on 36th Street and Fourth Avenue on Tuesday as police, EMT and fire department teams responded to the shooting

The scene on 36th Street and Fourth Avenue on Tuesday as police, EMT and fire department teams responded to the shooting

NYPD officers at a different subway station on Tuesday looking for the suspect

NYPD officers at a different subway station on Tuesday looking for the suspect

Members of the New York Police Department and emergency personnel crowd the streets

Members of the New York Police Department and emergency personnel crowd the streets 

An FDNY spokesman told DailyMail.com: ‘Originally, the call came in as smoke in the subway station. Upon arrival, officers found multiple people shot and undetonated devices.’ 

Shocking video showed blood-covered victims strewn across the ground at the subway station as smoke billowed out of the train.

One person was seen lying still on the floor with their hands over their face and their legs raised after the terrifying attack.

Others had lost shoes and had their clothes torn as the New York subway’s speaker system blared out messages to the passengers. 

Commuters were screamed at to get on a different train to safety while the wounded were treated by emergency services.

Eric Adams’ spokesman said on Twitter: ‘@NYCMayor continues to be briefed on the situation. While we gather more information, we ask New Yorkers to stay away from this area for their safety and so that first responders can help those in need and investigate.’ 

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk