Haydock Iran Robertson jailed for life for murdering Robert Sempey telling boss he killed someone

Ian Robertson, 33 (pictured) stabbed his ‘old friend’ Robert Sempey, 38, in the throat, head and body after a trip to the pub together in Merseyside on January 19 this year 

A ‘sadistic monster’ text his boss saying he could not come to work because he murdered his friend has been jailed for life.

Ian Robertson, 33, stabbed his ‘old friend’ Robert Sempey, 38, in the throat, head and body after a trip to the pub together on January 19 this year.

He filmed himself torturing his victim and shouted ‘How are you still alive?’ and ‘Do you want to tell your kids you love them?’ as he lay dying and his nine-year-old son waited upstairs.

The youngster had seen his father attack him but was told to go upstairs to bed, a court heard.

Liverpool Crown Court heard how his boss Anthony Millward asked why Robertson had failed to turn up to work two days later and was shocked by the response. 

In WhatsApp messages read aloud at the hearing, Mr Millward said: ‘Is everything OK mate? Alex said that you wasn’t in work today because of a family emergency? X’. 

To which Robertson replied: ‘If you want the truth mate, I murdered someone in my house last night so now need to fix it. XXXX’ 

After Robertson killed Mr Sempey (pictured) he hid his body in the garden and told his boss he couldn't come to work because he had murdered someone - even sending him a picture of his blood-stained body 

After Robertson killed Mr Sempey (pictured) he hid his body in the garden and told his boss he couldn’t come to work because he had murdered someone – even sending him a picture of his blood-stained body 

Victim: Robertson and Mr Sempey (pictured) had been friends for years and had argued at the pub before the murder took place 

Victim: Robertson and Mr Sempey (pictured) had been friends for years and had argued at the pub before the murder took place 

The defendant and his partner Kirsty Jervis, 31, moved Mr Sempey’s body into the garden of his home in Haydock, Merseyside before covering it with two doors.  

Robertson told his employer Mr Sempey was in the garden and even sent him a picture of his victim’s blood-stained body.

Jurors were told Robertson went as far as to ask his boss for help concealing the body.  

He then called the police and Robertson was arrested. 

A post-mortem exam of Mr Sempey’s body revealed a horrific catalogue of injuries, including 12 knife wounds to the throat, chest and abdomen. 

He was today sentenced at Liverpool Crown Court and ordered to serve a minimum of 21 years in jail before he can be considered for parole.

Robertson and his partner Kirsty Jervis, 31 (pictured together) moved Mr Sempey's body into the garden of his home in Haydock, Merseyside before covering it with two doors

Robertson and his partner Kirsty Jervis, 31 (pictured together) moved Mr Sempey’s body into the garden of his home in Haydock, Merseyside before covering it with two doors

His partner Jervis was jailed for two years and eight months for assisting an offender.

Both defendants admitted the charges against them at an earlier hearing to the offences.

In a victim impact statement read to the court, Mr Sempey’s sister Michelle wrote: ‘He was a funny, loving father, brother and uncle. 

‘We were all that close that when we hadn’t heard from him by the Saturday myself and Mandie [their sister] knew something bad had happened to him, we could feel it.

‘The day we found out what had happened destroyed my family – the Three Amigos became two. 

Jervis (pictured) was jailed for two years and eight months for assisting an offender

Jervis (pictured) was jailed for two years and eight months for assisting an offender

‘I had to explain to my four children that their wonderful, loving uncle had been murdered and was never coming home.

‘I then had to sit his daughter down and tell her that her dad had gone to Heaven. He used to say to her, ‘who’s the best team in the world, babe?’, and she would say, ‘we are dad’.

‘I don’t think my family will ever be able to get over this and move on.’

Judge Andrew Menary, QC, passing sentence, told Robertson: ‘I am sure that Robert Sempey was not then intent on causing you harm so much as attempting to defend himself from the threat posed by you.

Robert Sempey is pictured as a child with his sisters Michelle and Mandie, who spoke of their devastation at his death at Liverpool Crown Court 

Robert Sempey is pictured as a child with his sisters Michelle and Mandie, who spoke of their devastation at his death at Liverpool Crown Court 

‘Given the terrible injuries suffered by him and the complete lack of injury suffered by you, you must have quickly overpowered him, retrieved the knife and used it to butcher this man…

‘What you did then beggars belief. Having fatally wounded him, but while he was apparently conscious, you used your mobile phone to record his last dying minutes.’

Following the sentence, Mersey-Cheshire Crown Prosecution Service senior prosecutor Sarah Gray said: ‘This is one of the most disturbing cases I have ever had to deal with.

‘Both Robertson and Jervis pleaded guilty to the offences, sparing Mr Sempey’s relatives and the jury from having to hear the dreadful recording of his last moments.

‘The reason why Robertson killed Mr Sempey has not been established. At one point, the men seemed to be getting along well but that deteriorated.

‘My thoughts are with Robert Sempey’s family and the Crown Prosecution Service extends condolences to them at this very difficult time.’ 

Crime scene: Emergency vehicles are pictured outside the house where the murder took place in Haydock, Merseyside 

Crime scene: Emergency vehicles are pictured outside the house where the murder took place in Haydock, Merseyside 

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