HEALTH NOTES: Blue’s Simon says ‘I Do’ to losing weight

He shot to fame in the boy band Blue and later showed us his nimble footwork on Strictly Come Dancing.

Now singer-turned-DJ Simon Webbe has revealed that he’s on a desperate mission to lose weight before his wedding to Ayshen Kemal next month – and he’s hoping the low-carb Keto diet will do the trick.

The 40-year-old admits he started piling on the pounds four years ago after snapping his Achilles tendon while playing football.

Singer-turned-DJ Simon Webbe has revealed that he’s on a desperate mission to lose weight before his wedding

‘I was told to keep my foot elevated for six weeks and I basically sat at home eating,’ he recalls. ‘I’m currently 14st and want to lose a stone at least before the big day.’

Simon’s days now begin with weight training, followed by a lunch of fish and vegetables before a boxing session in the afternoon.

‘I’ve already lost a few pounds and have much more energy,’ he enthuses.

Eight in ten adults have no idea what the symptoms of mouth cancer are, a new report has warned – after Bucks Fizz singer Jay Aston revealed she had the disease. It can develop in most parts of the mouth, including the lips and gums. Signs to be vigilant for include mouth ulcers that don’t heal, unexplained lumps in the mouth and noticeable lymph glands in the neck that don’t go away. Having regular dental check-ups is another safeguard, as dentists look for signs during routine checks, according to the survey by insurance company SimplyHealth. 

Millions of Britons are sacrificing sleep by working in bed, alarming new research shows. Almost half of workers admit to checking their work emails while between the sheets, with a quarter saying it’s the last thing they do before nodding off. Six per cent even wake in the night to check their inbox, a poll by the bed retailer Dreams found.

Commenting on the research, Dr Pixie McKenna, who specialises in lifetsyle issues, said: ‘This is having a huge impact on sleep, with workers struggling to wind down before drifting off.

‘People talk about having a better work-life balance but no one ever talks about their work-sleep balance.’

Tweeting can be good for you 

Could birdsong be the key to happiness and mental wellbeing? Numerous studies, including one from King’s College, London, have shown that listening to birds not only reduces stress but can increase creativity and productivity.

But there’s no need to rely on the presence of our feathered friends; instead, it’s possible to buy your own ‘bird box’, which, when activated, plays the relaxing birdsong of the Bavarian Forest through a built-in speaker.

Developed in Germany and now available in the UK, the Zwitscherbox requires no cables, so it can be placed anywhere. The device is available from independent stockists and from Amazon.

Could birdsong be the key to happiness and mental wellbeing? Numerous studies, including one from King’s College, London, have shown that listening to birds - not just posting online - could have health benefits

Could birdsong be the key to happiness and mental wellbeing? Numerous studies, including one from King’s College, London, have shown that listening to birds – not just posting online – could have health benefits