HEALTH NOTES: Find out your risk of cancer 

Women can now discover their risk of ovarian cancer with an online tool. Users enter information about their family history of cancer and the tool’s algorithm calculates the risk of having inherited BRCA 1 and 2 mutations – which increase the risk of breast, ovarian and, in men, prostate cancer. 

The tool can also identify risk of Lynch syndrome, which can cause colorectal cancer. These genes can be passed through the male or female line. Visit 

DJ Jo gives surgery the cold shoulder

Radio 2 DJ Jo Whiley has revealed she suffers daily with agonising shoulder pain – and her childhood passion for swimming could be partly to blame.

‘I’ve got problems with the tendons in my shoulder – they’re frayed and I’m in pain all the time,’ explains the 52-year-old mother-of-four, left.

‘I’m sure it’s as a result of years of carrying children, walking the dogs on leads and swimming. I am supposed to have an operation but I keep putting it off, because I don’t have the time – especially now I’m doing a three-hour radio show, five days a week!’

Radio 2 DJ Jo Whiley has revealed she suffers daily with agonising shoulder pain – and her childhood passion for swimming may be to blame 

The queen of the airwaves is now on a mission to make her ‘spindly’ arms stronger. ‘I’ve hired a personal trainer to get my strength up and do weights once or twice a week,’ she adds.

  • An underlying, fatal medical condition could be the cause of many incidences of fainting, a leading heart charity has warned. Half of us will at some point suffer a faint – a temporary loss of consciousness that occurs when there is a sudden lack of blood supply to the brain. While dehydration, exhaustion and stress are usually believed to be the causes, most people are unaware that fainting could be the only warning sign of an abnormal heart rhythm. Called arrhythmia, it is the leading cause of sudden cardiac arrest and kills more than 100,000 people every year. Now heart charity STARS is urging people who have fainted to seek medical advice and have the cause investigated.

Dentists still fill us with fear

Seven per cent of Britons dodge the dentist’s chair completely, a new survey has revealed.

Thirty-nine per cent of people cited fear as a reason for not attending, while a similar number said they cannot afford to visit the dentist as regularly as they would like to. The data, from Simply Health Professional, also showed that 76 per cent of adults visit a dentist at least once every two years.


Freeze your fresh herbs 

Herbs are brimming with health benefits, so it’s a shame to throw them in the bin when they start to wilt or turn brown. Instead, put chopped herbs in ice-cube trays, fill with olive oil, and freeze them. 

Herbs are brimming with health benefits, so it’s a shame to throw them in the bin - why not freeze them instead?

Herbs are brimming with health benefits, so it’s a shame to throw them in the bin – why not freeze them instead?

The oil prevents them from browning further – and you will always have cubes ready to add to a pasta sauce or to use with meat or vegetables.

Ask a stupid question 

Does wearing high heels cause thread veins?

Contrary to popular belief, wearing heels does not cause them or make them worse, says Dr David West, founder of the Veincentre.

‘We tend to get them with age,’ he says. ‘Although thread veins are usually just a cosmetic problem, they can cause a burning pain. However, high heels may contribute to more severe varicose veins.’