Heart-stopping moment toddler falls in pool and is underwater for FIVE minutes before he’s rescued

A Texas mother says it’s a miracle that her 17-month-old son is alive after he was underwater and not breathing for over five minutes after falling into the family’s swimming pool.

Tanah Zuniga, of Fort Worth, said she was in the kitchen of her home talking with her sister, Karly James, last Monday when her son Elijah and his two-year-old cousin Jaelyn wandered into the backyard.

Zuniga said she had put the boys down to sleep in a bedroom and didn’t know they had gotten up, unlocked the back door and went outside.

Surveillance video from the home shows Jaelyn climb a small ladder and get into the family’s above-ground pool. Elijah is right behind his cousin climbing up the ladder. 

Elijah accidentally falls into the water and immediately goes under.

boy nearly drowns in pool

Surveillance video captured a two-year-old boy climbing into his family’s pool when his 17-month-old cousin, Elijah, follows behind him and accidentally falls in 

The child was underwater for over five minutes before his mother pulled him out and started CPR

The child was underwater for over five minutes before his mother pulled him out and started CPR

Jaelyn tries to grab Elijah but cannot get his cousin out of the water. The toddler climbs out of the pool and walks back into the house.

Zuniga said when she and sister noticed that Jaelyn was soaking wet they asked him what happened. The toddler pointed to the backdoor and said, ‘Elijah’. 

Zuniga and James are seen on the video running over to pool. Zuniga snatches Elijah out of the water and starts CPR. James, who has a medical background, takes over trying to resuscitate the child as Zuniga runs in the house to find her cell phone.

The terrified mother said before she dialed 911, she prayed. 

According to Zuniga her son was starting to turn blue and she knew he ‘had no life in him’.  

‘I knew the only one that could change that was God and I prayed I prayed and with authority begged like I had never begged before for him to bring my baby back I then Got the phone and called 911 and ran back,’ she posted on Facebook. ‘Right as I heard the operator start talking, my baby showed signs of life.’  

Miraculously, the little boy is doing fine. Zuniga said when she went back and watched the surveillance she realized that Elijah had been underwater for over five minutes before she pulled him out. 

The family says it's a miracle that Elijah is OK. The 17-month-old needed a cast on his arm but is expected to fully recover 

The family says it’s a miracle that Elijah is OK. The 17-month-old needed a cast on his arm but is expected to fully recover 

Elijah and his cousin

17-month-old Elijah and his two-year-old cousin

Before going to get his mom and his aunt, two-year-old Jaelyn (right) tried to save Elijah. The boys are pictured in the hospital after the terrifying incident 

Elijah had to get a cast on his arm, but is expected to make a full recovery.

‘So to say God is good is such an understatement after today… today was one of the worst days of my life,’ Zuniga posted.  

‘(Elijah) is Alive and breathing and crying and saying mama something I thought I would never hear again after 8 min of my son not breathing. God brought him back to us and I can’t help but to Praise him and give him all the glory.’ 

Zuniga told ABC News that Elijah was taken to Cook Children’s Medical Center and shows no signs of brain damage despite how long he was unconscious.  

In her Facebook post, Zuniga said she and her husband had bought the pool two days prior to the near drowning. She warned other families to ‘take whatever precautions needed to insure your little ones won’t get in’. 

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk